
更新时间:2023-06-04 11:13:58 阅读: 评论:0

河南博物院Henan muum
国家文物局National Administration of Cultural Relic
新石器时代Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)
彩陶文化Painted Pottery Culture
仰韶文化遗址Yangshao Culture Ruin
中华第一龙First Dragon Discovered in China
定鼎中原Make the Centrol Plain Capital
甲骨文Oracle Bone Inscription
青龙白虎朱雀玄武green dragon, white tiger, scarlet bird, black tortoi
封建社会feudal society
丝绸之路Silk Load
恐龙化石dinosaur-egg fossils
世界十大考古发现World’s Top Ten Pieces of Technological News
前古生代Pre-Paleozoic eras古生代Paleozoic eras中生代Mesozoic eras新生代Cenozoic eras
郑州而七纪念塔February 7th memorial tower of Zhengzhou
二七大罢工Feb.7th strike
郑州黄河游览区The Yellow River sighteing zone in Zhengzhou
炎黄始祖,万代景仰Great ancestor Yan and Huang, always to be honored by later generations
兵马俑Terracotta Warriors
九鼎Nine Cauldrons
少林寺the Shao-lin Monastery
东方净琉璃世界the Eastern Glazed Word
阿弥陀佛Amitabha Buddha
西方极乐地Western Paradi
立雪亭the Drum Tower=Standing-in-Snow Pavilion
观音菩萨Goddess of Mercy
地藏菩萨Goddess of the Nether World
嵩阳书院Songyang academy of classic learning
中岳庙Zhongyue temple
太室阙the gate tower of the Taishi mountain;
中华门the China gate;
遥参亭In-the-distance homage pavilion;
天中阁the mid-heaven pavilion;
配天作镇坊helping-guarding-heaven archway;
崇圣门sage-worshipping gate;
三化殿、化三门one-into-three-incarnation gate;
四状元碑four-number-one-scholar tablets;
峻极门Junji gate;
四岳殿台the symbolic platforms of the four Taoist sacred mountains;
宋代石幢与五岳真形图碑the stone column from the Northern Song dynasty and the Tablet with drawing of the true shapes of the five Taoist sacred mountains; 嵩山别称崧高峻极坊the Junji archway of Songgao Mountain;
中岳大殿the main hall;
嵩高峻极highest peak of Songgao Mountain;
东西走廊the veranda buildings on the eastern and western side;
御书楼the imperial scriptorium building; the provisional palace for the central sacred mountain god
道教圣地the scared place for Taoism
紫禁城the Forbidden City in Beijing
五大圣山Coexistence of the Five Tapist Sacred Mountains
五行Complete Existence of Five Element (metal wood water fire earth)
观星台Astronomical obrvatory in Dengfeng
中岳嵩山the mid-sacred mountain——Songshan Mountain
世界地质公园Mt. Songshan is a place of various geologic structures and has been regarded as a “Natural muum of geology”
圣山Centrol Sacred Mountain
商城遗址the remains of the Shang Dynasty
司母戊大方鼎Simuwu Square Cauldron
黄帝故里the native place of the Yellow Emperor
西殿碑记the tablet inscription in the western hall;
林则徐碑the tablet of Lin Zexu;
香炉the incen burner;大殿the main hall;
黄帝诞生the birth of the Yellow Emperor;
创造舟车making boat and chariot;
黄炎结盟tting up an alliance by the Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yandi;
征战蚩尤crusading against Chiyou;
建都有熊making Youxiong the capital;
高擎龙旗holding high the dragon flag;
开发农牧developing agriculture and stock raising;
肇造文明creation of Chine civilization;
轩辕丘the Xuanyuan hill;
东配殿eastern wing hall;
西配殿western wing hall;
先织嫫母生苍林,北狄之后Mother Mo gave birth to Canlin, the descendedt of Beidi. 炎黄子孙the descendants of Emperor Yandi and the Yellow Emperor
千禧龙年millennialYear of Dragon
两广总督governor of Guangdong and Guangxi
文化部Ministry of Culture of China
四大发明four greatest inventions
北宋皇陵Northern Song imperial mausoleums
七帝八陵8 mausoleums for 7 emperors
万象更新Everything is fresh and gay”
开封概况  A Brief Introduction to Kaifeng
冲积平原alluvial pain
改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside world
国道National Highway
菊花花会the Chrysanthemum Fair
宋都御街Imperial street of the Northern Song capital
午门the meridian gate
文房四宝the Four treasuries of the Study
龙亭风景区Dragon pavilion
朝门the propylaeum gate = gate-approach
五代十国Five-dynasty Period
玉带桥the Jade-belt Bridge
杨家将Yang’s Generals
铁塔公园风景区Iron pagoda park
清明上河园Park with “up-the-river-on-Qingming-festival” views
情系东京A Deep Love for Dongjing
大相国寺Grand Xiangguo monastery
登基Ascending the throne
中原第一殿NO. One Buddhist Hallin Centrol China
千手千眼观音Avalokitesvara or Goddess of mercy with Over a Thousand Hands and Eyes
包公祠Memorial temple to Bao-gong
包公the Reverend, Mr. Bao
包公铡美案Bao Sentencing Chen Shimei to Death.
殿试final imperial examination状元No. One Scholar
衙门八字朝南开,有理没钱莫进来the Kaifeng Yamun Opening the Door to the South and Also the Wealth
包公介绍Bao was honest, upright, just and fair in his work and showed deep love toward the common people.
山陕甘会馆Shan-Shaan-Gan guildhall
三国时期Three-kingdom Period
二龙戏珠Two dragons playing with a pearl
洛阳概况Luoyang in Brief
洛阳名字Yang generally means the sun and here means the positive side of the
Luohe River
太学Imperial College
造纸技术writing-paper-making technology
唐三彩Tri-colored glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty
中国五大圣山China’s Five Scared Mountains
洛阳牡丹节Luoyang Peony Fair Festival 8It is the junction of Longhai Railway and the Jiaozhi Railway.
龙门石窟the Longmen-Grottoes
三大石窟宝艺three great treasure hous of stone sculpture
原始社会primitive society
阿弥陀佛Buddha Amitabha
观世音菩萨Avalokitesvara(the Goddess of Mercy)
大势至菩萨Mahasthamaprapta(the Great-Force Gainer)
丰满的圆润的plump and round
以肥为美considering fullness and piumpness as symbol of beauty
礼佛worshiping the Buddha
报身佛Rewarding Buddha of Buddhism
药方洞Prescription Cave
龙门十二品The Twenty Choice of Calligraphy at Longmen
关林The Guanlin monastery
三足鼎立triartite confrontation
关圣帝君The Supreme Mighty Saint Emperor Guan
白马寺The white hor temple
白马驼经two white hors’ carrying Buddhist Scriptures to China
空门无相门无作门the three doorways mean the door to nirvana, to freedom from the idea of external and to invis ible physical phenomenon parately.
不立文字拈花示众Expounding Buddhist Text without a Word, But Picking a Flower in the Hand on the Nivanna Asmbly.

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