作者:李 娟 王元林
【摘 要】海南岛冼夫人崇拜和妈祖信仰非常普遍,是海南娘嬷信仰的代表。但寻 根溯源,两者在 信仰习俗及祠庙分布、神灵的起源和来源、历代赐额封号的要旨、神职功能的特点及其演变 等方面还是有很大差别的。比较两者异同,可从中探求两大崇拜的文化蕴涵与海南岛民间信 仰的内在规律。
【作 者】李娟,暨南大学历史系硕士研究生;王元林,暨南大学 历史系教授,博士生导师。广州,510632
【中图分类号】C95 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-454X(2009)04-0078-006
Comparative Study of Worship Between Madam Xian and Mazu in Hainan Island LiJuan, WangYuanlin
Abstract: The worship of Madam Xian and Mazu’s b elief can be en everywhere in Hainan Island, they are reprentaives of Niangma beliefsBy eking theirs roots, there are significant differences in the custom of belief, the origins and sources of the deities, the gist of confer titles in past dynasties and the characteristics and evolution of priesthood functionCompare their differences and remblances, to ek for the cultural implication of two major worships and the inherent law of folk belief in Hainan Island.