
更新时间:2023-06-02 21:46:09 阅读: 评论:0

    2. 变得不为人注意;变得无关紧要    英语解释
    e weaker  例句
    If you tend to fade out on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exerci with friends to spice up your lagging routine. 如果你周末容易放松自己的训练计划,安排一些和朋友们一起进行的有趣的活动,给自己单调呆板的健身活动增添趣味。 And we did! As we stood on the pond’s edge casting into the fading sunlight, I was still amazed that I’d persuaded him to do it. 我们真的去钓鱼了!当我们在夕阳光下站在池塘边甩杆的时候,我仍不敢相信我真的说服了爸爸。 Such safety measures e all the more urgent as China’s iron rice bowl (i.e., the social curity package provided by one’s work unit) fades away. 当中国不再实行“铁饭碗“制度(也就是不再由单位提供个人的各种社会福利)时,这种安全措施就显得尤为重要。 “At once Baner t up a clamour for some meat, but his grandmother slapped h
im and told him to keep away." "板儿一见了,便吵着要肉吃,刘姥姥一巴掌打了他去." "As soon as he t off for the Middle East after a working morning ssion, his chair at the round-table talks was swiftly whisked away." 于是在结束了上午的工作会议,布什的座机起飞开往中东之后,他在圆桌会议上的座椅就马上被搬走了。 He kept talking away."Along with imagination, it takes nerve. The nerve to take a chance. Start something on a shoestring. 他喋喋不休。“除了想像力,还得有勇气。有了勇气就能抓住机会,哪怕有鞋带那么一点本钱也能干大事。” "It was her favorite amument to array herlf in the faded brocades, and parade up and down before the long mirror." 她最喜欢穿起那些褪色的绸衫,在长镜子前晃来晃去了。 "She forced herlf to bear up for veral hours, becau she"s so fond of you she couldn"t bear to tear herlf away." "他强扎挣了半天,也是因你们娘儿两个好的上头,他才恋恋的舍不得去" "In the Fourth-month the south wind blows plains of yellow barley, Date-flowers have not faded yet and lakka-leaves are long." 四月南风大麦黄,枣花未落桐叶长。 Later, the pursuit of modern dance in China faded with the closing of the "Tianma Dance art Studio". 后来,随着"天马工作室"的中断,现代舞在中国的探索势渐衰微。

本文发布于:2023-06-02 21:46:09,感谢您对本站的认可!




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标签:中国   座椅   座机   中断   褪色   恋恋
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