摘要:目前,国内只有少数医学院校开设了临终关怀课程,为普及临终关怀知识,吉林医药学院于2017- 2018第二学期首次开设了临终关怀必修课,通过精选教材、合理安排授课内容,以多媒体、PBL教学法进行教学,课程结束后,调查学生对教学内容、授课方式、考核形式、课程满意度等情况,教学反馈良好。经过对教学实践的总结,发现临终关怀课程有助于医学生树立正确的人生观、死亡观,培养其尊重生命的态度,提高事业心和职业责任感。
关键词:临终关怀课程 教学实践 职业责任感
中图分类号:R 4 文献标识码:A
Teaching Practice and reflection of Hospice Care Cour
Wang Mingli(Jinlin Medical College, JiLin 132013, Jilin, China)
Abstract:At prent, only a few medical colleges in China have offered hospice cours. In order to popularize the knowledge of hospice, Jilin Institute of Medicine first t up compulsory cours on hospice in the cond mester of 2017-2018. By lecting textbooks and reasonably arranging teaching contents, teaching is conducted with multimedia and PBL teaching methods. After the cour is completed, students are investigated for teaching contents, teaching methods, asssment forms, cour satisfaction, etc., and the teaching feedback is good. Through the summary of teaching practice, it is found that hospice care cour is helpful for medical students to establish correct outlook on life and death, cultivate their attitude of respecting life, and improve their n of career and professional responsibility.