1.Personal information 个人情况(5-Ⅰ,1、2-Ⅳ,1-Ⅴ,1-Ⅶ,3-Ⅶ)
2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人(4-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ,2-Ⅶ,1-Ⅷ)3.Personal environment 周围的环境(5-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ)4.Daily routines日常活动
5.School life 学校生活(4-Ⅶ)6.Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 7.Emotions 个人情感
8.Interpersonal relationships 人际关系(1-Ⅰ,4-Ⅶ)9.Plans and intentions 计划与愿望(3-Ⅴ)
10.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(1-Ⅲ,4-Ⅶ)11.Shopping 购物
12.Food and drink饮食(2-Ⅲ)13.Health 健康(5-Ⅴ,3-Ⅵ)14.Weather 天气(4-Ⅵ)
15.Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育(2-Ⅱ,4-Ⅴ)
16.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(3-Ⅰ,5-Ⅳ,2-Ⅴ,5-Ⅶ,1-Ⅲ)17.Language learning 语言学习(2-Ⅰ,3、4-Ⅳ)18.Nature 自然(4-Ⅰ,4-Ⅱ,5-Ⅵ,3-Ⅶ)
19.The world and the environment 世界与环境(4-Ⅰ, 3-Ⅶ)
20.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(3-Ⅱ,4-Ⅲ,2-Ⅶ,2-Ⅷ)21.Topical Issues 热点话题(4-Ⅶ)
22.History and geography 历史与地理(1-Ⅱ,5-Ⅲ,2-Ⅴ,4-Ⅶ,,5-Ⅷ)23.Society 社会(4-Ⅴ)
24.Literature and art 文学与艺术(5-Ⅱ,3-Ⅲ,,2-Ⅵ,4-Ⅷ)整合版:
1.Personal information 个人情况(即人物介绍类)
2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人 + Interpersonal relationships 人际关系 3.Personal environment 周围的环境 + Weather 天气 + Nature 自然 + The world
and the environment 世界与环境(即包含环境、水资源、野生动物的现状和解决措施,自然灾害的描述)4.Daily routines日常活动(即活动描写类,包含“日记,通知”等)
5.School life 学校生活 + Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 + Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育(即包含寄宿学校的好与坏,课外活动,课外辅导,压力,独立性,业余工作)6.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(端午,中秋,元宵,反思西方文化的入侵)7.Shopping 购物(网上购物,投诉类信件)
8.Food and drink饮食 + Health 健康(食品安全:危害和措施)
9.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(旅行的好处,醉驾的危害和措施,交通的问题和解决措施)10.Language learning 语言学习(学习方法的介绍,学习困难提出与解决)
11.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(网络运用,网络安全,微博,个人信息泄露)
12.History and geography 历史与地理(地点介绍类)13.看图作文(单图和多图组合)
14.Topical Issues 热点话题(好人好事,道德观念,慈善事业)
warm-hearted(热心的), outgoing(开朗的), easy-going(随和的), lfless(无私的),honest(诚实的), generous(善良的), optimistic(乐观的)hard-working=diligent(勤奋的),thoughtful=considerate(为人着想的),responsible(尽责的),动词短语:
Share happiness and sadness(分享幸福与悲伤),share the same interest(分享相同的兴趣),accompany us through hard times(陪我们度过艰难的时刻),forgive each other(彼此原谅),listen to her/him ,cherish/treasure(珍惜)the precious friendship(珍贵的友谊),经典句子:
1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(谚语:患难之中的朋友才是真正的朋友)
2.A faithful friend is hard to find.益友难得。
3.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳
4.A real friend is one who stands beside you through ups and downs.一个真正的朋友是站在你身边走过风风雨雨
Dear peter,I hope you will find the ideas uful.Yours,Mary
2.English study(英语学习)
oral English=spoken English(口语),written English(书面语),word spelling(词汇拼写),grammar rules(语法规则),pronunciation(发音),idiom(习惯用语),wor
ds and expressions(单词和短语),poor basis(基础差),solid foundation(扎实的基础),complicated(复杂的),confusing(莫名其妙的),动词短语:
Improve my English=make progress in English(提高英语),memorize new words(记新单词),recite texts(背诵课文),enlarge vocabulary(扩大词汇量),master English(掌握英语),practice listening/writing(练习听力/写),keep an English diary(坚持写英语日记)
1.Practice makes perfect.实践使完善
2.There is no shortcut in learning English except practice.学习英语没有捷径除了练习
3.With the development of international trade, English is becoming more and more important.随着国际贸易的发展,英语变得越来越重要
Dear Peter,memorize English new words to watch TV and read books, newspapers and
magazines in Englishyou’ll learn and remember words more easily.I hope all the advice will really help you.Best wishes,Li Hua
airport,flight(航班),entrance/admission ticket(门票),guide(导游),tourist=visitor(游客),tour agency(旅行社),route(路线),journey(行程),destination(目的地),natural scenery(天然景色),scenery sports/sites(景点),places of interest(风景名胜),historic sites(历史古迹),accommodation(住宿),tourism(旅游业)
make a trip to(到……旅行),take a taxi(乘出租车),go by plane/train(乘飞机/火车),go sighteing(去观光),go traveling(去旅行),attract many people(吸引很多人)
Some of traveling:
1.By traveling, we can also relax ourlves, and do our work better.2.We can broaden our horizon.(开阔视野)
3.We can know the custom and living habits of the local people.Some of traveling:
1.It may cau some traffic problems, for more people u their personal cars during the journey.2.Some tourists throw waste things here and there, which does harm to the environment.3.Too many tourists may also do harm to the historic sites.Some advantages of: