Unit 1 My day
教科书第4页:A. Let’s try Let’s talk Role-play
二、 课时分析
本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级下册的第一单元第一课时,围绕“询问对方一天中的作息时间”这个话题展开内容。包括Let’s try,Let’s talk和Role-play三个板块。Let’s try是听力训练,是为Let’s talk部分做铺垫的。 Let’s talk是围绕本单元的总话题My day展开的第一个对话场景,即张鹏与佩德罗谈论有关西方小学生日常作息时间的对话,呈现了When do you…?的句型,通过张鹏询问佩德罗上午什么时候放学,午饭之后什么时候上学,以及什么时候吃晚饭等一系列问题,可以了解西方国家小学生的作息时间与我们中国的小学生的大不相同,引导学生通过积极地询问,会得到很多意想不到的信息。Role-play是为专项训练句型When do you…?创作的问答表演活动,用以巩固重点句型的熟练程度。
本课时是整个单元的首课时,在本单元中起引领与铺垫作用,重点掌握when do you…?的问答句型和一些常用动词短语。对话中呈现了三个句型相同内容不同的问句,加深了学生对该句型的认知度, 接下来又呈现了四幅图,分别代表不同职业的人,学生们通过扮演不同职业的人,运用句型when do you…?进行问答活动,从而了解不同职业的人,起居生活也不同,感悟到工作人员的辛苦与坚韧的高贵品质。
三、 课时目标
2.能听懂、会说、运用句型“When do you finish class in the morning?”“We finish class at 1 o’clock.”
4.能听懂let’s try部分的录音内容并完成练习。
四、 课时重难点
(2)能听懂、会说、运用句型“When do you finish class in the morning?”“We finish class at 1 o’clock.”
1. 课前热身
T:Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss:Good morning, Miss Zhang.
T:What time is it now?
Ss:It’s eight thirty.
T:It’s time for our English class.
T:Stand up, plea. Say and do follow me.
T:Get up! Get up! 起床了!
Ss:Get up! Get up! 起床了!
T:Eat breakfast! Eat breakfast! 吃早餐了!
Ss:Eat breakfast! Eat breakfast! 吃早餐了!
T:Go to school! Go to school! 上学了!
Ss:Go to school! Go to school! 上学了!
T:Have class! Have class! 上课了!
Ss:Have class! Have class!上课了!
T:Finish school! Finish school! 放学了!
Ss:Finish school! Finish school! 放学了!
T:Eat lunch! Eat lunch! 吃午餐了!
Ss:Eat lunch! Eat lunch! 吃午餐了!
T:Go to bed! Go to bed! 上床睡觉!
Ss:Go to bed! Go to bed! 上床睡觉!
2. 导入
T:Today, we’ll know a new friend. His name is Pedro. He’s from Spain.
T: Boys and girls, look at the three pictures. (通过PPT展示Let’s try中的三幅图)Where is for the first picture?
Ss:The play ground.
T: Where is for the cond picture?
Ss:It’s a classroom.
T: Where is for the third picture?
Ss:It’s at home. / It’s living room.
T: Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Guess, plea.
S1:They’re at home.
S2:They’re on the playground.
S3:They’re in the classroom.
T:Who can guess the answer? Let’s listen to the cape, plea.
设计意图:通过让学生观察PPT课件Let’s try中的三幅图画,说出三幅图分别代表什么地方,然后猜一猜张鹏和佩德罗在哪里。既然猜了,就肯定想知道到底猜的结果对不对,这就引起了大家的强烈的求知欲望,这时播放录音,学生们听得仔细认真,效果极佳。
附:Let’s try听力材料
Where are zhang Peng and Pedro? Listen and tick.
Pedro is a new student from Spain.
Zhang Peng:Pedro, this is our new classroom. Do you like our school?
Pedro:Yes, but I’m tired. In Spain, I always sleep a little in the afternoon.
Zhang Peng:Really? When do you sleep?
Pedro:At about 2 o’clock.
Zhang Peng:Oh. That’s now, but we have a maths class at 2 o’clock.
3. 新课呈现
播放Let’s talk动画课件
T:Now look at Zhang Peng and Pedro. What are they doing?
Ss:They are talking.
T:Yes. Do you want to know what are they talking about?
T:OK. Let’s watch the moving and listen carefully, plea.
T:Who can ask some questions about this dialogue? Who can answer the questions. Now plea ask and answer in your groups.
S1:What’s the meaning of “finish class” in Chine, plea?
S2:It’s “放学”.
S3:What’s the meaning of “eat dinner” in Chine, plea?
S4:It’s “吃晚饭”.
T:Good job!You’re great!
T:I want to ask a question to everyone. Are you ready?
T:Look at the three ntences. What’s the same and what’re the differences?(PPT展示三个句子)
S1:I know the same. They have “When do you” together.
S2:I know the differences. The first is “finish class in the morning”, the cond is “go back to school after lunch, the third is “usually eat dinner in Spain”.