dear ______, i will be holding a birthday party for my mother at ______ on __________. as you are a clo friend of our family, my parents and i would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joy. the occasion will start at _________ , and activities include _________ , _________ and _________ . in addition, there will be _________ . i am sure you will enjoy a good time. my family would feel honored by your prence. yours sincerely, _________augustedupin 2015-7-13
i'm very happy,becau my mother’s 60th birthday will come next friday on [27th ]of [july]2015.and we are going to h**e a party in the restaurant named jinhua the address is no.82 huanghe road the central of the city).the party began at 8a.m . and i hope you can come. looking forward to e you there.
母亲60寿宴邀请函 [篇2]
m sure you will enjoy a good time,
i will be holding a birthday party for my mother at ______ on __________.
yours sincerely. in addition. as you are a clo friend of our family, there will be _________ , and activities include _________ .
my family would feel honored by your prence, my parents and i would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joydear ______, _________ and _________ .
the occasion will start at _________
affectionately.the party began at 8a. and i hope you can come.and we are going to he a party in the restaurant named jinhua [金华](the address is no,地址这些可以根据您的具体信息更改;m very happy,becau my mother’s 60th birthday will come next friday[星期五]
on [27th ]of [july]2015,日期. looking forward to e you there.82 huanghe road the central of the city),×××
姓名.m dear(×××)