[摘 要] 与谢芜村是日本江户时代著名俳句诗人与文人画之大成者,精深的中国文学和艺术修养,使其俳句既有“含蓄蕴藉”、“韵外之致”的中国古代诗学特征,还充满了“诗情画意”。其文人画多以中国古代人物和山水为题材,讲究笔墨之趣,脱略形似,重视神韵和意境的营造,尤其在模仿、吸收和借鉴中国诗歌与文人画精髓的基础上,与谢芜村将俳句与绘画合二为一,互为表里,构筑了其独特的艺术世界。
[关键词] 与谢芜村;汉诗文;俳句;文人画;诗画合一
[中图分类号] I106.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1008—1763(2015)02—0089—04
Abstract:Yosa Buson was a famous Haiku poet of the Edo period, and he also made great artistic accomplishments on literati painting. Buson’s Haiku carries simplicity and farsight, connotation and association of ideas, which are characteristics of Chine
ancient poetry. Moreover, his Haiku is filled with idyllic conceptions of painting by virtue of his high attainment on Chine literature and artistic culture. Buson’s Literati painting draws materials mostly from ancient Chine people and landscape, which devotes particular care to his subjective feelings and cultivation and the idea of abstract. On the basis of imitation, absorption and digestion of the esnce of Chine poetry and Literati painting art, Buson combines Haiku with painting. The combination and reciprocal relationship of Haiku and painting create a distinctive artistic world of Buson’s.