采 购 框 架 合 同
Purcha Frame Contract
同”)如下约定:This ‘Purcha Frame Contract’ (hereinafter “Contract”) of the following
items was made, on the principle of mutual benefit, after friendly consultation, by and
between Purchar and Supplier hereof:
1.标的 Object
方应按本合同的要求提供订单中的产品和/或服务。The Object in this contract means
Supplier delivers products and/or rvices to Purchar pursuant to the terms and
conditions herein. During the period of this contract, Purchar shall, on the basis of
this contract, deliver ordered products and/or rvices.
2.价格条款 Price
2.1 供、需双方书面约定的产品和服务的价格条款,以本合同附件采购订单为准。
Both Purchar and Supplier hereby agree to the price terms of the products and
rvices through written agreement; nevertheless, the aforementioned shall be final
confirmed by Purcha Order annexed hereof.
2.2 合同或订单中的总价应包含所订购产品的运费、包装费、装卸费等费用,以及
金应在总价中单独列出。Total price of this contract or purcha order shall contain all
reference fees with respect to products/rvices, including transportation fees,
package fees, upload and download fees, etc. and all reference tax, including tariff,
value added tax, consumption tax and etc. Meanwhile, the reference tax type, rate
and amount shall be shown parately in total payment.
3.订单 Purcha Order
3.1 订单:本合同的订单是指,需方根据本合同约定向供方发出的供货凭证。订单
应包含如下信息:标的物、单价、总价、交货时间、数量等。Order: Order in this contract
shall be the delivery certification that Purchar nds to Supplier pursuant to this
contract. Each Purcha Order shall contain the following information: Subject Matter,
Unit Price, Total Price, Delivery Time, and Quantity.
3.2 订单为本合同不可分割的一部分与本合同享有同等效力。本合同与订单约定不
一致的,以订单为准。Purcha Order shall be an integral part of this contract, and
enjoy same legal effect of this contract. In ca of any discrepancy between this
contract and purchar order, purchar order shall be prevail.
3.3 订单确认:供方应按照需方要求对需方订单书面确认(传真件有效,且应由供
对双方有约束力。Order Confirmation: Supplier shall, on the basis of Purchar’s
requirement, nd written confirmation to Purchar (Facsimile shall be valid, and
shall be signed and chopped, with the same company chop of this contract, by the
authorized reprentatives of the Supplier). The final written confirmed Order shall be
bind by the parties.
3.4 如供方未在需方所要求的时间内对订单进行书面确认,视为供方拒绝本合同及
其订单,需方有权另行安排采购。If within the required time, Supplier doesn’t nd
written confirmation to the Order, such Order shall be regard as rejected by Supplier
and Purcha is entitled to make any arrangement of purchasing.
3.5 订单交货期:订单交货期以订单约定为准;除非需方书面要求或同意,供方的
费;(3)除上述损失外,如有其他损失的,需方有权继续索赔。Ordered Delivery Period
shall be subject to the Order; except as otherwi required or agreed by Purchar,
delivery time shall never be postponed. In the event of late delivery, Purchar shall
be entitled to claim against Supplier: (1) 1% of total payment for each 1 delivery day
as liquidate damages, however, the maximum penalty shall not exceed 30% of total
payment, otherwi, Purchar will rerve the right of termination; (2) Clime against
Supplier the attorney’s fees, investigation fees, professional fees, trip expens and
food and accommodation fees; (3) except the aforementioned loss, if any other loss,
Purchar may has right to further claim.
3.6 订单终止:由于市场变化或其他不可预测因素导致需方对产品需求发生变化,
Termination, due to the market floating or any other unforecastable matter, Purchar
may vary its requirement from time to time, reduce the ordered quantity or delay the
delivery; however, except as otherwi written connt by Purchar, Supplier shall
not randomly terminate any order; or any loss due to the termination shall be
compensated by Supplier.
4.交货 Delivery
方地址;需方拒绝一切形式的所有权保留内容。Delivery: Delivery in this contract means
deliver Products to the place of delivery designated by the effective Order, and transit
such Product to Purchar or the Consignee designated by Purchar. Except as
otherwi agreed in Purcha Order, the default delivery place herein is Purchar’s
contract address; Purchar will reject any type of title retention.
切与产品或服务相关的技术资料、图纸及其他相关信息。Supplier shall, within 48 hours
in advance, inform Purchar of specific delivery information. Supplier shall make
Delivery Slip, which shall contain Product Name, Specification, Unit Price, Quantity
and Total Price; except the aforementioned, Supplier shall also provide all technical
documentation, diagram, drawing and another information referred to the products or
方应采取适当的措施,在不增加需方费用的前提下,努力满足交货要求。Supplier shall
fully meet the requirement of the valid Order, deliver on time. Under the requirement
of early delivery, Supplier shall, to the extent of without increasing Purchar’s costs
or expens, adopt properly measures to satisfy the delivery requirement.
5.收货及检验 Receive and Inspection
5.1 需方收到供方提供的产品后应当核对产品名称、数量、包装等并由需方在送货
灭失承担全过程的责任。Purchar should check out the Products, Quantity and
Package at the time of receiving and sign on the delivery note; however, any signature
on delivery note shall not regard as final acceptance of Products. Purchar shall be
responsible for any damages or loss of the Products after receive signature;
nevertheless, Purchar shall not be responsible for any damages or loss by the
reason of Products nature or ruined by insight defective.
5.2 最终验收:除非订单另有约定,最终验收应在供方将合同产品送至需方或需方
需方的最终验收并不免除供方对所供货物应承担的瑕疵担保责任。Final Acceptance:
except as otherwi agreed in Purcha Order, final acceptance process shall be
made within 10 working days after the Products delivered to Purchar or designated
by Purchars, overdue without any reason shall be deemed as final acceptance.
Purchar’s final acceptance shall not deem as Supplier’s free from liability for
warranty of defects.
5.3 供方在产品最终验收合格后应立即开具真实有效合法的发票,并送至需方或需
方指定收票人。Supplier shall, after final acceptance, issue authentic, effective and
legal invoice, and deliver it to Purchar or designated by Purchar.
6.付款 Payment
据本合同及订单办理付款手续。Payment shall be made on the basis of this contract
and purcha order, after the final acceptance of the Products (subject to Purchar’s
written confirm).
6.2付款方式,供、需双方同意以如下_____的方式付款 Payment Terms, the parties
agree to adopt the following ____ as payment terms:
和数量问题的情况下,一次性全额支付货款;Except as otherwi agreed in Purcha
Order, lump-sum payment shall be made within 30 days after invoice received by
Purchar, and products together with all delivery bills has been delivered and without
any quality or quantity problem.
经入账后10个工作日内支付剩余全部价款的10%。30% of total amount as down
payment within 10 working days from the date of contract signature; after the final
acceptance, 60% of total amount within 30 days from the first day of next month after
the invoice booked; after the warranty period subject to ction 7.2, last 10% of total
amount within 10 days after the booked date of invoice received from Supplier.
(3)本合同签订后10日内预付100%货款,款到后发货。100% lump-sum payment
within 10 days from the date of this contract signed; Supplier make delivery after
payment received.
6.3 需方无正当理由延迟付款的,供方有权向需方索赔(1)每延迟一日向需方索
权解除合同;(2)除上述损失外,如有其他损失的,供方有权继续索赔。In ca any
unreasonable overdue payment made by Purchar, Supplier shall be entitled to
claim against Purchar: (1) 1% of remaining payment for each 1 day as liquidate
damages, however, the maximum penalty shall not exceed 30% of total payment, or
otherwi, Supplier will rerve the right of termination; (2) except the aforementioned
loss, if any other loss, Supplier may has right to further claim.
7.培训和服务 Training and Service
户提供满意的服务。Training: Supplier undertakes the necessary free technical training
or technical support for the pre-sale, on-sale and after-sale of the contract products
for reference employees of Purchar until such employees catch the ability and the
parties hereof together to provide the satisfactory rvices to the Purchar’s
7.2 保修期:供方承诺对其提供的产品,自最终验收之日起提供2年的质保服务,
Period: Supplier undertakes to provide free maintenance, repair, replace and software
upgrade rvices during the two years’ warranty period from the date of final
acceptance for its products provided; if such failure of the products caud by
Purchar itlf, Supplier shall also provide repair rvice and be entitled to request
rvice fees on the basis the cost price.
after Warranty Period: After warranty period, Supplier shall, in accordance with the
agreement / order, continue to the after rvice; any failure for the performance of
such rvices of Supplier, Purchar shall be entitled to claim against any loss
caud by Supplier, such claim is subject to the scope of Section 9.3.
8.包装 Package
8.1 除非需方指定特殊的包装方式,包装物应由供方提供并自负费用,包装物必须
满足需方要求,供方应保证所提供的包装物符合运输、产品安全的要求。Except as
otherwi specially required by Purchar, package shall be at Supplier’s expens;
however, the package shall be meet the Purchar’s requirement, especially the
requirement of transportation and product safety.
8.2 供方应采用合理的安全措施,妥善包装货物,达到防潮、防湿、防震、防尘等
要求,供方应对未采取适当充分的包装保护措施而造成的任何损失负责。Supplier shall
adopt properly safety measure package the products to avoid humidity, moisture,
quake and dust; Supplier shall be responsible for any failure due to the improper
9.品质条款 Quality
检验,方为需方所接受,否则,需方有权予以拒收;Technical Specification: Supplier
warrants that all its products and rvices shall meet the requirement of this contract
and/or purchar order, including technical specification, quality agreement and
reference standard. All delivered products without prior examination shall not be
accepted by Purchar.
抵扣;如需方出现其他损失的,供方应予以补偿。Defective Products: Supplier shall be
responsible for the defective products; under the instruction of Purchar, Supplier
shall repair, rework, replace, or even withdraw;simultaneously, such costs or loss
shall be refunded from the payment that was already paid or offt from the due
payment when reference payment will be made; despite of the aforementioned, if any
other loss occurs to Purchar, Supplier shall also compensate.
9.3 费用:由上述9.2的缺陷产品/服务而导致的索赔费用,包括但不限于与此相
调查费、鉴定费及法庭裁判费等费用由供方承担。Costs and Expens: costs and
expens due to the defective products/rvices subject to Section 9.2, include
without limitation to the reference fault diagnosis, products repair, sort, replace,
management fee, trip fees, food and accommodation fees or even attorney’s fees,
investigations, professional fees and judgement fees, shall be borne by Supplier.
9.4 供方提供的产品应通过出厂测试和检验,并向需方提供质量合格证书。All
products supplied by Supplier shall exerci factory examination and provide to
Purchar the quality certification.
10. 知识产权及保密条款 Intellectual Property & Confidentiality
10.1 本合同所指的知识产权,权利人对其所创作的智力劳动成果所享有的财产权
Intellectual Property hereof means, the Obligee enjoys the whole property rights of the
intelligence results that he created. The Intellectual Property rights include but not
limited to patent, trade mark, copyright and layout designs of integrated circuits, etc.
Supplier guarantee that all its products/rvices will not infringe any proprietary right
or intellectual property right of any third party, and shall be further responsible for any
loss that caud by its infringement to the third party, in any ca of using such
products/rvices of Purchar.
10.2 供方同意对交易过程中所知悉的需方的全部信息或与本交易相关的信息承
及需方单独要求的技术参数等信息。Supplier agrees to bear the duty of confidentiality
to all the information of Purchar or all the information related to such transaction
hereto; without prior written connt of Purchar, Supplier will not disclo such
information related hereof to any third party, such information including but not limited
to trade price, payment terms, products delivered specifications, quantity, warranty or
technical data specially requested by Purchar.
11.合同变更和解除 Contract Variation and Termination
11.1 经双方协商一致,可变更本合同的部分内容,变更的内容以合同附件形式体
现,由双方授权代表签字并盖章确认,以变更后的内容为准。After the consultation of the
parties hereto, some part of this contract may be varied; such variation to this contract
shall be subject to the Annex, be signed and chopped by the authorized
reprentatives, and will be bind by the parties.
11.2 任何一方如果出现以下情形,另一方有权立即单方解除本合同:Any party may
unilaterally terminated this contract, under the following circumstances of the other
经另一方催告后10天内仍不履行的;Delay in contract performance of one party, which
leads to failure for the contract purpo of the other party; or otherwi, delay in
performance of one party, still fails to perform after 10 days demand of the other party;
(2)已提出破产申请或被他人提起破产申请的;File for bankruptcy or be filed for
bankruptcy by others;
(3)经营状况严重恶化;Operation conditions riously deteriorated;
(4)有转移财产、抽逃资金,逃避债务的行为; Transferring asts, withdrawing
funds or evade debts;
(5)丧失商业信誉; Lo goodwill.
11.3 解除合同并不影响守守约方对违约方造成的损失进行索赔的权利。The
termination of this contract will not affect the right of loss claim of the obrvant party
to the breaching party.
12.违约责任 Liability of Violation
损失的,需方有权以参考9.3的约定费用向供方索赔。Warranty Obligations: When the
delivered products don’t meet the requirement of Warranty clau, Purchar may at
its option request Supplier at Supplier’s cost to repair, replace, rework, return, or even
reduce or refund the payment; in ca of other loss, Purchar shall be entitled to
claim against Supplier subject to Section 9.3.
丢失、坏损、减量、变质造成的损失由供方承担。Supplier shall take away the defective
products within the requested period of Purchar; in ca of any failure for taking
away; Purchar will, at the cost of Supplier, return the products to Supplier, trust to
the third party or ll out; during such processing period, any loss, damage, reduce, or
deterioration will at the cost of Supplier.
12.2 供方在提供维修服务过程中,如未按双方约定的时间将返修的故障件送至需
方指定地点,则供方应向需方承担违约责任。During the repair rvice, if Supplier failure
for complete the repairing and deliver the repaired parts to the designated place within
the agreed time, Supplier shall bear violation liability to the Purchar.
12.3 因产品包装不符合合同规定,如有必要,供方应当重新包装,并承担费用;
偿。If the package cannot meet the requirement of contract purpo, Supplier shall, if
necessary, repackage at the cost of Supplier;
12.4 按合同规定应该偿付的违约金及赔偿金应当在明确责任后10日内付清或由守
13. 不可抗力Force Majeure
13.1 不可抗力:是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况,包括但不限于:
外且经该方合理努力后也不能防止或避免的自然灾害或社会异常事件。Force Majeure
as referred to in this contract means unforeeable, unavoidable and insurmountable
objective conditions; which contains including but without limitation to act of god, flood,
earthquake or other disasters, war or riot, or any other disaster or social unusual
events that out of the reasonable control of the affected party or cannot be prevented
or avoided even after reasonable efforts by one party.
13.2 受不可抗力影响,不能履行合同或延迟履行合同的一方可视不可抗力的实际影
各方审查、确认。Under the influence of Force Majeure, the party cannot perform the
contract or delay perform shall be partially or wholly free from violation on the basis of
actual influenced. Nevertheless, the party of affected by Force Majeure shall timely
notify the other party, and within 10 days of Force Majeure occurs u EMS nd to
the other party the Force Majeure evidence signed by the reference government for
confirmation u.
13.3 受不可抗力影响的一方应采取一切可能的措施,使自身或对方可能遭受的损失
使自身遭受重大损失,并不承担任何责任。The party affected by Force Majeure shall
take all efforts to make the loss of itlf or the other party as lowest as possible; the
unaffected party has the right to take all possible measures, or even terminate this
contract, to avoid massive loss of itlf, without any liability.
14.环境保护 Environment Protection
用危险或可能会对环境造成不利影响的材料。Supplier shall be compliance with the
applicable environmental laws or reference laws enacted from time to time with
respect to the products provided. Supplier shall, on the purpo of environment
protection, continuously examine its products and technical process, and ensure that
the deliveries can be dispod through environmental process at the end of the
rvice life of its products. Supplier further commits that its products, process,
package and all logistic solutions shall be as lower in consumption of the nature
resources as possible, and meanwhile avoid suing hazardous materials or the
material might have bad effect to the environment.
15. 其他条款 Miscellaneous
不可分割的组成部分。Modification: this contract shall only be written revid by the
authorized reprentatives; any revi hereto shall be an integral part of this contract.
15.2 转让:未经对方事先书面同意,任何一方不得将本合同的部分或全部分包、
转让给其附属机构或任何第三方。Transfer: Except as otherwi written connt by
one party, any party may not transfer any part of whole part of this contract to any
affiliates or any third party.
15.3 合同份数:本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,有同等的法律效力。Contract
Copies: this contract was made in duplicate, either of which shall be hold by one party
and enjoy the same legal effect.
15.4 供方须确保供方人员在需方场所进行服务时遵守需方的有关规定。Supplier
ensures that all its personnel obey reference rules of Purchar in providing rvice in
Purchar’s site.
15.5 部分失效:如果本合同的任何条款被合格的司法机关裁定在某些方面不可执
他条款继续有效。Severability: in ca of any clau of this contract is judged
unenforceable in some ways by any eligible juridical authorities, and such
unenforceable will not substantially affect the contract rights of the parties hereto; the
remaining claus of this contract shall not be affected and remain in full force.
15.6 弃权:任何一方对另一方不履行本合同的义务和责任的某些事件放弃追究不
视为放弃该权利,并且不视为放弃对以后发生的事件放弃追究。Waiver: failure for the
accountability to the un-performance of contract rights or obligations of any party shall
neither be regarded as such claiming right is waivered by another party, nor be
regarded as such waiver for the following similar event.
15.7 本合同以下条款在本合同终止以后仍然有效:保证条款、违约责任条款、知
识产权及保密条款、法律适用条款、仲裁条款。The following claus shall be remain in
effect after the termination of this contract: Warranty Clau, Violation Clau, IP &
Confidentiality, Applicable Laws, Judgement.
15.8 信息传递:当一方的有关基本信息发生变化(如地址、帐号、法定代表人等),
的通知都应以书面形式包括传真或电子邮件的形式传递。Information Delivery: one
party shall, in ca of its variation of some basic information (such as main domicile,
account No., legal reprentative and etc.) and such variation will probably affect the
cooperation of the parties hereof, timely notify the other party with written notice. Any
notification from one party to another shall be in written, including facsimile or email.
15.9 本合同的签署只是为双方合作提供法律依据。供、需双方仍是独立法人,仍
建立类似关系。This contract provides legal basis for the contract parties. Either
Purchar or Supplier is independent legal person and remain in operating such
business within the government authorization scope continuously. This contract will
neither be regard as building the relationship of partnership, joint venture, agent, trust
and etc. between the both parties, nor be inclined to such relationship.
15.10 本合同适用于供方关联公司与需方之间的合作。供方关联公司是指与供方在
接地同为第三方所有或控制的企业。This contract shall be bound to the cooperation
between the Supplier’s affiliates and Purchar. Affiliated company means such
companies are directly or indirectly owned or controlled by Supplier through financial
or operation, or together with Supplier, are directly or indirectly owned or controlled by
the third party through financial or operation.
15.11 本合同自双方授权代表签字并盖章之日起生效。This contract shall be
effective from the date of signature and chop by the authorized reprentatives of the
parties hereto.
16.12 本合同由中英文版本组成,如中英文版本不一致的,以中文为准。This
contract was made into both Chine and English version, in ca of any discrepancy
between the two versions, Chine shall always prevail.
16.法律适用 Applicable Law
本合同适用中华人民共和国的法律。This contract shall be governed and
construed by the law of People’s Republic of China.
17.纠纷解决 Dispute Resolution
法院专属管辖。Any disputes arising from or relating to this contract shall be ttled
from friendly negotiation; failure for such negotiation, the people’s court of
Purchar’s domicile shall be exclusively governed.
需方: (盖章) 供方: (盖章)
需方授权代表: 供方授权代表:
签约时间: 年 月 日 签约时间: 年 月 日
Annex 1: Purcha Order
标的物 单价(人民币) 数量 总价
Object Unit Price Quantity Total Payment
Delivery Time:
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