1. "Don't judge a book by its cover."
2. "Beauty is only skin deep."
3. "Appearances can be deceiving."
4. "It's not what's on the outside that counts, but what's on the inside."
5. "A person's true beauty lies within their character."
6. "The eyes are the window to the soul."
7. "Never judge someone by their appearance, but by their actions."
8. "Looks can be deceiving, but actions never lie."
9. "A person's worth is not determined by their outward appearance, but by their inner qualities."
10. "The beauty of a person is in their heart and soul, not in their looks."
11. "You can't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes."
12. "Don't let someone's appearance cloud your judgment of them as a person."
13. "True beauty comes from within, not from external features or posssions."
14. "The most beautiful people are tho who have kind hearts and generous spirits."
15. "Outer beauty fades with time, but inner beauty lasts forever."
16. "Appearances may attract attention, but it's character that earns respect and admiration."
17. "A kind heart shines brighter than any physical feature ever could."
18. "Never underestimate someone bad on their appearance; you never know what they're capable of achieving or becoming."
19. “A good character is worth more than all the wealth in the world.”
20.“Real beauty is found when you look beyond appearances.”