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12.2 Method of Measurement


除非合同中另有规定 无论当地惯例如何

, :

Except as otherwi stated in the Contract and notwithstanding

local practice:

(a) ,

测量应该是测量每部分永久工程的实际净值 以及

(a) measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of each

item of the Permanent Works, and



(b) the method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill

of Quantities or other applicable Schedules.



12.3 Evaluation

除非合同中另有规定 工程师应通过对每一项工作的估价 根据第 款【决 定】

, , 3.5 ,

定或决定合同价格。每项工作的估价是用依据上述第 款和第 商定或决定的测

12.1 12.2


Except as otherwi stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance

with Sub-Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the Contract Price by evaluating

each item of work, applying the measurement agreed or determined in accordance with the

above SubClaus 12.1 and 12.2 and the appropriate rate or price for the item.

对每一项工作 该项合适的费率或价格应该是合同中对此项工作规定的费率或 价格

, ,

或者如果没有该项 则为对其类似工作所规定的费率或价格。但是在下列情况 对这一项

, ,



For each item of work, the appropriate rate or price for the item shall be the rate or

price specified for such item in the Contract or, if there is no such item, specified for similar

work. However, a new rate or price shall be appropriate for an item of work if: (a) (i)




(i) the measured quantity of the item is changed by ore than 10% from the quantity of

this item in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule,



(ii) This change in quantity multiplied by such specified rate for this item exceeds

0.01 % of the Accepted Contract Amount,

(iii) 1%;

工程量的变更与对该项工作规定的具体费率的乘积超过了接受的合同款 额的

由此工程量的变更直接造成该项工作每单位工程量费用的变动超过 以及

(iii) this change in quantity directly changes the Cost per unit quantity of this item by

more than 1 %, and



(iv) this item is not specified in the Contract as a "fixed rate item"; or

(b) (i) 13;

此工作是根据第 款【变更与调整】的指示进行的

(i) the work is instructed under Clau 13 [V ariations and Adjustments],

(ii) ;


(ii) no rate or price is specified in the Contract for this item, and

(iii) ,

由于该项工作与合同中的任何工作没有类似的性质或不在类似的条件 下进行


(iii) no specified rate or price is appropriate becau the item of work is not

每种新的费率或价格是对合同中相关费率或价格在考虑到上述 段所 描述的

(a) (b)

适用的事件以后作出的合理调整。如果没有相关的费率或价格 则新的费率 或价格应是在


考虑任何相关事件以后 从实施工作的合理费用加上合理利润中得 到。


Each new rate or price shall be derived from any relevant rates or prices in the

Contract, with reasonable adjustments to take account of the matters described in sub-

paragraph (a) and/or (b), as applicable. If no rates or prices are relevant for the derivation of

a new rate or price, it shall be derived from the reasonable Cost of executing the

work, together with reasonable profit, taking account of any other relevant matters.

在商定或决定了一合适的费率或价格之前 工程师还应为期中支付证书决定一 临时费



Until such time as an appropriate rate or price is agreed or determined, the Engineer

shall determine a provisional rate or price for the purpos of Interim Payment Certificates.



12.4 Omissions

当对任何工作的省略构成部分 或全部 变更且对其价值未达成一致时 如果

( ), :

Whenever the omission of any work forms part (or all) of a V

ariation, the value of which has not been agreed, if:


1 34

(a) (),,

承包商将招致 或已经招致 一笔费用这笔费用应被视为是如果工作未被 省略时



(a) the Contractor will incur (or has incurred) cost which, if the work had not been

omitted, would have been deemed to be covered by a sum forming part of the Accepted

Contract Amount;

(b) ();

该工作的省略将导致 或已经导致 这笔金额不构成部分合同价格 并且

(b) the omission of the work will result (or has resulted) in this sum not forming part

of the Contract Price; and

(c) ,


(c) this cost is not deemed to be included in the evaluation of any substituted work;

承包商应随即向工程师发出通知 并附具体的证明资料。在接到通知后 工程 师应依


据第 款【决定】 对此费用作出商定或决定 并将之加入合同价格。

3.5 , ,

then the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer accordingly, with supporting

particulars. Upon receiving this notice, t he Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-

Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine this cost, which shall be included in the

Contract Price.



Variations and Adjustments



13.1 Right to Vary

在颁发工程接收证书前的任何时间 工程师可通过发布指示或以要求承包商递 交建议


书的方式 提出变更。


V ariations may be initiated by the Engineer at any time prior to issuing the Taking-

Over Certificate for the Works, either by an instruction or by a request for the Contractor to

submit a proposal.

承包商应执行每项变更并受每项变更的约束 除非承包商马上通知工程师 附具

, (

体的证明资料 并说明承包商无法得到变更所需的货物。在接到此通知后 工程 师应取



The Contractor shall execute and be bound by each V ariation, unless the Contractor

promptly gives notice to the Engineer stat ing (with supporting particulars) that the

Contractor cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the V ariation. Upon receiving this

notice, the Engineer shall cancel, confirm or vary the instruction.



Each V ariation may include:

(a) ( );

对合同中任何工作的工程量的改变 此类改变并不一定必然构成变更

(a) changes to the quantities of any item of work included in the Contract (however,

such changes do not necessarily constitute a V ariation),

(b) ;


(b) changes to the quality and other characteristics of any item of work,

(c) () ;

工程任何部分标高、位置和 尺寸上的改变

(c) changes to the levels, positions and/or dimensions of any part of the Works,

(d) ,

省略任何工作 除非它已被他人完成

(d) omission of any work unless it is to be carried out by others,

(e) ,

永久工程所必需的任何附加工作、永久设备、材料或服务 包括任何联合 竣工



(e) any additional work, Plant, Materials or rvices necessary for the Permanent

Works, including any associated Tests on Completion, boreholes and other testing and

exploratory work, or



承包商不应对永久工程作任何更改或修改 除非且直到工程师发出指示或同意



The Contractor shall not make any alteration and/or modification of the Permanent

Works, unless and until the Engineer instructs or approves a V ariation.



13.2 value Engineering

承包商可以随时向工程师提交一份书面建议 如果该建议被采用 在承包商 看来

,, ()



维护或运行工程的费用 对雇主而言能提高竣工工程的效率或价值

,(iii) ,



The Contractor may, at arty time, submit to the Engineer a written proposal which (in

the Contractor's opinion) will, if adopted, 0 accelerate completion, () reduce the cost to the

Employer of executing,

maintaining or operating the Works, (ii) improve the efficiency or value to the Employer of

the completed Works, or (w) otherwi be of benefit to the Employer.

承包商应自费编制此类建议书 并将其包括在第 款【变更程序】所列的 条目



The proposal shall be prepared at the cost of the Contractor and shall include the

items listed in Sub-Clau 13.3 [V ariation Procedure].

如果由工程师批准的建议包括一项对部分永久工程的设计的改变 除非双方另 有协



, :

If a proposal, which is approved by the Engineer, includes a change in the design of

part of the Permanent Works, then unless otherwi agreed by both Parties:

(a) ,


(a)the Contractor shall design this part,

(b) 4.1(a)(d)



(b) sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of Sub-Clau 4.1 [Contractor's General Obligations]

shall apply, and

(c) , 3.5

如果此改变造成该部分工程的合同的价值减少 工程师应依据第 【决

定】 商定或决定一笔费用 并将之加入合同价格。这笔费用应是以下金额的差

, ,



(c) if this change results in a reduction in the contract value of this part, the

Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or

determine a fee, which shall be included in the Contract Price. This fee shall be half (50%)

of the difference between the following amounts:

(i) , 13.7

由此改变造成的合同价值的减少 不包括依据第 款【法规变化作出 的调

整】和第 款【费用变化引起的调整】所作的调整 以及

13.8 ;

(i) such reduction in contract value, resulting from the change, excluding

adjustments under Sub-Clau 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-

Clau 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost],and

(ii) ,,

考虑到质量、预期寿命或运行效率的降低 对雇主而言 已变更工作价值

的减少 如有时


(ii) the reduction (if any) in the value to the Employer of the varied works, taking

account of any reductions in quality, anticipated life or operational efficiencies.



However, if amount (i) is less than amount (ii), there shall not be a fee.



13.3 Variation Procedure


份建议书 则承包商应 尽快作出书面反应 要么说明理由为何不能遵守指示 如果未遵守

, ,(


), :

If the Engineer requests a proposal, prior to instructing a Variation, the Contractor

shall respond in writing as soon as practicable, either by giving reasons why he cannot

comply (if this is the ca) or by submitting:

(a) ,


(a) a description of the propod work to be performed and a programme for its


(b) 8.3

承包商依据第 款对进度计划和竣工时间作出任何必要修改的建议书 以及

(b) the Contractor's proposal for any necessary modifications to the programme

according to Sub-Clau 8.3 [Programme] and to the Time for Completion, and



(c) the Contractor's proposal for evaluation of the V ariation

工程师在接到上述建议后 依据第 款【价值工程】或其它规定 应尽快 予以

( 13.2 ),

答复 说明批准与否或提出意见。在等待答复期间 承包商不应延误任何工作。


The Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after receiving such proposal (under Sub-

Clau 13.2 [value Engineering] or otherwi), respond with approval, disapproval or

comments. The Contractor shall not delay any work whilst awaiting a respon.

工程师应向承包商发出每一项实施变更的指示 并要求其记录费用 承包商应 确认

, ,


Each instruction to execute a V ariation, with any requirements for the recording of

Costs, shall be issued by the Engineer to the

Contractor, who shall acknowledge receipt.

每一项变更应依据第 款【测量与估价】进行估价 除非工程师依据本款另 外作



Each V ariation shall be evaluated in accordance with Clau 12 [Measurement and

Evaluation], unless the Engineer instructs or approves otherwi in accordance with this




13.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies

如果合同规定合同价格以一种以上的货币支付 则在按上述规定已商定、批准 或决


定调整的同时 应规定以每种适用的货币支付的金额。在规定每种货币的金额 应参照

, ,

变更工作费用的实际或预期的货币比例以及为支付合同价格所规定的各 种货币比例。

If the Contract provides for payment of the Contract Price in more than one

currency, then whenever an adjustment is agreed, approved or determined as stated

above, the amount payable in each of the applicable currencies shall be specified. For this

purpo, reference shall be made to the actual or expected currency proportions of the

Cost of the varied work, and t o the proportions of various currencies specified for

payment of the Contract Price.



13.5Provisional Sums

每一笔暂定金额仅按照工程师的指示全部或部分地使用 并相应地调整合同价 格。


支付给承包商的此类总金额仅应包括工程师指示的且与暂定金额有关的工作、 供货或服

务的款项。对于每一笔暂定金额 工程师可指示

, :

Each Provisional Sum shall only be ud, in whole or in part, in accordance with the

Engineer's instructions, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. The total sum

paid to the Contractor shall include only such amounts, for the work, supp lies or rvices

to which the Provisional Sum relates, as the Engineer shall have instructed. For each

Provisional Sum, the Engineer may instruct:

(a) ( ), 13.3

由承包商实施工作 包括提供永久设备、材料或服务 并按照第 【变


, ()

(a) work to be executed (including Plant, Materials or rvices to be supplied) by the

Contractor and valued under Sub-Clau

13.3 [V ariation Procedure]; and/or

(b) ( 5.1 )

由承包商从指定分包商 款【指定分包商】中所定义的 处或其他 人处

购买永久设备、材料或服务 并应加入合同价格

, :

(b) Plant, Materials or rvices to be purchad by the Contractor, from a nominated

Subcontractor (as defined in Clau 5 [Nominated Subcontractors]) or otherwi; and for

which there shall be included in the Contract Price:

(i) (),

承包商已支付 或将支付的实际款额 以及

(i) the actual amounts paid (or due to be paid) by the Contractor, and

(ii) (),

采用适用的报表中规定的相关百分比 如有时 以此实际款额的一个百 分比

来计算一笔金额包括上级管理费和利润。如果没有这一相关百分比 则可采用 投标函附



(ii) a sum for overhead charges and profit, calculated as a percentage of the actual

amounts by applying the relevant percentage rate (if any) stated in the appropriate

Schedule. If there is no such rate, the percentage rate stated in the Appendix to Tender

shall be applied.

当工程师要求时 承包商应出示报价单、发票、凭证以及帐单或收据 以示证 明。


The Contractor shall, when required by the Engineer, produce quotations. invoices,

vouchers and accounts or receipts in substantiation.



13.6 Daywork

对于数量少或偶然进行的零散工作 工程师可以指示规定在计日工的基础上实 施任


何变更。对于此类工作应按合同中包括的计日工报表中的规定进行估价 并采 用下述程


序。如果合同中没有计日工报表 则本款不适用。


For work of a minor or incidental nature, the Engineer may instruct that a V ariation

shall be executed on a daywork basis. The work shall then be valued in accordance with

the Daywork Schedule included in the Contract, and the following procedure shall apply. If

a Daywork Schedule is not included in the Contract, this Sub-Clau shall not apply.

在订购工程所需货物时 承包商应向工程师提交报价。当申请支付时 承包商 应提

, ,


Before ordering Goods for the work, the Contractor shall submit quotations to the

Engineer. When applying for payment, the Contractor shall submit invoices, vouchers and

accounts or receipts for any Goods.

除了计日工报表中规定的不进行支付的任何项目以外 承包商应每日向工程师 提交


包括下列在实施前一日工作时使用的资源的详细情况在内的准确报表 一式两

, :

Except for any items for which the Daywork Schedule specifies that payment is not

due, the Contractor shall deliver each day to the Engineer accurate statements in duplicate

which shall include the following details of the resources ud in executing the

previous day's work:

(a) ,


(a)the names, occupations and time of Contractor's Personnel,

(b) ,

承包商的设备和临时工程的种类、型号以及工时 以及

(b) the -identification, type and time of Contractor's Equipment and Temporary

Works, and



(c) the quantities and types of Plant and Materials ud.

如内容正确或经同意时 工程师将在每种报表的一份上签字并退还给承包商。 在将


它们纳入依据第 款【申请期中支付证书】提交的报表中之前 承包商应向 工程师提

14.3 ,


One copy of each statement will, if correct, or when agreed, be signed by the

Enginee, and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then submit priced

statements o' the resources to the Engineer, prior to their inclusion in the next

Statement under Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates].



13.7Adjustments for changes in Lesgislation

如果在基准日期以后 能够影响承包商履行其合同义务的工程所在国的法律 包括

, (

新法律的实施以及现有法律的废止或修改 或对此法律的司法的或官方政府的 解释的变


更导致费用的增减 则合同价格应作出相应调整。


The Contract Price shall be adjusted to take account of any increa or decrea in

Cost resulting from a change in the Laws of the Country (including the introduction of new

Laws and the repeal or modification of existing Laws) or in the judicial or official

governmental interpretation of such Laws, made after the Ba Date,

which affect the Contractor in the performance of obligations under the Contract.

如果承包商由于此类在基准日期后所作的法律或解释上的变更而遭受了延误 或将


遭受延误 或承担或将承担 额外费用 承包商应通知工程师并有权依据第


20.1 , :

款【承包商的索赔】 要求

If the Contractor suffers (or will suffer) delay and/or incurs (or will incur) additional

Cost as a result of the changes in the Laws or in such interpretations, made after the

Ba Date, the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer and shall be entitled subject to


20.1 [Contractors Claims] to:

(a) 8.4 ,,

根据第 款【竣工时间的延长】的规定 获得任何延长的工期 如果竣 工已

经或将被延误 以及


(a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under

Sub-Clau 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and

(b) ,

支付任何有关费用 并将之加入合同价格。

(b)payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the Contract Price .

在接到此通知后 工程师应按照第 款【决定】的规定 对此事作出商定或

, 3.5 ,


After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clau

3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the matters.



13.8 Adjustments for Changes in the Cost

在本款中 “数据调整表”是指投标函附录中包括的调整数据的一份完整的报 表。


如果没有此类数据调整表 则本款不适用。


In this Sub-Clau, "table of adjustment data" means the completed table of

Changes in Cost adjustment data included in the Appendix to Tender. If there is no such

table of adjustment data, this Sub-Clau shall not apply.

如果本条款适用 应支付给承包商的款额应根据劳务、货物以及其它投入工程 的费


用的涨落进行调整 此调整根据所列公式确定款额的增减。如果本款或其他条 款的规定


不包括对费用的任何涨落进行充分补偿 接受的合同款额应被视为已包括 了其他费用涨



If this Sub-Clau applies. the amounts payable to the Contractor shall be adjusted

for ris or falls in the cost of labour, Goods and other inputs to the Works, by the

addition or deduction of the amounts determined by the formulae prescribed in this Sub-

Clau. To the extent that full compensation for any ri or fall in Costs is not covered by

the provisions of this or other Claus, the Accepted Contract Amount shall be deemed to

have included amounts to cover the contingency of other ris and falls in costs.

对于其他应支付给承包商的款额 其价值依据合适的报表以及已证实的支付证 书决





:Pn = a + b?Ln/Lo +

c?Mn/Mo +d?En/Eo+?

The adjustment to be applied to the amount otherwi payable to the

Cont ractor, as valued in accordance with the appropriate

Schedule and certified in Payment Certificates, shall be determined from formulae

for each of the currencies in which the Contract Price is payable. No adjustment is to be

applied to work valued on the basis of Cost or current prices. The formulae shall be of the

following general type:Pn =a + b Ln + c En + d Mn + LoEoMo




是对第“ ”期间内所完成工作以相应货币所估算的合同价值所采用的


整倍数 这个期间通常是一个月 除非投标函附录中另有规定

,, ;

"Pn" is the adjustment multiplier to be applied to the estimated contract value in the

relevant currency of the work carried out in period "n", this period being a month unless

otherwi stated in the Appendix to Tender;



"a" is a fixed coefficient, stated in the relevant table of

adjustment data, reprenting the non-adjustable portion in contractual payments;

”、“ ”、“ ”相关数据调整表中规定的一个系数代表与实施工程有


的每项费用因素的估算比例 此表中显示的费用因素可能是指资源 如劳务、设备 和材

, ,


"b", "C", "d", ... are CoeffiCients reprenting the estimated proportion of eaCh Cost

element related to the exeCution of the Works, as stated in the relevant table of

adjustment data; suCh tabulated Cost elements may be indiCative of resourCes suCh as

labour, equipment and materials;

”、“ ”、“ 是第 期间时使用的现行费用指数或参照价格

LnEnMn?n ,

相关的支付货币表示 而且按照该期间 具体的支付证书的相关期限 最后一日之前

, ( )

49 ;

天当天对于相关表中的费用因素适用的费用指数或参照价格确定 以及

"Ln", "En", "Mn", ... are the Current Cost indiCes or referenCe priCes for period "n",

expresd in the relevant CurrenCy of payment, eaCh of whiCh is appliCable to the

relevant tabulated Cost element on the date 49 days prior to the last day of the period (to

whiCh the partiCular Payment CertifiCate relates); and

”、“ ”、“ ”、 是基本费用指数或参照价格 以相应的支付货币




"Lo", "Eo", "Mo", ... are the ba Cost indiCes or referenCe priCes, expresd in the

relevant CurrenCy of payment, eaCh of whiCh is appliCable to the relevant tabulated Cost

element on the Ba Date.

应使用数据调整表中规定的费用指数或参照价格。如果对其来源持怀疑态度 则由


工程师确定该指数或价格。为此 为澄清其来源之目的应参照指定日期 如表中

, (

栏和第 栏分别所列 的指数值尽管这些日期 以及这些指数值 可能与基本费 用指



The cost indices-or-reference -prices stated in the table of adjustment data shall be

ud. If their source is in doubt, it shall be determined by the Engineer. For this purpo,

reference shall be made to the values of the indices at stated dates (quoted in the fourth

and fifth columns respectively of the table) for the purpos of clarification of the source;

although the dates (and thus the values) may not correspond to the ba cost indices.

当“货币指数” 表中规定的 不是相应的支付货币时 此指数应依照工程所在


的中央银行规定的在以上所要求的指数适用的日期 该相应货币的售出价转换成 相应的



In cas where the "currency of index" (stated in the table) is not the relevant

currency of payment, each index shall be converted into the relevant currency of payment

at the lling rate, established by the central bank of the Country, of this relevant currency

on the above date for which the index is required to be applicable.

在获得所有现行费用指数之前 工程师应确定一个期中支付证书的临时指数。


得到现行费用指数之后 相应地重新计算并作出调整。


Until such time as each current cost index is available, the Engineer shall determine

a provisional index for the issue of Interim Payment Certificates. When a current cost index

is available, the adjustment shall be recalculated accordingly.

如果承包商未能在竣工时间内完成工程 则应利用下列指数或价格对价格作出


工程竣工时间期满前第天当天适用的每项指数或价格现行指数 或价格



If the Contractor fails to complete the Works within the Time for Completion,

adjustment of prices thereafter shall be made using either (i) each index or price

applicable on the date 49 days prior to the expiry of the Time for Completion of the

Works, or (ii) the current index or price: whichever is more favourable to the Employer.

如果由于变更使得数据调整表中规定的每项费用系数的权重 系数变得不合

理、失衡或不适用时 则应对其进行调整。



The weightings (coefficients) for each of 1he factors of cost stated in the table(s) of

adjustment data shall only be adjusted if they have been rendered unreasonable,

unbalanced or inapplicable, as a result of V ariations.



Contractor price and Payment

3.1 1


4.1The contractor Price

除非专用条件中另有规定 否则

, :

Unless otherwi stated in the Particular Conditions:

(a) 12.3 ,

合同价格应根据第 款【估价】来商定或决定 并应根据本合同对其 进行



(a)the Contract Price shall be agreed or determined under SubClau 12.3

[Evaluation] and be subject to adjustments in accordance with the Contract;

(b) ,

承包商应支付根据合同他应支付的所有税费、关税和费用 而合同价格不 应因

此类费用进行调整 款【法规变化引起的调整】的规定除外

(13.17 );

(b) the Contractor shall pay all taxes, duties and fees required to be paid by him

under the Contract, and the Contract Price shall not be adjusted for any of the costs

except as stated in Sub-Clau 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation];

(c) ,

工程量清单或其他报表中可能列出的任何工程量仅为估算的工程量 不得 将其



(c) any quantities which may be t out in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule

are estimated quantities and are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities:

(i) ,

要求承包商实施的工程的实际或正确的工程量 或者

(i) of the Works which the Contractor is required to execute, or

(ii) 12;

用于第 条【测量和估价】的目的实际或正确的工程量

(ii) for the purpos of Clau 12 [Measurement and Evaluation]; and

(d) 28,

在开工日期开始后 天之内承包商应该向工程师提交对资料表中每一 项总

价款项的价格分解建议表。在编写支付证书时 工程师可以将该价格分解表考 虑在内

, ,


(d) the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, within 28 days after the

Commencement Date, a propod breakdown of each lump sum price in the Schedules.

The Engineer may take account of the breakdown when preparing Payment Certificates,

but shall not be bound by ft.

3.2 1


4.2Advance Payment

当承包商根据本款提交了银行预付款保函时 雇主应向承包商支付一笔预付款 作为


对承包商动员工作的无息贷款。预付款总额 分期预付的次数与时间 一次以上

, (),


The Employer shall make an advance payment, as an interest-free loan for

mobilization, when the Contractor submits a guarantee in accordance with this Sub-

Clau. The total advance payment, the number and timing of installments (if more than

one), and the applicable currencies and proportions, shall be as stated in the Appendix to


如果雇主没有收到该保函 或者投标函附录中没有规定预付款总额 则本款不 再适

, ,


Unless and until the Employer receives this guarantee, or if the total advance

payment is not stated in the Appendix to Tender, this SubClau shall not apply.

在工程师收到报表 根据第 款【期中支付证书的申请】 并且雇主收到

14.3 ,



和货币与预付款相同的银行预付款保函后 工程师应为第一笔分期付款颁发一份 期中支


付证书。该保函应由雇主认可的机构和国家 或其他司法管辖区 签发并且 其格式应使用



The Engineer shall issue an Interim Payment Certificate for the first installment after

receiving a Statement (under Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment

Certificates]) and after the Employer receives (i) the Performance Security in accordance

with Sub-Clau 4.2 [Performance Security] and (ii) a guarantee in amounts and currencies

equal to the advance payment. This guarantee shall be issued by an entity and from within

a country (or other jurisdiction) approved by the Emp loyer, and shall be in the form

annexed to the Particular Conditions or in another form approved by the Employer.

在预付款完全偿还之前 承包商应保证该银行预付款保函一直有效 但该银行 预付

, ,

款保函的总额应随承包商在期中支付证书中所偿还的数额逐步冲销而降低。如 果该银行

保函的条款中规定了截止日期 并且在此截止日期前 天预付款还未完全 偿还则承包


商应该相应的延长银行保函的期限 直到预付款完全偿还。


The Contractor shall ensure that the guarantee is valid and enforceable until the

advance payment has been repaid, but its amount may be progressively reduced by the

amount repaid by the Contractor as indicated in the Payment Certificates. If the terms of

the guarantee specify its expiry date, and the advance payment has not been repaid by the

date 28 days prior to the expiry date, the Contractor shall extend the validity of the

guarantee until the advance payment has been repaid.

该预付款应在支付证书中按百分比扣减的方式偿还。除非在投标函附录中另 外注

明了其他百分比 否则

, :

The advance payment shall be repaid through percentage deductions in Payment

Certificates. Unless other percentages are stated in the Appendix to Tender:

(a) (

此种扣减应开始于支付证书中所有被证明了的期中付款的总额 不包括预

付款及保留金的扣减与偿还 超过接受的合同款额 减去暂定金额


(a) deductions shall commence in the Payment Certificate in which the total of all

certified interim payments (excluding the advance payment and deductions and

repayments of retention) exceeds ten per cent (10%) of the Accepted :;ontract Amount less

Provisional Sums; and

(b) , (

按照预付款的货币的种类及其比例 分期从每份支付证书中的数额 不包括

付款及保留金的扣减与偿还 中扣除 直至还清全部预付款。

) 25%,

(b) deductions shall be made at the amortisation rate of one quarter (25%) of the

amount of each Payment Certificate (excluding the advance payment and deductions and

repayments of retention) in the currencies and proportions of the advance payment, until

such time as the advance payment has been repaid.

如果在颁发工程的接收证书前或按第 条【雇主提出终止】 条【承包 商提


出暂停和终止】 或第条【不可抗力】 视情况而定终止合同前尚未偿清 预付款



If the advance payment has not been repaid prior to the issue of the Taking-Over

Certificate for the Works or prior to termination under

Clau 15 [Termination by Employer], Clau 16 [Suspension and Termination by

Contractor] or Clau 19 [Force Majeure] (as the ca may be), the whole of the balance

then outstanding shall immediately become due and payable by the Contractor to the


3.3 1


4.3 Application for Interim Payment Certificates

承包商应按工程师批准的格式在每个月末之后向工程师提交一式六份报表 细说


明承包商认为自己有权得到的款额 同时提交各证明文件 包括根据第 【进度报

,, 4.21

告】 提交当月进度情况的详细报告。


The Contractor shall submit a Statement in six copies to the Engineer after the end

of each month, in a form approved by the Engineer, showing in detail the amounts to

which the Contractor considers himlf to be entitled, together with supporting

documents which shall include the report on the progress during this month in accordance

with SubClau 4.21 [Progress Reports].

该报表应包括下列项目 如适用 这些项目应以应付合同价格的各种货币表示 并按




The Statement shall include the following items, as applicable, which shall be

expresd in the various currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, in the quence


(a) (,

截至当月末已实施的工程及承包商的文件的估算合同价值 包括变更但不 包括

以下 段至 段中所列项目

(b) (g) );

(a) the estimated contract value of the Works executed and the Contractor's

documents produced up to the end of the month (including Variations but excluding

items described in sub-paragraphs (b) to (g) below);

(b) 13.7 13.8

根据第 款【法规变化引起的调整】和第 款【费用变化引起的调


, ;

(b) any amounts to be added and deducted for changes in legislation and changes

in cost, in accordance with Sub-Clau 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and

Sub-Clau 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost];

(c) ,

作为保留金减扣的任何款额 保留金按投标函附录中标明的保留金百分率

以上述款额的总额计算得出 减扣直至雇主保留的款额达到投标函附录中规定的 保留金


限额 如有时为止

( ) ;

(c) any amount to be deducted for retention, calculatedby applying the

percentage of retention stated in the Appendix to Tender to the total of the above

amounts, until the amount so retained by the Employer reaches the limit of Retention

Money (if any) st ated in the Appendix to Tender;

(d) 14.2 , ;

根据第 款【预付款】 为预付款的支付和偿还应增加和减扣的任何款

(d) any amounts to be added and deducted for the advance payment and

repayments in accordance with Sub-Clau 14.2 [Advance Payment];

(e) 14.5 ,

根据第 款【用于永久工程的永久设备和材料】 为永久设备和材料应



(e) any amounts to be added and deducted for Plant and Materials in accordance

with Sub-Clau 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works];

(f) ( 20 ),

根据合同或其他规定 包括第 条【索赔、争端和仲裁】的规定 应付的



(f) any other additions or deductions which may have become due under the

Contract or otherwi, including tho under Clau

20 [Claims, Disputes and



(g) the deduction of amounts certified in all previous Payment Certificates.

3.4 1


4.4Schedule of Payments

若合同包括支付表 其中规定了合同价格的分期付款数额 除非在此支付表中 另有

, ,

规定 否则

, :

If the Contract includes a schedule of payments specifying the instalments in which

the Contract Price will be paid, then unless otherwi stated in this schedule:

(a) 14.3

在此支付表中所报的分期支付额即为第 款【期中支付证书的申请】

(a) ;


(a) the instalments quoted in this schedule of payments shall be the estimated

contract values for the purpos of sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for

Interim Payment Certificates];

(b) 14.5 ;

款【用于永久工程的永久设备和材料】将不再适用 并且

(bSub-Clau 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works] shall not apply; and

(c) ,

如果分期支付额不是参照工程实施所达到的实际进度制定的 且如果实际 进度

落后于支付表中分期支付所依据的进度状况 则工程师可通过考虑所达到的实 际进度落


后于分期支付所依据的进度的情况 根据第 款【决定】来商定或决定 修正分期支付

, 3.5


(c) if the installments are not defined by reference to the actual progress achieved

in executing the Works, and if actual progress is found to be less than that on which this

schedule of payments was bad, then the Engineer may proceed in accordance with Sub-

Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine revid installments, which shall take

account of the extent to which progress is less than that on which the installments were

previously bad.

如果在合同中没有支付表 则每个季度承包商应就其到期应得的款额向雇主提


交一份不具约束力的估价单。第一份估价单应在开工日期后 天之内提交 修正的

估价单应按季度提交 直到工程的接收证书已经颁发。



If the Contract does not include a schedule of payments, the Contractor shall

submit non-binding estimates of the payments which he expects to become due during

each quarterly period. The first estimate shall be submitted within 42 days after the

Commencement Date. Revid estimates shall be submitted at quarterly intervals, until

the Taking- Over Certificate has been issued for the Works.

3.5 1


4.5 Plant and Materials

若本款适用则根据第段的规定期中支付证书应包括已运至 现场为永



久工程配套的永久设备与材料的预支款额以及当此类永久设备与材 料的合同价值已


构成永久工程的一部分时的扣除款额 根据第 款【期中支付证 书的申请】

(14.3 (a))

If this Sub-Clau applies, Interim Payment Certificates shall include, under

subintended for the Works paragraph (e) of Sub-Clau 14.3, (i) an amount for Plant and

Materials which have been nt to the Site for incorporation in the Permanent Works, and

(ii) a reduction when the contract value of such Plant and Materials is included as part of

the Permanent Works under sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for Interim

Payment Certificates].

如果在投标函附录中没有下述段或段提到的列表本款将不适 用。



If the lists referred to in sub-paragraphs (b)(i) or (c)(i) below are not included in the

Appendix to Tender, this Sub-Clau shall not apply.

如果工程师认为下列条件已经得到满足 他应该决定并证明每一项预支款额

, :

The Engineer shall determine and certify each addition if the following conditions

are satisfied:

(a) :


(a) The Contractor has:

(i) ( ),

完整保存了各种记录 包括有关永久设备和材料的订单、收据、费用及使

且此类记录可供随时检查 以及


(i)Kept satisfactory records (including the orders, receipts, Costs and u of Plant

and Materials) which are available for inspection, and

(ii) ,

提交了购买永久设备和材料并将其运至现场的费用报表 同时提交了有关 的证



(ii) submitted a statement of the Cost of acquiring and delivering the Plant and

Materials to the Site, supported by satisfactory evidence;




(b) :


(b)The relevant Plant and Materials:



(i)are tho listed in the Appendix to Tender for payment when shipped,

(ii) , ;

按照合同的要求已经运至工程所在国 并正在运往现场的途中 并且

(ii)have been shipped to the Country, en route to the Site, in accordance with the

Contract; and

(iii) ,

是清洁装船提单或其他装运证明中声明的。该提单或证明 与运输费和 保险

费的支付证明、其他可能合理要求的文件以及由雇主接受的银行按雇主接受的 格式开具

的无条件银行保函 保函开具的各笔用不同货币表示的金额应等同于根据 本款规定应付


的总额 应该已一同提交给了工程师。该保函的格式可以同第 【预付款】中所提

) 14.2

到的格式相类似 且其有效期应一直持续到此类永久设备和材料 已适当地存放在现场并




(iii) are described in a clean shipped bill of lading or other evidence of shipment,

which has been submitted to the Engineer together with evidence of payment of freight

and insurance, any other documents reasonably required, and a bank guarantee in a form

and issued by an entity approved by the Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the

amount due under this Sub-Clau: this guarantee may be in a similar form to the form

referred to in Sub-Clau 14.2 [Advance Payment] and shall be valid until the Plant and

Materials are properly stored on Site and protected against loss, damage or deterioration;





(c) The relevant Plant and Materials:

(i) ;

均属投标函附录中所列在运至现场时应支付款额的项目 并且

(i) are tho -listed in the Appendix to Tender for payment when delivered to the

Site, and

(ii) , ,,

已经运至现场 适当地存放在现场 得到防失、防损、防腐之保护 并完全 符合


(ii) have been delivered to and are properly stored on the Site, are protected against

loss, damage or deterioration, and appear to be in accordance with the Contract.

工程师应该确定永久设备和材料 包括运至现场 的费用 支付证书中应增加或 扣除

() ,

的款额为该费用的 此时他应将本款中所涉及到的文件以及永久设备和材 料的合同价



The additional amount to be certified shall be the equivalent of eighty percent of the

Engineer's determination of the cost of the Plant and Materials (including delivery to Site),

taking account of the documents mentioned in this Sub-Clau and of the contract value

of the Plant and Materials.

对于每笔预支款额 其货币种类应为第 款【期中支付证书的申请】 中涉

,14.3 (a)

及的合同价值最终支付时所应采用的货币种类。支付证书应该包括适当的扣除 款额该扣


除款额应与相关的永久设备和材料的预支款额相等 并采用相同的货币种 类。


The currencies for this additional amount shall be the same as tho in which

payment will become due when the contract value is included under sub-paragraph (a) of

Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates]. At that time, the Payment

Certificate shal! include the applicable reduction which shall be equivalent to, and in the

same currencies and proportions as, this additional amount for the relevant Plant and


3.6 1


4.6 Issue of Interim Payment Certificates

在雇主收到并批准了履约保证之后 工程师才能为任何付款开具支付证书。此

, ,

收到承包商的报表和证明文件后 天内工程师应向雇主签发期中支付证书 列出他认为

28 ,

应支付承包商的金额 并提交详细证明资料。


No amount will be certified or paid until the Employer has received and approved

the Performance Security. Thereafter, the Engineer shall, within 28 days after receiving a

Statement and supporting documents, issue to the Employer an Interim Payment

Certificate which shall state the amount which the Engineer fairly determines to be due,

with supporting particulars.

但是在颁发工程的接收证书之前 若被开具证书的净金额 在扣除保留金及其 他应

, , (

扣款额之后 少于投标函附录中规定的期中支付证书的最低限额 如有此规定 则工程

)( ),

师没有义务为任何付款开具支付证书。在这种情况下 工程师应相应地


However, prior to issuing the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Engineer

shall not be bound to issue an Interim Payment Certificate in an amount which would (after

retention and other deductions) be less than the minimum amount of Interim Payment

Certificates (if any) stated

in the Appendix to Tender. In this event, the Engineer shall give notice to the Contract or



除以下情况外 期中支付证书不得由于任何原因而被扣发

, :

An Interim Payment Certificate shall not be withheld for any other reason, although:

(a) ,

如果承包商所提供的物品或已完成的工作不符合合同要求 则可扣发修正 或重

置的费用 直至修正或重置工作完成 以及 或者

, ; ( )

(a) if any thing supplied or work done by the Contractor is not in accordance with

the Contract, the cost of rectification or replacement may be withheld until rectification or

replacement has been completed; and/or

(b) , ,

如果承包商未能按照合同规定 进行工作或履行义务 并且工程师已经通知

包商则可扣留该工作或义务的价值 直至该工作或义务被履行为止。


(b) if the Contractor was or is failing to perform any work or obligation it accordance

with the Contract, and had been so notified by the Engineer, the value of this work or

obligation may be withheld until the work or obligation has been performed.

工程师可在任何支付证书中对任何以前的证书给予恰当的改正或修正。支付 证书不


The Engineer may in any Payment Certificate make any correction or modification

that should properly be made to any previous Payment Certificate. A Payment Certificate

shall not be deemed to indicate the Engineer's acceptance, approval, connt or


3.7 Payment




The Employer shall pay to the Contractor:

(a) , 42,4.2

首次分期预付款额 时间是在中标函颁发之日起 天内或在根据第 款【履

约保证】以及第 款【预付款】的规定 收到相关的文件之日起 天内二者中取较

14.2 , 21 ,



(a) the first instalment of the advance payment within 42 days after issuing the Letter

of Acceptance or within 21 days after receiving the documents in accordance with Sub-

Clau 4.2 [Performance Security] and Sub-Clau 14.2 [Advance Payment], whichever is


(b) , 56

期中支付证书中开具的款额 时间是在工程师收到报表及证明文件之日起



(b) the amount certified in each Interim Payment Certificate within

56 days after the Engineer receives the Statement and supporting documents; and

(c) , 56

最终支付证书中开具的款额 时间是在雇主收到该支付证书之日起 内。

(c) the amount certified in the Final Payment Certificate within 56 days after the

Employer receives this Payment Certificate.

每种货币支付的款项应被转入承包商在合同中指定的对该种货币的付款国的 指定银


Payment of the amount due in each currency shall be made into the bank account,

nominated by the Contractor, in the payment country (for this currency) specified in the


3.8 Delayed Payment


如果承包商没有收到根据第 款【支付】应获得的任何款额 承包商应有 权就

14.7 ,



【支付】规定的支付日期开始计算的而不考虑段的情况发生时期中支付证 书颁



If the Contractor does not receive payment in accordance with SubClau 14.7

[Payment], the Contractor shall be entitled to receive financing charges compounded

monthly on the amount unpaid during the period of delay. This period shall be deemed to

commence on the date for payment specified in Sub-Clau 14.7 [Payment], irrespective (in

the ca of its sub-paragraph (b)) of the date on which any Interim Payment Certificate is


除非在专用条件中另有规定 此融资费应以年利率为支付货币所在国中央银行 的贴


现率加上三个百分点进行计算 并用这种货币进行支付。


Unless otherwi stated in the Particular Conditions, the financing charges shall be

calculated at the annual rate of three percentage points above the discount rate of the

central bank in the country of the currency of payment, and shall be paid in such currency.

承包商有权得到此类付款而无需正式通知或证明 并且不损害他的任何其他权 利或



The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice or

certification, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy.

3.9 Payment of Retention money


当工程师已经颁发了整个工程的接收证书时 工程师应开具证书将保留金的前 一半


支付给承包商。如果颁发的接收证书只是限于一个区段或工程的一部分 则应 就相应百


分比的保留金开具证书并给予支付。这个百分数应该是将估算的区段或部 分的合同价值



When the Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for the Works, the first half of the

Retention Money shall be certified by the Engineer for payment to the Contractor. If a

Taking-Over Certificate is issued for a Section or part of the Works, a proportion of the

Retention Money shall be certified and paid. This proportion shag be two-fifths (40%) of

the proportion calculated by dividing the estimated contract value of the Section or part,

by the estimated final Contract Price.

在缺陷通知期期满时 工程师应立即开具证书将保留金尚未支付的部分支付给 承包


商。如果颁发的接收证书只限于一个区段 则在这个区段的缺陷通知期期满后 应立即就


保留金的后一半的相应百分比开具证书并给予支付。这个百分数应该是将 估算的区段或



Promptly after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defects Notification Periods, the

outstanding balance of the Retention M oney shall be certified by the Engineer for

payment to the Contractor. If a Taking-Over Certificate was issued for a Section, a

proportion of the. cond half of the Retention Money shall be certified and paid promptly

after the expiry date of the Defects

Notification Period for the Section. This proportion shall be two- fifths (40%) of the

proportion calculated by dividing the estimated contract value of the Section by the

estimated final Contract Price.

但如果在此时根据第 条【缺陷责任】 尚有任何工作仍需完成 工程师有权 在此

11, ,


However, if any work remains to be executed under Clau 11 [Defects Liability], the

Engineer shall be entitled to withhold certification of the estimated cost of this work until it

has been executed.

在计算上述的各项百分比时 不考虑根据第 款【法规变化引起的调整】 和第




When calculating the proportions, no account shall be taken of any adjustments

under Sub-Clau 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clau 13.8

[Adjustments for changes in-cost].

3.10 Statement of Completion


在收到工程的接收证书后 天内承包商应向工程师提交按其批准的格式编 制的


竣工报表一式六份 并附第款【期中支付证书的申请】要求的证明文件 详细说明

,14.3 , :

Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works,

theContractor shall submit to the Engineer six copies of a Statement at completion with

supporting documents, in accordance with Sub-Clau 14.3 [Application for Interim

Payment Certificates], showing:

(a) ,

到工程的接收证书注明的日期为止 根据合同所完成的所有工作的价值

(a)the value of all work done in accordance with the Contract up to the date stated in

the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works,

(b) ,

承包商认为应进一步支付给他的任何款项 以及

(b)any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due, and


承包商认为根据合同将应支付给他的任何其他估算款额。估算款额应在此 竣工


(c) an estimate of any other amounts which the Contractor considers will become

due to him under the Contract. Estimated amounts shall be shown parately in this

Statement at completion.

工程师应根据第 款【期中支付证书的颁发】开具支付证书。


The Engineer shall then certify in accordance with Sub-Clau 14.6 [Issue of Interim

Payment Certificates].

3.11 Application for Final Payment Certificate


在颁发履约证书 天内承包商应向工程师提交按其批准的格式编制的最终 报表


草案一式六份 并附证明文件 详细说明以下内容

,, :

Within 56 days after receiving the Performance Certificate, the Contractor shall

submit, to the Engineer, six copies of a draft final statement with supporting documents

showing in detail in a form -approved by the Engineer:

(a) ,

根据合同所完成的所有工作的价值 以及

(a) the value of all work done in accordance with the Contract, and



(b)any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him under the

Contract or otherwi.

如果工程师不同意或不能证实该最终报表草案中的某一部分 承包商应根据工 程师


的合理要求提交进一步的的资料 并就双方所达成的一致意见对草案进行修 改。随后

, ,

包商应编制并向工程师提交双方同意的最终报表。在本条件中 该双方


If the Engineer disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the draft final statement,

the Contractor shall submit such further information as the Engineer may reasonably

require and shall make such changes in the draft as may be agreed between them. The

Contractor shall then prepare and submit to the Engineer the final statement as agreed.

This agreed statement is referred to in the Conditions as the "Final Statement".




明显存在争议 工程师应向雇主送交一份最终报表中双方协商一致的期中支付证书 同时

, ,

将一副本送交承包商。此后 如果存在的争议最终根据第 款【获得争端裁 决委员会

, 20.4

的决定】或第 款【友好解决】得到解决 承包商随后应根据争议解决 的结果编制一

20.5 ,

份最终报表提交给雇主 同时将一副本送交工程师

( )

3.12 Discharge


在提交最终报表时 承包商应提交一份书面结清单 确认最终报表的总额为根 据或

, ,

参照合同应支付给他的所有款项的全部和最终的结算额。该结清单可注明 有在全部


未支付的余额得到支付且履约保证退还给承包商当日起 该结清单才能生 效。


When submitting the Final Statement, the Contractor shall submit a written

discharge which confirms that the total of the Final Statement reprents full and final

ttlementof all moneys due to the Contractor under or in connection with the Contract.

This discharge may state that it becomes effective when the Contractor has received the

Performance Security and the outstanding balance of this total, in which event the

discharge shall be effective on such date.

3.13 Issue of Final Payment Certificate


根据第 款【最终支付证书的申请】和第 款【结清单】 在收到最 终报

14.11 14.12 ,

表及书面结清单单后 天内工程师应向雇主发出一份最终支付证书 说明

28,, :

Within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge in

accordance with Sub-Clau 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate] and Sub-

Clau 14.12 [Discharge], the Engineer shall issue, to the Employer, the Final Payment

Certificate which shall state:

(a) ,

最终应支付的款额 以及

(a) the amount which is finally due, and

(b) ,

在对雇主以前支付过的款额与雇主有权得到的全部金额加以核算后 雇主 还应

支付给承包商 或承包商还应支付给雇主 视情况而定 的余额 如有时

,( ) ()

(b) after giving credit to the Employer for all amounts previously paid by the

Employer and for all sums to which the Employer is entitled, the balance (if any) due from

the Employer to the contractor

如果承包商未根据第 款【最终支付证书的申请】和第 款【结清 单】

14.11 14.12 ,

申请最终支付证书 工程师应要求承包商提出申请。如果承包商未能在 期限内提

, 28

交此类申请 工程师应对其公正决定的应支付的此类款额颁发最终支付证 书。


If the Contractor has not applied for a Final Payment Certificate in accordance with

Sub-Clau 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate] and Sub-Clau 14.12

[Discharge], the Engineer shall request the Contractor to do so. If the Contractor fails to

submit an application within a period of 28 days, the Engineer shall issue the Final

Payment Certificate for such amount as he fairly determines to be due.

3.14 Cessation of Employer s Liability

雇主责任的终止 '对于由合同或工程实施引

起的 或与之相关的 任何问题和事件 雇主不对承包 商负有责任 除非承包商在下述

( ) , ,



The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing under or

in connection with the Contract or execut ion of the Works, except to the extent that the

Contractor shall have included an amount expressly for it:

(a) ,

最终报表 以及

(a) in the Final Statement and also

(b) ( )14.10

工程的接收证书颁发后发生的问题或事件除外 款【竣工报表】


(b) (except for matters or things arising after the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate

for the Works) in the Statement at completion described in Sub-Clau 14.10 [Statement

at Completion].

但是本款将不限定由于雇主的损害赔偿义务引起的责任 或者雇主的欺诈、 故意

, ,


However, this Sub-Clau shall not limit the Employer's liability under his

indemnification obligations, or the Employer's liability in any ca of fraud, deliberate

default or reckless misconduct by the Employer.

3.15 Currencies of Payment


合同价格应以投标函附录中指定的一种或几种货币支付。除非在专用条件中 另有

规定 如果指定的货币不限于一种 则应按下述规定进行支付

, , :

The Contract Price shall be paid in the currency or currencies named in the

Appendix to Tender. Unless otherwi stated in the Particular Conditions, if more than

one currency is so named, payments shall be made as follows:

(a) :


(a) if the Accepted Contract Amount was expresd in Local Currency only:

(i) ,

则支付当地货币与外币的比例或数额 以及计算该款额所用的固定汇率应 按投

标函附录中的规定执行 双方另有协议的情况除外

, ;

(i)the proportions or amounts of the Local and Foreign Currencies, and the fixed

rates of exchange to be ud for calculating the payments, shall be as stated in the

Appendix to Tender, except as otherwi agreed by both Parties;

(ii) 13.5 13.7 ,

根据第 款【暂定金额】和第 款【法规变化引起的调整】 应付 款项和

减扣款项应以适用的货币种类和比例进行支付和减扣 以及


(ii) payments and deductions under Sub-Clau 13.5 [Provisional Sums] and Sub-

Clau 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] shall be made in the applicable

currencies and proportions; and

(iii) 14.3 (a) (d)

根据第 款【期中支付证书的申请】 段至 段的要求的其他应 付款



(iii) other payments and deductions under sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of Sub-Clau

14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates] shall be made in the currencies and

proportions specified in sub-paragraph (a)(i) above


投标函附录中规定的损害赔偿费应按投标函附录中规定的货币种类和比例 进行


(b) payment of the damages specified in the Appendix to Tender shall be made in

the currencies and proportions specified in t he Appendix to Tender


承包商应该支付给雇主的其他款项应以雇主支付时使用的货币种类支付 或以双



(c) Other payments to the Employer by the Contractor shall be made in the currency

in which the sum was expended by the Employer, or in such currency as may be agreed by

both Parties;

(d) ,

如果承包商以某种特殊货币向雇主支付时的金额 超过了雇主以同种货币 向承

包商支付时的金额 雇主可从以其他货币进行支付的金额中弥补上述金额的余 以及

, ;

(d) if any amount payable by the Contractor to the Employer in a particular currency

exceeds the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor in that currency, the Employer

may recover the balance of this amount from the sums otherwi payable to the Contractor

in other currencies; and

(e) ,

如果在投标函附录中未注明汇率 所采用的汇率应为工程所在国中央银行 规定


(e) if no rates of exchange are stated in the Appendix to Tender, they shall be tho

prevailing on the Ba Date and determined by the central bank of the Country.



Termination by Employer



15.1 Notice to Correct

如果承包商未能根据合同履行任何义务 工程师可通知承包商 要求他在一规 定的合



If the Contractor fails to carry out any obligation under the Contract, the Engineer

may by notice require the Contractor to make good the failure and to remedy it within a

specified reasonable time.



15.2 Termination by Employer

雇主有权终止合同 如果承包商

, :

The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if the Contractor:

(a) 4.2 15.1 ,

未能遵守第 款【履约保证】或根据第 款【通知改正】发出的通

(a) fails to comply with Sub-Clau 4.2 [Performance Security] or with a notice under

Sub-Clau 15.1 [Notice to Correct],

(b) ,


(b) abandons the Works or otherwi plainly demonstrates the intention not to

continue performance of his obligations under the Contract,

(c) :


(c) without reasonable excu fails:

(i) 8,

按第 条【开工、延误和暂停】实施工程

(i) to proceed with the Works in accordance with Clau 8 [Commencement, Delays

and Suspension], or

(ii) 28,7.5 7.6

在接到通知后 天内遵守根据第 款【拒收】或第 款【补救工 作】颁发



(ii) to comply with a notice issued under Sub-Clau 7.5 [Rejection] or SubClau 7.6

[Remedial Work], within 28 days after receiving it,

(d) ,


(d) subcontracts the whole of the Works or assigns the Contract without the required


(e) ,,

破产或无力偿还债务 或停业清理 或已由法院委派其破产案财产管理人或 遗产

管理人 或为其债权人的利益与债权人达成有关协议 或在财产管理人 财产委 托人或财

, , ,

务管理人的监督下营业 或承包商所采取的任何行动或发生的任何事件 据有关适用的

, (

法律 具有与前述行动或事件相似的效果


(e) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or

administration order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on

business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or if any a ct is

done or event occurs which (under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of the acts

or events, or

(f) ( )

给予或提出给予 直接或间接 任何人以任何贿赂、礼品、小费、佣金或其 他有

价值的物品 作为或报酬

, ;

(f) gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity,

commission or other thing of va lue, as an inducement or reward:

(i) ,


(i) for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to the Contract; or

(ii) ,


(ii) for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to

the Contract,

或者如果任何承包商的人员、代理商或分包商如 段所述的那样给予或提 出给予

, (f)

( ) ,

直接或间接 任何人以任何此类或报酬。但是 给予承包商的人员的合 法奖励和报


or if any of the Contractor's Personnel, agents or Subcontractors gives or offers to

give (directly or indirectly) to any person any such inducement or reward as is described in

this sub-paragraph (f). However, lawful inducements and rewards to Contractor's Personnel

shall not entitle termination.

如果发生上述事件或情况 则雇主可在向承包商发出通知 天后终止本合同 并将


承包商逐出现场。另外如果发生段或⑴ 段的情况雇主可通知承包商立即 终止合同。


In any of the events or circumstances, the Employer may, upon giving 14 days'

notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contract and

expel the Contractor from the Site. However, in the ca of subparagraph (e) or (f), the

Employer may by notice terminate the Contract immediately.

雇主选择终止合同不应影响他根据合同或其他规定享有的雇主的任何其他权 利。

The Employer's election to terminate the Contract shall not prejudice any other rights

of the Employer, under the Contract or otherwi.

承包商随后应离开现场 并将任何要求的货物 所有他自己编制的或他人为其 编制的


承包商的文件以及其他设计文件转交给工程师。此外 承包商还应尽其最大 努力立即遵守





The Contractor shall then leave the Site and deliver any required

Goods, all Contractor's documents, and other design documents made by or for him, to the

Engineer. However, the Contractor shall u his best efforts to comply immediately with any

reasonable instructions included in the notice (i) for the assignment of any subcontract, and

(ii) for the protection of life or property or for the safety of the Works.

在此类终止之后 雇主可以安排由任何其他实体完成工程 或安排由任何其他 实体

, ,

和自己一起完成工程。雇主和此类实体可使用任何货物、承包商编制的或以其 名义编制的


After termination, the Employer may complete the Works and/or arrange for any

other entities to do so. The Employer and the entities

may then u any Goods, Contractor's documents and other design documents made by

or on behalf of the Contractor.

雇主随后发出通知 说明承包商的设备和临时工程将在现场或现场附近退还给


包商。承包商应以自己的费用及自担风险安排上述设备和临时工程的撤离 不得


拖延。此外 如果此时承包商还有应支付给雇主的款额未支付 为了获取这笔款额 雇主

, , ,


The Employer shall then give notice that the Contractor's Equipment and Temporary

Works will be relead to the Contractor at or near the Site. The Contractor shall promptly

arrange their removal, at the risk and cost of the Contractor. However, if by this time the

Contractor has failed to make a payment due to the Employer, the items may be sold by

the Employer in order to recover this payment. Any balance of the proceeds shall then be

paid to the Contractor.



在根据第 款【雇主提出终止】发出的终止通知生效后 工程师应尽快根 据第

15.2 ,

3.5 , ,

款【决定】 商定或决定工程、货物和承包商的文件的价值 以及就其根据 合同实施




15.4 Payment after Termination

在根据第 款【雇主提出终止】发出的终止通知生效后 雇主可以

15.2 ,:

After a notice of termination under Sub-Clau 15.2 (Termination form the

Employer) has taken effect, the Employer may:

(a) 2.5

按照第 款【雇主的索赔】的要求执行

(a) proceed in accordance with Sub-Clau 2.5 [Employer's Claims],

(b) ,

扣留向承包商支付的进一步款项 直至雇主确定了施工、竣工和修补任何 工程

缺陷的费用、误期损害赔偿费 如有时 以及雇主花费的所有其它费用 以及 或者

( ), , ( )

(b) withhold further payments to the Contractor until the costs of execution,

completion and remedying of any defects, damages for delay in completion (if any), and

all other costs incurred by the Employer, have been established, and/or

(c) 15.3 ,

在考虑根据第 款【终止日期时的估价】应支付承包商的任何金额后 自承

包商处收回雇主由此招致的任何损失以及为完成工程所导致的超支费用。在收 回此类损

失和超支费用后 雇主应向承包商支付任何结存金额。


(c) recover from the Contractor any loss and damages incurred by the Employer

and any extra costs of completing the Works, after allowing for any sum due to the

Contractor under Sub-Clau 15.3 [V aluation at Date of Termination]. After recovering

any such loss, damages and extra costs, the Employer shall pay any balance to the




在任何雇主认为适宜时 雇主有权向承包商发出终止通知 终止合同。此类终 止应

, ,

在下述日期较晚者后天生效收到该终止通知的日期雇主退还履 约保证的日


期。如果雇主为了自己实施工程或为了安排由其他承包商实施工程 他将无权根据本



The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract, at any time for the

convenience, by giving notice of such termination to the Contractor. The termination shall

take effect 28 days after the later of the dates on which the Contractor receives this notice

or the Employer returns the Performance Security. The Employer shall not terminate the

Contract under this Sub-Clau in order to execute the Works

在此类终止之后 承包商应按照第 款【通知工作及承包商的设备的撤 离】的

, 16.3

要求执行 并应按照第 款【可选择的终止、支付和返回】从雇主处得到 支付。

, 19.6

After this termination, the Contractor shall proceed in. accordance with Sub-Clau

16.3 [Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment] and shall be paid in

accordance with Sub-Clau 19.6 [Optional Termination, Payment and Relea].



Suspens on and Termination by Contractor



16.1 Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work

如果工程师未能按照第 款【期中支付证书的颁发】开具支付证书 或者 雇主

14.6 ,

未能按照第 款【雇主的资金安排】或第 款【支付】的规定执行 则承 包商可在

2.4 14.7 ,

提前 天以上通知雇主 暂停工作或降低工作速度 除非并且直到承包 商收到了支


付证书 合理的证明或支付 视情况而定并且遵守通知的指示


If the Engineer fails to certify in accordance with Sub-Clau 14.6 [Issue of Interim

Payment Certificates] or the Employer fails to comply with Sub-Clau 2.4 [Employer's

Financial Arrangements] or Sub-Clau

14.7 [Payment], the Contractor may, after giving not less than 21 days' notice to the

Employer, suspend work (or reduce the rate of work) unless and until the Contract or has

received the Payment Certificate, reasonable evidence or payment, as the ca may be and

as described in the notice.

此行为不应影响承包商根据第 款【延误的支付】得到融资费和根据第




The Contractor's action shall not prejudice his entitlements to financing charges

under Sub-Clau 14.8 [Delayed Payment] and to termination under Sub-Clau 16.2

[Termination by Contractor].

如果在发出终止通知之前 承包商随即收到了此类支付证书、证明或支付 相关

, (

条款和上述通知中所述 则承包商应尽快恢复正常工作。


If the Contractor subquently receives such Payment Certificate, evidence or

payment (as described in the relevant Sub-Clau and in the above notice) before giving a

notice of termination, the Contractor shall resume normal working as soon as is reasonably


如果承包商根据本款规定暂停工作或降低工作速度而造成拖期和 导致发

( )

生费用则承包商应通知工程师 并根据第 款【承包商的索赔】承包商有权

,, 20.1 :

If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result of suspending work (or

reducing the rate of work) in accordance with this Sub-Clau, the Contractor shall give

notice to the Engineer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clau 20.1 [Contractor's

Claims] to:

(a) 8.4 , ,

根据第 款【竣工时间的延长】的规定 就任何此类延误获得延长的工

如果竣工时间已经 或将要被延误以及


(a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or

will be delayed, under Sub-Clau 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and

(b) ,

获得任何此类费用加上合理的利润 并将之加入在合同价格。

(b) payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be included in the

Contract Price.

在收到此类通知后 工程师应根据第 款【决定】 对上述事宜表示同意或 作出

,3.5 ,


After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in

accordance with Sub-Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the matters.



16.2 Termination by Contractor

如果发生下述情况 承包商应有权终止合同

, :

The Contractor shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if: Contractor

(a) 16.1 (

在根据第 款【承包商有权暂停工作】发出通知 有关于雇主未能按照

2.4 ) 42 ,

款【雇主的资金安排】的规定执行 天内 承包商没有收到合理的证明

(a)the Contractor does not receive the reasonable evidence within

42 days after giving notice under Sub-Clau 16.1 [Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend

Work] in respect of a failure to comply with SubClau 2.4 [Employer's Financial


(b) 56, ,

在收到报表和证明文件后 天内工程师未能颁发相应的支付证书

(b) the Engineer fails, within 56 days after receiving a Statement and supporting

documents, to issue the relevant Payment Certificate,

(c) 14.7 42,

在第 款【支付】规定的支付时间期满后 天内承包商没有收到按

具的期中支付证书应向其支付的应付款额 根据第 款【雇主的索赔】进行扣 除的

( 2.5



(c) the Contractor does not receive the amount due under an Interim Payment

Certificate within 42 days after the expiry of the time stated in Sub-Clau 14.7

[Payment] within which payment is to be made (except for deductions in accordance

with Sub-Clau 2.5 [Employer's Claims]),

(d) ,


(d) the Employer substantially fails to perform his obligations under the Contract,

(e) 1.6 1.7

雇主未能按照第 款【合同协议书】或第 款【转让】的规定执行

(e) the Employer fails to comply with Sub-Clau 1.6 [Contract Agreement] or

Sub-Clau 1.7 [Assignment],

(f) 8.11 ,


(f) a prolonged suspension affects the whole of the Works as described in Sub- -

Clau 8.11 [Prolonged Suspension], or



人或遗产管理人 或为其债权人的利益与债权人达成有关协议 或在财产管理人

, , ,

委托人或财务管理人的监督下营业 或承包商所采取的任何行动或发生的任何事 根据

, (

有关适用的法律 具有与前述行动或事件相似的效果。


(g) the Employer becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a

receiving or administration order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or

carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or

if any acf is done or event occurs which (under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any

of the acts or events.

如果发生上述事件或情况 则承包商可在向雇主发出通知 天后 终止本合 同。

, 14,

此外如果发生⑴ 段或段的情况承包商可通知雇主立即终止合同。


In any of the events or circumstances, the Contractor may, upon giving 14 days'

notice to the Employer, terminate the Contract: However, in the ca of subparagraph (f)

or (g), the Contractor may by notice terminate the Contract immediately.

承包商选择终止合同不应影响他根据合同或其他规定享有的承包商的任何其 他权


The Contractor's election to terminate the Contract shall not prejudice any ot her

rights of the Contractor, under the Contract or otherwi.



16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment

在根据第 款【雇主终止合同的权力】 或第 款【承包商提出终止】 或第

15.5 , 16.2

19.6 , :

款【可选择的终止、支付和返回】发出的终止通知生效后 承包商应尽快

After a notice of termination under Sub-Clau 15.5 [Employer's Entitlement to

Termination], Sub-Clau 16.2 [Termination by Contractor] or Sub-Clau 19.6[Optional

Termination, Payment and Relea] has taken effect, the Contractor

(a) ,

停止一切进一步的工作 但应负责工程师为保护生命或财产或为了工程的 安全



(a) cea all further work, except for such work as may have been instructed by the

Engineer for the protection of life or property or for the safety of the Works,

(b) ,


(b) hand over Contractor's documents, Plant, Materials and other work, for which the

Contractor has received payment, and

(c) ( ),

撤离现场上所有其他的货物 为了安全所需的货物除外 而后离开现场。

(c) remove all other Goods from the Site, except as necessary for safety, and leave

the Site.



16.4Payment on Termination

在根据第 款【承包商提出终止】发出的终止通知生效后 雇主应尽快

16.2 ,:

After a notice of termination under Sub-Clau 16.2 [Termination by Contractor] has

taken effect, the Employer shall promptly:

(a) ,


(a) return the Performance Security to the Contractor,

(b) 19.6 ,

根据第 款【可选择的终止、支付和返回】向承包商进行支付 以及

(b) pay the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clau 19.6 [Optional Termination,

Payment and Relea], and


向承包商支付因终止合同承包商遭受的任何利润的损失或其他损失或损害 的款


(c) pay to the Contractor the amount of any loss of profit or other loss or damage

sustained by the Contractor as a result of this termination.



Risk and Responsibility



17.1 Indemnities

承包商应保障和保护雇主 雇主的人员 以及他们各自的代理人免遭与下述有 关的


一切索赔、损害、损失和开支 包括法律费用和开支

( ):

The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer, the

Employer's Personnel, and their respective agents, against and from all claims, damages,

loss and expens (including legal fees and expens) in respect of:

(a) (),

由于承包商的设计 如有时 施工、竣工以及任何缺陷的修补导致的任何 人员

的身体伤害、生病、病疫或死亡 由于雇主、雇主的人员或他们各自的代理人 的任何渎


职、恶意行为或违反合同而造成的除外 以及


(a) bodily injury, sickness, dia or death, of any person whatsoever arising out of

or in the cour of or by reason of the Contractor's design (if any), the execution and

completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects, unless attributable to any

negligence, wilful act or breach of the Contract by the Employer, the Employer's Personnel,

or any of their respective agents, and

(b) ,(),:

物资财产即不动产或私人财产 工程除外的损伤或毁坏 当此类损伤或毁 坏是

(b) damage to or loss of any property, real or personal (other than

the Works), to the extent that such damage or loss:

(i) (), ,

由于承包商的设计 如有时施工、竣工以及任何缺陷的修补导致的 以及

(i)aris out of or in the cour of or by reason of the

Contractor's design (if any), the execution and completion of the Works and the

remedying of any defects, and

(ii) ,,

由于承包商、承包商的人员 他们各自的代理人 或由他们直接或间接雇 用的任


(ii) is attributable to any negligence, wilful act or breach of the Contract by the

Contractor, the Contractor's Personnel, their respective agents, or anyone directly or

indirectly employed by any of them.

雇主应保障和保护承包商 承包商的人员 以及他们各自的代理人免遭与下述 有关


的一切索赔、损害、损失和开支 包括法律费用和开支 由于雇主、雇主的 人员或他

( ):(1)

们各自的代理人的任何渎职、恶意行为或违反合同而造成的身体伤害、生 病、病疫或死

没有承保的责任 如第 款【人员伤亡和财产损害的保险】

,(2) , 18.3 (d)(i),(ii) (iii)


The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, the Contractor's

Personnel, and their respective agents, against and from all claims, damages, loss and

expens (including legal fees and expens) in respect of (1) bodily injury, sickness,

dia or death, which is attributable to any negligence, wilful act or breach of the

Contract by the Employer, the Employer's Personnel, or any of their respective agents, and

(2) the matters for which liability may be excluded from insurance cover, as described in

sub-paragraphs (d)(i), (i) and (iii) of Sub-Clau 18.3 [Insurance Against Injury to Persons

and Damage to Property].



17.2 Contractor's Care of the Works

从工程开工日期起直到颁发 或认为根据第 款【对工程和区段的接收】 已颁


接收证书的日期为止 承包商应对工程的照管负全部责任。此后 照管工程 的责任移


交给雇主。如果就工程的某区段或部分颁发了接收证书 或认为已颁发 则该区段或部

( ),


The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the

Works and Goods the Commencement Date until the Taking-Over Certificate is issued (or

is deemed to be issued under Sub-Clau 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections])

for the Works, when responsibility for the care of the Works shall pass to the Employer. If a

Taking-Over Certificate is issued (or is so deemed to be issued) for any Section or part of

the Works, responsibility for the care of the Section or part shall then pass to the

Employer. ,

在责任相应地移交给雇主后 承包商仍有责任

照管任何在接收证书上注明的日期内应完成而尚未完成的工作 直至此类



After responsibility has accordingly pasd to the Employer, the

Contractor shall take responsibility for the care of any work which is outstanding on the

date stated in a Taking-Over Certificate, until this outstanding work has been completed.

在承包商负责照管期间 如果工程、货物或承包商的文件发生的任何损失或损 害不


是由于第 款【雇主的风险】所列的雇主的风险所致 则承包商应自担风险 和费用弥

17.3 ,

补此类损失或修补损害 以使工程、货物或承包商的文件符合合同的要 求。


If any loss or damage happens to the Works, Goods or Contractor's documents

during the period when the Contractor is responsible for their care, from any cau not

listed in Sub-Clau 17.3 [Employer's Risks], the Contractor shall rectify the loss or damage

at the Contractor's risk

and cost, so that the Works, Goods and Contractor's documents conform with the


承包商还应为在接收证书颁发后由于他的任何行为导致的任何损失或损害负 责。

同时 对于接收证书颁发后出现 并且是由于在此之前承包商的责任而导致的任 何损失

, ,

或损害 承包商也应负有责任。


The Contractor shall be liable for any loss or damage caud by any actions

performed by the Contractor after a Taking-Over Certificate has been issued. The

Contractor shall also be liable for any loss or damage which occurs after a Taking Over

Certificate has been issued and which aro from a previous event for which the

Contractor was liable.



17.3 Employer's Risks

与下述第 款有关的风险如下

17.4 :

The risks referred to in Sub-Clau 17.4 below are:

(a) () ,

战争、敌对行动 不论宣战与否 、入侵、外敌行动

(a)war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,

(b) ,




(b) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil

war, within the Country,

(c) ,

暴乱、骚乱或混乱 完全局限于承包商的人员以及承包商和分包商的其他 雇用



(c) riot, commotion or disorder within the Country by persons other than the

Contractor's Personnel and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors,

(d) ,

工程所在国的军火、爆炸性物质、离子辐射或放射性污染 由于承包商使 用此



(d) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by

radio-activity, within the Country, except as may be attributable to the Contractor's u of

such munitions, explosives, radiation or radio-activity,

(e) ,


(e) pressure waves caud by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or

supersonic speeds,

(f) , ,

雇主使用或占用永久工程的任何部分 合同中另有规定的除外

(f) u or occupation by the Employer of any part of the Permanent Works, except

as may be specified in the Contract,

(g) ,,

因工程任何部分设计不当而造成的 而此类设计是由雇主的人员提供的

雇主所负责的其他人员提供的 以及


(g) design of any part of the Works by the Employer's Personnel or by others for

whom the Employer is responsible, and



(h) any operation of the forces of nature which is Unforeeable or against which an

experienced contractor could not reasonably have been expected to have taken adequate

preventative precautions.



17.4 Conquences of Employer s rirks


如果上述第 款所列的雇主的风险导致了工程、货物或承包商的文件的损 失或


损害 则承包商应尽快通知工程师 并且应按工程师的要求弥补此类损失或修复 此类损



If and to the extent that any of the risks listed in Sub-Clau

17.3 above results in loss or damage to the Works, Goods or Contractor's documents, the

Contractor shall promptly give notice to the Engineer and shall rectify this loss or damage

to the extent required by the Engineer

如果为了弥补此类损失或修复此类损害使承包商延误工期和 承担了费用 则承


包商应进一步通知工程师 并且根据第 款【承包商的索赔】 有权

, 20.1 ,:

If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from rectifying this loss or

damage, the Contractor shall give a further notice to

the Engineer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clau 20.1 [Contractor's Claims]


(a) 8.4 , ,

根据第 款【竣工时间的延长】的规定 就任何此类延误获得延长的工

果竣工时间已经 或将要被延误以及


(a)an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under

Sub-Clau 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and

(b) , 17.3

获得任何此类费用 并将之加在合同价格中。如果第 款【雇主的风 险】



(b) payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the Contract Price. In the

ca of sub-paragraphs (f) and (g) of Sub-Clau

17.3 [Employer's Risks], reasonable profit on the Cost shall also be included.

在收到此类通知后 工程师应根据第 款【决定】 对上述事宜表示同意或

, 3.5 ,


After receiving this further notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with

Sub-Clau 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the matters.



17.5 Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

本款中“侵权”的含义是指对与工程有关的任何专利权 已注册的设计、版 权、

, ,

商标、商品名称、商业秘密或其他知识产权的侵权 或声称的侵权“索赔” 的含义是


指声称侵权的索赔 或为索赔进行的诉讼活动

( )

In this Sub-Clau, "infringement" means an infringement (or alleged infringement)

of any patent, registered design, copyright, trade mark, trade name, trade cret or other

intellectual or industrial

property right relating to the Works; and "claim" means a claim (or proceedings pursuing

a claim) alleging an infringement.

如果一方在收到此类索赔后 天内未向任何索赔事件的另一方发出通知

28 ,


Whenever a Party does not give notice to the other Party of any claim within 28

days of receiving the claim, the first Party shall be deemed to have waived any right to

indemnity under this Sub-Clau.

雇主应保障和保护承包商免遭由于下述情况 或以前发生的情况 导致的任何




The Employer shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless against and from

any claim alleging an infringement which is or was:

(a) ,

由于承包商遵循合同而必然引起的结果 或者

(a) an unavoidable result of the Contractor's compliance with the Contract, or

(b) :


(b) a result of any Works being ud by the Employer:

(i) ,


(i) for a purpo other than that indicated by, or reasonably to be inferred from,

the Contract, or

(ii) ,

与非承包商提供的任何事物联合使用 除非此类使用在基准日期之前已向 承包


(ii) in conjunction with any thing not supplied by the Contractor, unless such u

was disclod to the Contractor prior to the Ba Date or is stated in the Contract.

承包商应保障和保护雇主免遭由于下述情况导致的或与下述情况相关的任何 其他



The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from

any other claim which aris out of or in relation to

(i) ,


(i) the manufacture, u, sale or import of any Goods, or



(ii) any design for which the Contractor is responsible.

如果一方有权根据本款得到保障 则保障方可以 自费为解决该索赔进行谈判

,( )

进行由此索赔而引起的任何诉讼或仲裁。应保障方的要求并在由其负担费用的情 况下


被保障方应协助对此类索赔进行争辩。该被保障方 包括其人员 不应承认任 何有损于


保障方的谈判、诉讼或仲裁 除非保障方未能按照被保障方的要求进行谈 判、诉讼或仲



If a Party is entitled to be indemnified under this Sub-Clau, the indemnifying

Party may (at its cost) conduct negotiations for the ttlement of the claim, and any

litigation or arbitration which may ari from it. The other Party shall, at the request and

cost of the indemnifying Party, assist in contesting the claim. This other Party (and its

Personnel) shall not make any admission which



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