
* toc - en
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Signals, Systems, and Signal Processing
1.2 Classification of Signals
1.3 The Concept of Frequency in Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals
1.4 Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
1.5 Summary and References
2 Discrete-Time Signals And Systems
2.1 Discrete-Time Signals
2.2 Discrete-Time Systems
2.3 Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant systems
2.4 Discrete-Time Systems Described by Difference Equations
2.5 Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems
2.6 Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals
2.7 Summary and References
3 The Z-Transform And Its Application To The Analysis Of Lti Systems
3.1 The z-Transform
3.2 Properties of the z-Transform
3.3 Rational z-Transforms
3.4 Inversion of the z-Transform
3.5 Analysis of Linear Time Invariant Systems in the z-Domain
3.6 The One-sided z-Transform
3.7 Summary and References
4 Frequency Analysis Of Signals And Systems
4.1 Frequency Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals
4.2 Frequency Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals
4.3 Frequency-Domain and Time-Domain Signal Properties
4.4 Properties of the Fourier Transform for Discrete-Time Signals
4.5 Summary and References
5 Frequency Domain Analysis Of Lti Systems
5.1 Frequency-Domain Characteristics of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
5.2 Frequency Respon of LTI Systems
5.3 Correlation Functions and Spectra at the Output of LTI Systems
5.4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems as Frequency-Selective Filters
5.5 Inver Systems and Deconvolution
5.6 Summary and References
6 Sampling And Reconstruction Of Signals
6.1 Ideal Sampling and Reconstruction of Continuous-Time Signals
6.2 Discrete-Time Processing of Continuous-Time Signals
6.3 Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
6.4 Sampling and Reconstruction of Continuous-Time Bandpass Signals 6.5 Sampling of Discrete-Time Signals
6.6 Oversampling A/D and D/A Converters
6.7 Summary and References
7 The Discrete Fourier Transform: Its Properties And Applications
7.1 Frequency Domain Sampling:The Discrete Fourier Transform
7.2 Properties of the DFT
7.3 Linear Filtering Methods Bad on the DFT
7.4 Frequency Analysis of Signals Using the DFT
7.5 The Discrete Cosine Transform
7.6 Summary and References
8 Efficient Computaiton Of The Dft: Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms 8.1 Efficient Computation of the DFT: FFT Algorithms
8.2 Applications of FFT Algorithms
8.3 A Linear Filtering Approach to Computation of the DFT
8.4 Quantization Effects in the Computation of the DFT
8.5 Summary and References
9 Implementation Of Discrete-Time Systems
9.1 Structures for the Realization of Discrete-Time Systems
9.2 Structures for FIR Systems
9.3 Structures for IIR Systems
9.4 Reprentation of Numbers
9.5 Quantization of Filter Coefficients
9.6 Round-Off Effects in Digital Filters
9.7 Summary and References
10 Design Of Digital Filers
10.1 General Considerations
10.2 Design of FIR Filters
10.3 Design of IIR Filters From Analog Filters
10.4 Frequency Transformations
10.5 Summary and References
11 Multirate Digital Signal Processing
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Decimation by a Factor D
11.3 Interpolation by a Factor I
11.4 Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor I/D
11.5 Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion
11.6 Multistage Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion 11.7 Sampling Rate Conversion of Bandpass Signals
11.8 Sampling Rate conversion by an Arbitrary Factor
11.9 Applications of Sampling Rate Conversion
11.10 Digital Filter Banks
11.11 Two-Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank
11.12 M-Channel QMF Bank
11.13 Summary and References
12 Linear Prediction And Optimum Linear Filters
12.1 Random Signals, Correlation Functions and Power Spectra 12.2 Innovations Reprentation of a Stationary Random Process 12.3 Forward and Backward Linear Prediction
12.4 Solution of the Normal Equations
12.5 Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error Filters
12.6 AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters
12.7 Wiener Filters for Filtering and Prediction
12.8 Summary and References
13 Adaptive Filters
13.1 Applications of Adaptive Filters
13.2 Adaptive Direct-Form FIR Filters-The LMS Algorithm
13.3 Adaptive Direct-Form FIR Filters-RLS Algorithms
13.4 Adaptive Lattice-Ladder Filters
13.5 Summary and References
14 Power Spectrum Estimation
14.1 Estimation of Spectra from Finite-Duration Obrvations of Signals
14.2 Nonparametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation
14.3 Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation
14.4 Filter Bank Methods
14.5 Eigenanalysis Algorithms for Spectrum Estimation
14.6 Summary and References
Appendix A Random Number Generators
Appendix B Tables of Transition Coefficients for the Design of Linear-Pha Filters References and Bibliography
* 数字信号处理――原理、算法与应⽤(第四版) [Digital Signal Processing,Fourth Edition] John G.Proakis,Dimitris G.Manolakis
1.1 信号、系统及信号处理
1.1.1 数字信号处理系统的基本组成
1.1.2 数字信号处理与模拟信号处理相⽐的优点
1.2 信号分类
1.2.1 多通道信号与多维信号
1.2.2 连续时间信号和离散时间信号
1.2.3 连续值信号与离散值信号
1.2.4 确定性信号与随机信号
1.3 连续时间信号与离散时间信号中的频率概念
1.3.1 连续时间正弦信号
1.3.2 离散时间正弦信号
1.3.3 谐相关的复指数信号
1.4 模数和数模转换
1.4.1 模拟信号采样
1.4.2 采样定理
1.4.3 连续幅度信号的量化
1.4.4 正弦信号的量化
1.4.5 量化采样信号的编码
1.4.6 数模转换
1.4.7 数字信号与系统及离散时间信号与系统的分析
1.5 ⼩结与参考⽂献
2.1 离散时间信号
2.1.1 离散时间信号的基本元素
2.1.2 离散时间信号的分类
2.1.3 离散时间信号的简单处理
2.2 离散时间系统
2.2.1 系统的输⼊-输出描述
2.2.2 离散时间系统的结构图表⽰
2.2.3 离散时间系统的分类
2.2.4 离散时间系统的互连
2.3 离散时间线性时不变系统的分析
2.3.1 线性系统的分析⽅法
2.3.2 离散时间信号分解为冲激信号
2.3.3 LTI系统对任意输⼊的响应:卷积和
2.3.4 卷积的性质以及LTI系统的互连
2.3.5 因果LTI系统
2.3.6 线性时不变系统的稳定性
2.3.7 有限长和⽆限长冲激响应的系统
2.4 由差分⽅程描述的离散时间系统
2.4.1 递归和⾮递归的离散时间系统
2.4.2 由常系数差分⽅程描述的线性时不变系统的特性2.4.3 线性常系数差分⽅程的解
2.4.4 线性时不变递归系统的冲激响应
2.5 离散时间系统的实现
2.5.1 线性时不变系统的实现结构
2.5.2 FIR系统的递归和⾮递归实现
2.6 离散时间信号的相关性
2.6.1 互相关和⾃相关序列
2.6.2 ⾃相关和互相关序列的性质
2.6.3 周期序列的相关性
2.6.4 输⼊-输出相关序列
2.7 ⼩结与参考⽂献
第3章 z变换及其在线性时不变系统分析中的应⽤
3.1 z变换
3.1.1 z正变换
3.1.2 z逆变换
3.2 z变换的性质
3.3 有理z变换
3.3.1 极点和零点
3.3.2 因果信号的极点位置和时域⾏为
3.3.3 线性时不变系统的系统函数
3.4 z逆变换
3.4.1 围线积分法求z逆变换
3.4.2 幂级数展开法求z逆变换
3.4.3 部分分式展开法求z逆变换
3.4.4 有理z变换的分解
3.5 z域线性时不变系统的分析
3.5.1 有理系统函数的系统响应
3.5.2 暂态响应和稳态响应
3.5.3 因果性和稳定性
3.5.4 零极点抵消
3.5.5 多阶极点和稳定性
3.5.6 ⼆阶系统的稳定性
3.6 单边z变换
3.6.1 定义和性质
3.6.2 差分⽅程的求解
3.6.3 具有⾮零初始条件的零极点系统的响应
3.7 ⼩结与参考⽂献
4.1 连续时间信号的频率分析
4.1.1 连续时间周期信号的傅⾥叶级数
4.1.2 周期信号的功率密度谱
4.1.3 连续时间⾮周期信号的傅⾥叶变换
4.1.4 ⾮周期信号的能量密度谱
4.2 离散时间信号的频率分析
4.2.1 离散时间周期信号的傅⾥叶级数
4.2.2 周期信号的功率密度谱
4.2.3 离散时间⾮周期信号的傅⾥叶变换
4.2.4 傅⾥叶变换的收敛性
4.2.5 ⾮周期信号的能量密度谱
4.2.6 傅⾥叶变换和z变换的关系
4.2.7 倒谱
4.2.8 单位圆上有极点的信号的傅⾥叶变换
4.2.9 信号的频域分类:带宽的概念
4.3 频域和时域的信号特性
4.4 离散时间信号傅⾥叶变换的性质
4.4.1 傅⾥叶变换的对称性质
4.4.2 傅⾥叶变换的定理和性质
4.5 ⼩结与参考⽂献
第5章 LTI系统的频域分析