2020年新冠状病毒疫情英语作文表达(一)1. express sincere gratitude to 对…表示衷心的感谢
2. the lack of equipment 缺乏设备
3. the potential of infection 感染的可能性
4. strive for life 为生活/生存奋斗
5. shed new light on 对……有新的认识;进一步揭示
6. build up one’s confidence 树立信心
7. can never express our thankfulness too much 感激之情怎么表达都不为过
8. joint efforts 共同努力
9. stay well 保重;一切安好
10. have something to do with 与……有关
11. be endangered 濒临灭绝
12. wor still 更糟糕的是
13. cau the imbalance of nature 导致了大自然的不平衡
14. be suppod to do 应该做……
15. so as to do 为了……
16. rai people’s awareness 增强人们的意识
17. build a harmonious society 建立和谐社会
18. ensure a sustainable development 确保可持续发展
19. get the championship of 获得……的冠军
20. t up a national record 创立了一项国家记录
21. take an active part in 积极参与
22. be stopped in its track ……得到抑制/控制
23. convey one’s concern 传达某人的关心
24. on behalf of 代表
25. word 有消息说……
26. there’s no n doing sth 做……没有意义
27. around the corner 即将到来
28. as scheduled 如期;按照预定时间
29. have access to 可以使用;可以接近
30. make a quick recovery 迅速恢复
最近,中国驰援海外医疗物资上的诗句和名言刷屏了,今天就和双语君一起感受一下这满满的诗意和情谊。China has been offering helping hands to other countries in the global fi
ght against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, sometimes in a quite poetic way. Here are some of the touching poems nt along with Chine donations to epidemic-hit areas.
1. 赠非洲:When people are determined they can overcome anything.
2. 赠法国:United we shall overcome. ——法国文豪雨果
千里同好,坚于金石。——摘自三国蜀国学者谯周《谯子·齐交》 ,原文为:
A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker
than glue and stronger than metal and stone.
3. 赠意大利:We are waves of the same a, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the
same garden.
4. 赠德国:Mountains and valleys don't meet, but people do.
5. 赠比利时:Unity is strength.团结就是力量。——比利时民族格言
6. 赠日本:青山一道,同担风雨。
Like the mountain range that stretches before you and me, let's share the
same trials and hardships together.
7. 增韩国:道不远人,人无异国。
Great distance cannot parate us;We all live in a united world.
8. 赠伊朗:The sons of Adam are limbs of each other, having been created of one esnce.
9. 赠印度:尼莲正东流,西树几千秋。
By the Holy Lotus River
Where pure gold flows east,
Look back to the western shore
At Buddha's sacred grove
For many thousands of autumns.
新冠病毒疫情当前,针对各地开展的网课,人们的看法不尽相同。假定你是李华,将参加主题为“Will Traditional Class be Replaced by Online Class?”的英语征文比赛,请撰写一篇英文稿件,主要内容包括:
1. 网课出现的背景;
2. 网课的利弊;
3. 你的观点。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus 学期 mester 监管 supervision
1. 教育部 the Ministry of Education
2. 全国各地学校 schools nationwide/schools across the country
3. 推迟/延迟 delay/postpone/suspend
4. 春季开学时间 the start/opening of the spring mester
5. 重新安排;重订……的时间 reschedule
6. 等进一步通知 wait for further notice
7. 停课不停学 postponement of school without suspension of learning
8. 教学不间断 nonstop teaching and learning
9. 开展/发起 conduct/launch
10. 播出/播送 air
11. 在线注册出勤 register attendance online
12. 通过互联网平台和应用程序 via/through the Internet platform and apps
1. As schools nationwide have been required to delay the opening of the spring mester in an effort to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, online education is taking off.