介绍名人 比尔盖茨Bill Gates 英语作文

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介绍名人 比尔盖茨Bill Gates 英语作文

Bill Gates

Everyone wants to be in the shoes of the richest

man in the world, who wealth at one point of

time was more than $100 billion!

He has been characterid as the

quintesntial example of a super-intelligent

human being with immen power and wealth.

Every minute, every cond when you are on

your PC, he guides you. Almost Every computer

in the world comes with his software pre-

installed! With this hint, surely, you can gauge

the fact that we are talking about Microsoft and

the brain behind itBill Gates. The Billionaire

with a ‘Big’ Heart

Long and Short Essays on Bill Gates for Kids

and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for

students and children about the topic of ‘Bill

Gates’ in both long and short form. The first

essay is a long essay on the Bill Gates of 400-

500 words.

Long Essay on Bill Gates 500 Words in English

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it’s more

important to heed the lessons of failure.”

His was not a ‘rags-to-riches’ story, but a

‘riches-to-riches’ one. The noteworthy thing is

that his parents’ wealth didn’t make him


The American entrepreneur, philanthropist and

the Chairman of Microsoft, was born on 28th

October, 1955 into a wealthy Seattle family. His

father was a prominent attorney and mother, a

bank board member. A story goes that, at his

birth, his father t-up a million-dollar fund for

him. But, Gates denied it. But one thing that is

for sure, is that he had the best of education,

including 3 years at Harvard.

As a student, Gates excelled in elementary

school, particularly in Mathematics and Sciences.

At 13, he was enrolled in the Lakeside School,

Seattle’s most exclusive preparatory school.

When he was in the eighth grade, the school

mothers ud proceeds’ from Lakeside’s

rummage sale to buy an ASR-33 teletype

terminal and a block of computer time in a

General Electric Computer. Gates took an

interest in programming the GE system in

BASIC and was excud from Maths class to

pursue his interest. After the Mothers’ Club

donation was exhausted, he and other students

sought time on other systems, including DEC

PDP minicomputer. One of the systems was a

PDP-10 belonging to Computer Centre

Corporation, which banned the Lakeside

students for the summer after it caught them

exploiting bugs in the operating system to obtain

free computer time.

At the end of the ban, the Lakeside students

offered to find bugs in CCC’s software in

Exchange for free computer time. Gates went to

CCC’s offices and studied source code for

various programmes that ran on the system, not

only in BASIC but FORTRAN, LISP and

machine language as well. The arrangement

with CCC continued until 1 970, then it went out

of business. The following year, Information

Sciences Inc. hired the Lakeside students to

write a payroll program in COBOL, providing

them not only computer time but royalties as

well. At the age of 14, Gates was dexterous

enough to form a venture with Allen, called Traf-

O-Data, to make traffic counters bad on Intel

8.008 processor. That first year, he made

$ 20,000, however, when his age was found out,

business slowed down.

Since beginning, Bill Gates was on the lookout

for opportunities. So, after reading the January

1975 issue of Popular Electronics that

demonstrated the Altair 8,800, Gates contacted

MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry

Systems), the creators of the new

microcomputer. He informed them that he and

others were working on a

BASIC interpreter for the platform. MITS

President, Ed Roberts, agreed to meet them for

a demo and when Gates demonstrated his work,

it was a success.

Paul Allen, Gates’ intimate friend was hired into

MITS, and Gates took a leave of abnce from

Harvard to work with Allen at MITS, dubbing

their partnership ‘Micro-Soft’ in November, 1975.

Within a year, the hyphen was dropped and on

26th November, 1976, the trade name “Microsoft”

was registered. Microsoft became 1 independent

of MITS in late 1976, and it continued to develop

programming language software for various


Short Essay on Bill Gates 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Bill

Gates is for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This

short essay on the topic is suitable for students

of class 6 and below.

In 1980, IBM approached Microsoft to make the

BASIC interpreter for its upcoming personal

computer, IBM PC. Gates propod using 86-

DOS (QDOS), an operating system. After

adapting the operating system for PC, Microsoft

delivered it to IBM as PC-DOS. As veral

companies rever-engineered the IBM

architecture and developed clones, Microsoft

was quick to licen DOS to other

manufacturers, calling it MS-DOS. Keeping pace

with time, in the early 1980s, Microsoft relead

‘Windows’ as an addition and alternative to their

DOS command line, and to compete with other

systems in the market. By the early 1 990s,

Windows had pushed other DOS-bad systems

out of the market. The relea of Windows 3.0 in

1990 was a tremendous success, lling around

10 million copies in the first two years and

cementing Microsoft’s dominance in operating

systems’ sales. It gradually became the largest

software company in the world.

A portion of Gates popularity can be attributed

to his wife Melinda. It is due to her philanthropic

mindt, that Gates came out to participate in

the ‘real’ world. It was their combined effort that

made Warren Buffett channeli much of his

fortune to their social welfare institute, the Bill

and Melinda Gates Foundation. At the time of its

inception, Gates ‘gifted’ $106 million. It provides

scholarships to needy, and efforts are directed

for the control of AIDS, polio, diphtheria,

measles and yellow fever. It gives away at least

5% of its asts each year, in order to continue

as a charitable organisation.

Gates has been continuing to drive the world

with his genius. ‘Forbes’ magazine’s list of the

‘The World’s Billionaires’ has ranked him as the

richest person in the world l since 1 995, and

recent estimates put his net worth near $ 56

billion. But the Gates Foundation and his social

work will make us remember him for more than

just his business empire. He will inspire us to

steadily move towards our higher goals, for he

rightly said :

“If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if

you die poor, it’s your mistake.”

Bill Gates Essay Word Meanings for Simple


Quintesntial of or pertaining to the most

perfect embodiment of something

Gauge to apprai, estimate or judge

Complacent plead, especially with onelf

or one’s merits, disadvantages, situation, etc.,

often without awareness of some potential

danger or defect, lf-satisfied

Philanthropist a person who practices


Exclusive fashionable, stylish, expensive

Royalties payments received by an owner of

real property for allowing someone to u it.

Rummage miscellaneous articles

Dexterous having mental skill or adroitness,


Telemetry the wireless transmission and

reception of measured quantities for the purpo


Remotely monitoring environmental conditions

or equipment parameters

Inception beginning, start, commencement

Seadily regularly, continuously


介绍名人 比尔盖茨Bill Gates 英语作文

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