母亲六十大寿邀请函dear______, i ill b e holdin g a birt hda part for m m other at ______on __________. a s ou are a lofriend o f our fa mil, m p arents a nd i oul d ver mu h like o u to joi n us in_________ and sh are ou花涪羔皇薏郝割酮公捆r jo. th e oasion ill sta rt at _________, and at ivitiesinlude _________ , _________ and_________ . inaddition, thereill be _________.
i amsure ouill enjo a goodtime. mfamil ou ld feelhonoredb our pr ene. o urs sine rel, _________au gustedup in
201X-7-13dear(×××)i'm ver hap p,beau花涪羔皇薏郝割酮公捆 m mot her’s 60th birth da ill e next fr ida on o f 201X.a nd e are going t o h**e a part in the res taurantnamed ji nhua (th e addres s is no.82 huang he roadthe entr al of th e it).th e part b egan at8a.m . a nd i hop e ou ane. looki ng forar d to e ou ther e.affeti onatel,×××姓名,日期,地址这些可以根据您的具体**更改!hellobo ne201X-7-13母亲六十大寿邀请函 201X at roo m xx-x楼主您好, .tru l ours,6666 xx-x street;s 60thbirthdapart ons ept 23rd#47,i o uld like to invi te ou an d our if ehusband to e to m mothe r #39. o ur atten tion oul d be ver appreia ted andlookingforard t o eing ou all;xx-x flo or;24th, 2nd #47:invitat iondearxx-x母亲六十大
寿邀请函 msure ouill enjo a goodtime,i i ll be ho lding abirthdapart for m mothe r at ______ on __________.ours s inerel.in addit ion. asou are a lo fr iend ofour fami l, there ill be_________ , andativitie s inlude _________ .m fa mil ould feel ho nored bour pres ene, m p arents a nd i oul d ver mu h like o u to joi n us in_________ and sh are ourjodear ______, _________ and _________ .the oasi on ill s tart at_________affetio natel.th e part b egan at8a. andi hope o u an e.a nd e are going t o he a p art in t he resta urant na med jinh ua (theaddressis no,地址这些可以根据您的具体信息更改;m
ver hap p,beause m mothe r’s 60th birthda ill e n ext frid a on of201X,日期.looking forardto e o u there.82 huang he roadthe entr al of th e it),×××姓名.m de ar(×××)