
更新时间:2023-11-04 09:31:29 阅读: 评论:0




















传递信息。人类学家把文化大致分为两大类:接触文化(touch culture)与非接触文化

(nontouch culture),阿拉伯人,南欧和西欧人、犹太人及拉丁语系的人属于第一类,美国








打招呼 上哪去?” “吃了没? “Good

morning/afternoon/evening !

”“How do you do ! ”“Nice to How do you do ! ”“Nice to meet

meet you ! ”“How are you you ! ”“How are you doing ”

doing ”


morning/afternoon/evening ! ”“

称呼 不可直呼其名,称爷爷奶可以向爷爷奶奶直呼其名。可以向爷爷奶奶直呼其名。年

轻人称老年人,可在其姓前加奶,称呼家人、邻居时称 年轻人称老年人,可在其姓

Mr/Mrs/Miss 称呼家人,邻前加Mr/Mrs/Miss 称呼

居一般直呼其名 家人,邻居一般直呼其名

天气的状况或预测 寒暄 可以询问年龄,地址,工天气的状况或预测







“Hello who are you

plea ? ”

赞扬与祝贺 说一些谦虚的话,认为谦人们认为谦虚是虚伪的代名人们认为谦虚是虚伪的代名

虚是种美德 词,应该大胆说出自己的想词,应该大胆说出自己的想法

把客人送到门口甚至送微微一笑并作个再见的手势道别 微微一笑并作个再见的手势或

上车,客人对主人说或说“Bye bye”“See you “Bye bye”“See you later




10 Major Cultural Differences Between China and the United States

It is always interesting to study other cultures and it is extremely important to do just that if you are going

to have interactions with them. You don’t want to insult someone or embarrass yourlf and your own


The differences do not make either culture better or wor than the other one. It just shows their

differences which has been created through centuries of history and development. China can trace their

traditions and customs for thousands of years. America is still a small babe of a nation that has had very

few traditions of its own but has become such a melting pot of cultures that there is almost no specific

American culture that can be said is applied across the board. This makes both cultures unique and

worthy of study and respect.

1. Social Structure In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical. You know where you

fit in the structure and you abide by the rules there. There is no crossing into other areas. In America, it

is much more loo and informal. It is not uncommon to e tho of various social levels socializing

and knowing each other. There are very few lines that socially are not allowed to be crosd. This can

cau problems in business relationships if the visiting culture is unaware of it.

2. Confrontation/Conflict If you are planning on conducting business in China or expecting an

extended stay, it might be uful to know that the direct way that most Americans approach issues is not

the way to go in China. Direct conflict or confrontation over issues is highly frowned upon. Doesn’t

matter that the “truth” needs to be spoken, respect and honor to each person superdes that. To prove

a point and show yourlf in the right even over business issues is considered shameful and should be


3. Self The Chine looks more at the group collective than at individualism. America has

become known for its push of individualism which has been a source of conflict with other cultures that

look collectively. A person from China is more prone to look at how their acts affect the whole instead of

how it affects them personally. They are more willing to give up and sacrifice for the greater

good. America’s individualism has been its backbone and the reason for its success as a world power,

but when visiting China it needs to be reined in.

4. Face/Reputation Reputation of the individual is very important in China. If an action will

humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is avoided. When shame occurs, the person sacrifices their

job or whatever it is that will heal the shame. In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the

end usually does not matter. The end result is more of the focus. A person is more likely to overlook a

reputation to get the job done.

5. Business Relations When doing business in China, be prepared for much

socializing. Business becomes condary as the parties get to know each better. If it delays a contract,

that is perfectly acceptable as long as the correct social time is allotted for. In America, business

associates are usually more aloof. There might be some social gathering but the business is more

important and the socializing will be sacrificed to get the job done if needed. Though there ems to be

shift in America regarding this. The recognition of networking is becoming more pronounced.

6. Morals Chine society places high values on the morals of their people. Marriage is not

encouraged until the late twenties. In fact, dating is discouraged early in a young adult’s life and

proprieties are expected to be held up. The American culture is much more relaxed and some could

even argue that there needs to be more moral emphasize.

7. Recognition of the Dead One of the time honored traditions of the Chine is the recognition of

the dead. Once a year, all members of a family visit the gravesites of each ancestor and pay their

respects. Honoring ancestors is very important in Chine culture. This is in direct contrast to most

Americans who rarely know where the majority of their ancestors are laid to rest. This might be due to

the fact that most Americans are immigrants who either have lost the information on grave locations or

the locations are in foreign countries. China’s culture is much older and the percentage of immigration is

far less.

8. Humility Humility is a revered virtue in Chine culture. The success of one’s business or

personal life is downplayed while in America the success are lauded. Most Americans in the fast

business world consider humility a sign of weakness. This can be an issue that hurts inter-cultural

relations. Be very nsitive to comments and actions in the prence of another culture.

9. Time Sensitivity Crossing cultures for business can be frustrating when it interferes with getting

the job done. Most Americans are very time nsitive when it comes to meetings and deadlines. If the

meeting was to commence at 2:00, then all parties are to be prent at that time. The Chine do not

view time as an absolute but more as a suggestion. Concern is not expresd for a meeting starting late

or ending at a different time. The same can be applied to deadlines. If a report is due on Friday, an

American would be waiting for that report to be received before end of business day. The Chine

would not worry if it showed up veral days later.

10. Respect Being nsitive to another person’s needs is very important in Chine culture. It is

expected that you will respect the other person and treat them well. Their needs are met at each

encounter. This is a characteristic that unfortunately has fallen on the wayside in most American circles.

Communication habits rearch

We are conducting a survey on communication habits in different countries.

It is always

interesting and extremely important to study other cultures. It helps us remove misunderstanding and

have a better communication.

Plea answer the following questions completely

1. When you are on a crowded subway

you feel okay to stand clo to the pasnger on the subway.

you hate being surrounded by so much people.

2. Two of you are having a conversation

You prefer to have eye contact with him/her. Why______________________________________________

You do not like staring at others. Why______________________________________________

3. When you meet someone

You will shake hands with him/her, if he/she is your colleague your boss a stranger

You will kiss him/her, if he/she is your family member your friend your child

You will hug him/her, if he/she is your family member your friend your child

You do no like to have any physical contact with others

4. What will you say when you greet your old friends


some give you an compliment, you will say:


el do you think differ between Americas, British and Chine on communication habits?






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