问:What do you like to do when you are free? / Do you have any hobbies? / What’s your favorite pastime? / What’s your favorite book? / Do you like watching movie? Which is your favorite one?
回答兴趣爱好的答案 = 你最喜欢读哪本书 = 你最喜欢哪部电影
回答建议:我最喜欢的业余爱好是读书,特别是《哈利波特》这本书 / 我最喜欢的电影是《哈利波特》系列。
第⼀步,问题导⼊:Well… Thank you for your question. I guess my favorite pastime is reading. / I enjoy reading books
第⼀步,问题导⼊:Well… Thank you for your question. I guess my favorite pastime is reading. / I enjoy reading books when I am free. Besides reference books, I am really into novels, such as “Harry Potter” ries. / “Harry Potter” ries is my favorite novel / movie.
额……谢谢你的问题。我想我最喜欢的业余爱好是读书。/ 我空闲时间喜欢读书。除了参考书,我很喜欢看⼩说,⽐如《哈利波特》系列。/ 《哈利波特》系列是我最喜欢的⼩说/电影。
第⼆步,故事情节:The book / movie tells the story of a young wizard (巫师) Harry Potter who parents were killed by Voldemort – a wicked (邪恶的) wizard, when Harry was a baby. Harry was enrolled at Hogwarts Magic School (霍格沃茨魔法学校), where he met with a couple of (= some ⼀些) best friends – Ron and Hermione. They learnt magic together and finally killed Voldemort in defending Hogwarts.
这本书/这部电影讲述了年轻的巫师哈利波特在他还是个baby的时候,⽗母被邪恶巫师伏地魔杀害了。后来,哈利波特进⼊了霍格沃茨魔法学校,在那⾥遇到了⼀些好朋友 – 罗恩和赫敏。他们⼀起学习魔法,并最终在霍格沃茨保卫战中杀掉了伏地魔。
第三步,喜欢原因:The reason why I love this novel is that Harry and his friends taught me to be brave and adventurous (勇敢,有冒险精神). I mean they encourage me to stand up from any drawba
ck or frustration (挫败或沮丧) when I am pursuing my dream.
1)I’m an avid reader. 我是⼀个特别爱读书的⼈。
2)Reading opens my eyes. 读书开拓我们的视野。
3)Reading can be enlightening and entertaining.
4)The book is fun and enjoyable. 这本书有趣且令⼈愉快。
5)The book is dull and boring. 这本书乏味且枯燥。
6)I like the book so much that I couldn’t put it down.
7)Reading English books is a good way to expand my vocabulary.
8)Electronic books take up less space and are easier to carry.
9)E-books are more eco-friendly. They help to save trees.
9)E-books are more eco-friendly. They help to save trees.电⼦书更加环保,有助于保护树⽊。