
更新时间:2023-06-10 23:48:44 阅读: 评论:0

【摘 要】采用离子交换法制备了铁掺杂羟基磷灰石(Fe-HAp)介孔材料,并以非定域密度函数理论(NLDFT)计算了不同浓度铁离子掺杂羟基磷灰石的孔径分布曲线.NLDFT模型结果表明,羟基磷灰石以集合体间孔隙为主,当铁离子浓度大于0.01 mol·L-1时,Fe-HAp的集合体内孔隙逐渐增加.在铁离子浓度为0.05 mol· L-1时制备的Fe-HAp具有最大量的集合体内孔隙.当铁离子浓度大于0.05 mol·L-1时,Fe-HAp粒子尺寸急剧减小,导致集合体内孔隙相应地减少.透射电子显微镜很好地证实了所选择NLDFT模型的结果,相比传统BJH模型,NLDFT模型更为准确.
【作 者】柳旭升;马军;杨晶;史风梅
【正文语种】中 文
0 Introduction
Hydroxyapatite(HAp)is a promising material becau of its good biocompatibility and low cost[1-3].Therefore,HAp has been successfully ud in biomedical,biotechnological and environmental fields[4].Recently,the design and development of metal-doped HAp mesoporous materials as drug carriers have drawn a great attention becau mesoporous structure can be ud for drug storage and relea[5-6].Amo
ng metal dopants,iron has a prominent advantage in cost in comparison with other metals such as strontium or europium.Furthermore,Fe(III)-doped HAp(Fe-HAp)is a blood compatible biomaterial[7].However,most of Fe-HAp was prepared by a co-precipitation technique,which confines the iron content by the differences of ionic radii and charges between Ca2+and Fe3+ions[8].On the contrary,the iron content of Fe-HAp is no longer limited by an ion-exchange method until an amorphous FePO4pha is formed[9-10].To the best of our knowledge,previous investigation on Fe-HAp prepared by an ion-exchange method was focud on local geometry and distribution of Fe3+ions in the HAp lattice.The relationship between the mesopore size distribution and the concentration of substituted Fe3+ions solution was not investigated[11].Meanwhile,becau the pore sizes provided by a traditional Barrett-Joyner-Halenda(BJH)method are smaller than the actual sizes,it is interesting to investigate the pore size distribution(PSD)of Fe-HAp by a modern non-local density functional theory(NLDFT)method which supplies accurate consistency between calculations and experiments basing on the molecular level models[12-13].Therefore,study on me
sopore size distribution of Fe-HAp bad on the NLDFT method would supply guides for application of Fe-HAp mesoporous material.
In this work,Fe-HAp was prepared by an ion-exchange method with different concentrations of Fe(NO3)3solution.The mesopore size distribution of Fe-HAp was analyzed by the N2absorption technique and the NLDFT method.The relationship between the mesopore size distribution of Fe-HAp and the concentration of substituted Fe3+ions solution was investigated by a lected NLDFT model.The transmission electron microscopy(TEM)was ud to compare the results between the lected NLDFT model and the traditional BJH model.
1 Experimental ction
1.1 Materials
Powder HAp was obtained from Ningbo Kingo Advanced Materials R&D Co.,Ltd.,China.Iron(III)nitrate nonahydrate was supplied by Xilong Chemical Factory,Guangdon
g,China.All chemicals were ud as Received without purification and deionized water was ud to prepare all solutions.
1.2 Experimental procedure
Fe-HAp was prepared as follows:1.00 g of HAp was disperd in 100 mL of Fe(NO3)3solution with concentration in a range of 0.01~0.1 mol·L-1.The mixture was vigorously stirred for 15 min at 25 ℃.Then the suspension particles were washed three times with 1 L deionized water and filtered with filter paper.The filtered particles were dried at 105 ℃ in air for 8 h to obtain yellow powder,Fe-HAp.
1.3 Characterization
The surface area and porosity were analyzed by an ASAP 2020 surface area and pore size analyzer(Micromeritics),using N2adsorption-desorption isotherms at-196℃.The samples before analysis were degasd at 150℃for 6 h.The specific surface area was calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)method.The Quantachrome Quadra Win
software was ud to perform calculation.The TEM measurements were performed with a Tec-nai G2 F30 microscope(FEI Corporation).The fresh prepared Fe-HAp suspension was dropped on a carbon-coated copper grid,and then the carbon-coated copper grid with the Fe-HAp particles loaded was dried at 105℃ for 30 min in an oven in air.
2 Results and discussion
2.1 Appearance of Fe-HAp in preparation
Yellow gel-like flocs appeared when the concentration of Fe(NO3)3solution was higher than 0.01 mol·L-1 and the maximum amount of the flocs was obtained for 0.05 mol·L -1Fe(NO3)3solution.However,such flocs were not obrved when the concentration of Fe(NO3)3solution was higher than 0.05 mol·L -1.Therefore,three concentrations(0.01,0.05 and 0.1 mol·L-1,respectively)of Fe(NO3)3solution were prepared.The samples were noted as Fe-HAp0.01,Fe-HAp0.05and Fe-HAp0.1,respectively with the footnotes reprenting the concentration of Fe(NO3)3solution.
2.2 Pore structure analysis of N2adsorption-desorption isotherms
Pore structures of the HAp and Fe-HAp samples were investigated by a low temperature N2adsorption-desorption technique.As shown in Fig.1,the isotherms of the HAp and three Fe-HAp samples were identified as a type IV isotherm corresponding to mesoporou materials.Meanwhile,typical H3 hysteresis loops in a relative pressure(P/P0)range of 0.8~1 were characterized by isotherms of the HAp and three Fe-HAp samples.The H3 hysteresis loops did not have any limiting adsorption at high P/P0,indicating the prence of slit-shaped pores caud by aggregation of particles[14].However,a typical H2 hysteresis loop was obrved for the Fe-HAp0.05particles in addition to the H3 hysteresis loop at high P/P0(e Fig.1(c)).Although the H2 hysteresis loop nominally corresponds to pores with narrow necks and wider bodies(ink bottle pores),the network effect of inorganic oxide gels should be considered for the gel-like appearance of Fe-HAp0.05in the preparation[15].It is interesting to note that such H2 hysteresis loop was not obrved for the Fe-HAp0.1particles which were prepared at a much high Fe(NO3)3concentration(e Fig.1(d)).Since intra-aggregate pores were characterized by hysteresis in a P/P0 range of 0.5~0.7,the H2 hysteresis loop indicates the possible
existence of predominant intra-aggregate pores in the Fe-HAp0.05particles[16].On the contrary,such intra-aggregate pores decread in the Fe-HAp0.1particles with
Fig.1 Adsorption-desorption isotherms of HAp(a),Fe-HAp0.01(b),Fe-HAp0.05(c)and Fe-HAp0.1(d)
smaller particle sizes.This deduction is in according with the fact we obrved in the preparation of Fe-HAp.When concentration of the Fe(NO3)3solution was higher than 0.05 mol·L-1,some yellow powder-like particles appeared in contrast to the yellow flocs obtained at 0.05 mol·L-1Fe(NO3)3solution.Meanwhile,the hysteresis in a P/P0range of 0.5~0.7 was very weak for the Fe-HAp0.01particles whereas such range hysteresis did not appear for the HAp particles.Therefore,we deduced that there were no intra-aggregate pores in HAp particles and the amount of intra-aggregate pores in Fe-HAp0.01particles was less than either that of Fe-HAp0.05particles or that of Fe-HAp0.1particles.
2.3 Specific surface area analysis

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