There is a huge amount of cracks existing in natural rock mass. And it is great impact on epage properties and mechanical properties of rock mass. The permeability coefficient of the general rock mass is very small, but the ones with fracture is very large becau of the connected cracks form the good permeable passage. It is considered that the fracture system constitutes the permeable system of rock mass. According to the big difference of epage law about joint rock with or without filling conditions, recently, more scholars have carried out in the filling fracture epage with the experimental study. Bad on a study on the epage of joint rock and filling joint rock at home and abroad, the experimental study on permeability of pre-t sandstone with gypsum mortar filling and cement mortar filling is carried on and one damage softening statistical
constitutive model is advanced. The main rearch contents are as follows:
1) Relying on Central South University test center MTS815.02 type test equipment, a systematic epage test is carried out for the complete rock samples and two kinds of pre-t fractured rock samples with different filling materials. After completing the design and production of fillings with different penetration rate of fractured rock samples, the variation law of permeability and strength of different joint persistence and different confining pressure is studied.
2) With the increa in confining pressure, it caus a significant increa in the axial stress of the same type of fractured rock sample. In the ca of the same confining pressure, the trend of the peak stress intensity decreas gradually becau of increasing with the structural plane penetration rate of fractured rock samples. The magnitude of the change due to structural differences is much less than the effect of confining pressure changes. In the permeability test of the fractured rock, although the peak strength of fractured rock samples is obviously decread, it is found that the decrea in the ca of high confining pressure is generally small when comparing two confining pressures. This shows the effect of confining pressure is much higher than that of structural plane penetration in the filling of fractured rock samples.
3) The results of calculating the permeability coefficient: The permeability coefficient of the fractured rock specimen is significantly improved. Becau the hardening mechanism of the two types of filling materials is different, gypsum mortar filling material is more prone to transfer under pressure, it caus clogging of the epage channel so that the permeability decreas. The permeability coefficient of fractured rock samples filled with gypsum mortar is less than that of cement mortar in the same condition. The internal structure of the specimen during compression loading is compresd and deformed, so that the joints and epage channels become smaller and the permeability is reduced. Therefore, as the confining pressure increas, the permeability of the specimen decreas. This indicates that the side confining pressure is one of the decisive factors that affect the variation of the permeability of the specimen. With the increa of fissure penetration rate, the permeability coefficient of rock samples also increas in the ca of other conditions remain unchanged. But the action of the fracture channel by the filling does not make the apparent variation of the permeability coefficient.
4) Through a comprehensive analysis of the failure of different sample permeability test, it is found that the triaxial compression under osmotic pressure is mainly caud by shearing failure and is accompanied by the opening crack along the shear zone. The form of destruction conforms to the Gr
iffith Destruction Criteria. The strongest part of the tangential tensile stress is located at the end of the 30-40 ° fracture in the direction of the principal stress. Rupture first appeared in the parts, and associated with a number of condary tensile fracture. The failure form is transformed from shear failure to a crack caud by cracks in the primary cracks under the action of pore water pressure.
5) From the point of view of rock micro-element strength and rock micro-element failure obey Weibull’s distribution, the random variation of rock micro - intensity F is introduced. And the damage evolution equation of rock under confining pressure and water pressure is deduced. The relationship between rock damage softening model parameters bad on Weibull’s distribution and confining pressure and water pressure is mainly discusd. Combined with the influence of model parameters on the model and the characteristics of rock damage, the study calculates and corrects its parameters. A feasible constitutive model of rock damage softening is established, and a feasible method for calculating peak intensity is propod.
KEY WORDS:Rock, Filling Joints, Seepage Test, Damage Softening, Constitutive Model
图1-1 马尔帕塞大坝失稳机理
C. Louis[5]提出了岩石水力学的概念,将地下岩体划分为完整岩石和裂隙2 个部分。完整