relationship between human beings and nature
A: Hi ! What are you doing?
B: As you can e, I am reading the news about the relationship between human beings and
A:so, what do you think the relationship between human beings and nature?
B: actually, in my point of view, we human beings are just a part of the nature. Everything in
our life comes from the nature. For example, the air, water and food.
A: oh…, yeah, I cannot agree more. But you know, many people think that the esnce of
human is conquering and transforming nature.
B:I do not think it is right. In fact, with the growing of human ability of conguesting nature,
the conflict between man and nature is rising day by day, which destroys the social harmony.
A: right, for example, new type virus appear continuously becau the nature is revenged
on humans for air pollution.
B: it is donated that nature balance is the basis of human being survival.
A: all right, just we have mentioned above, we human beings are just a part of the nature,
however he may like to pretend the contrary, he cannot escape a pollution that is now
distributed throughout our word.
B: In the face of violent nature, we human beings are just as little as dust. When disaster
strikes, human tiny as ants in general.
A: as a part of nature, we should get into the habit of protecting the nature, not damaging
the nature. If so, we can live in harmony with the nature.
本文发布于:2023-05-27 18:14:39,感谢您对本站的认可!
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