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tional (100)bad on accepted practice; traditional; customary; normal;

ordinary; orthodox (convention, unconventional)

ine (99)to hurt, weaken, or destroy, often in an underhanded or sneaky


sive (90)rejecting another’s thoughts or ideas, usually as not worthy

of consideration; condescending (dismiss)

tic (86)relating to what is beautiful; beautiful; pleasing(aesthetics,

aesthete, unaesthetic)

ive (77)bad on facts rather than personal feelings; unbiad; not

personal; not subjective; true(objectivity)

ile (75)to adjust the differences between things; to reach an agreement,

especially after an argument; to make up; to overcome discord; to try to be

inclusive(reconciliation, conciliatory, irreconcilable)

ative (74)taking a chance; risky; uncertain; cannot be confirmed

(speculate, speculation)

ible (71)being able to enter or approach a place; approachable; friendly;

genial; gregarious (access, inaccessible)

m (68)proper; correct behavior or etiquette; good manners; refinement

(decorous, indecorous)

ive (67)tending to act on impul and without thought; rash; impetuous;

unrestrained; capricious(impuls)


(67)to ridicule something; to laugh at something as ridiculous; to mock;

to satirize (derision, derisory, risible)

ss (67)to stop something from rising or coming out by holding it down;

to repress (suppression)

cent (66)overly plead with an accomplishment; overconfident;

lf-satisfied; so unwary as to be foolish (complacency)

nt (66)deeply honoring or respectfuland so not joking around;

venerating (revere, reverence, reverential, irreverent)

age (65)to insult or put down; to offend

nt (65)relating to the subject at hand; important or significant;

pertinent (relevance, irrelevant)

t (62)careful; cautious, especially about money; having good judgment;

circumspect; wary (prudence, imprudent)

(62)to prove wrong or fal (refutation, irrefutable)

able (61)certain to happen; unavoidable (inevitability)

ous (60)harmless; not dangerous at all; not likely to provokea strong

reaction; inconquential

(60)to make something known; to reveal; to communicate; to depict

nd (59)wi; deep; beneath the surface (profundity)

(59)a statement or situation that conveys a cond meaning at odds with

the apparent meaning; humorous (irony)

lent (58)undecided; feeling positively and negatively towards something




tic (58)getting things done in an effective way; practical; emphasizing

the practical; expedient (pragmatism, pragmatist)

tive (58)new; revolutionary (innovation)

al (57)bad on reason rather than emotions; logical;nsible

(irrational, rationale, rationalize)

ct (57)bad on general ideas; not solid or concrete; vague;hypothetical


ct (57)clearly parate from others; not identical; different; clear;

conspicuous; lucid (distinction, distinctive, indistinct)

tous (56)well-chon; especially appropriate; pleasing(felicity,


te (56)determined to succeed; not easily discouraged; persistent;

tenacious (resolution, irresolute, resolve, unresolved)

e (55)varying; something compod of distinct or unlike elements or

qualities (diversity, diversify)

l (53)unimportant; insignificant; negligible;inconquential

(trivialize, triviality)

n (53)to notice; to e clearly; to distinguish; to discriminate

(discerning, discernment, indiscernible)

e (53)to strengthen; to improve (enhancement)

ant (52)extra, so not needed; extraneous (redundancy)


ed (52)mild; not vere or extreme; controlled; moderate;restrained

(temperate, temperance, intemperate)

s (52)doubtful, and probably untrue; implausible

(51)to reprent in words or pictures; to describe a scene or situation;

to show; to convey (depiction)

ling (51)to arou a feeling irresistibly; forceful; incisive;

provocative; engaging (compel, compulsion, compulsory)

erent (51)not caring about somethingsuch as an outcomeone way or

the other; apathetic (indifference)

ish (50)to decorate; to make beautiful or aesthetic; to make additions

to, especially as in adding fictitiousdetails to a story (embellishment)

nt (50)to replace as better

ate (49)to make or devi something; to make up an elaborate story, as

in to lie (fabrication, fabricator)

ble (49)believable; probably; likely (implausible)

el (49)something equivalent; a comparison; an analogy(unparalleled)

ate (49)to wipe out; to eliminate; to destroy (ineradicable)

nt (49)having great or complete power or influence over someone or

something; primary (dominate, domination, predominant)

rious (49)harmful

d (48)disagreement; disharmony, especially among people; tension or


unea between people, andoften the resulting confusion (discordant, concord,


(48)completely uless or ineffective; so hopeless that effort to

change a situation is wasted (futility)

ent (47)giving in to another’s wishes; permissive; lenient; tolerant;

condoning (indulge, overindulge, lf- indulgent)

ant (47)annoyed or insulted, especially about one’s dignity;angered


ic (47)lecting the best from different sources; lective;varied

ate (47)to prove someone right in the end; to free him or her from blame;

to exonerate (vindication)

ary (46)showing by being great example; outstanding(exemplar,


t (46)to block; to hold back; to impede or suppress(inhibition)

dit (46)to harm someone’s reputation; to show something should not be

trusted or believed (credit)

porary (46)occurring at the prent time; occurring at the same time

in history; modern (contemporaries, contemporaneous)

e (45)to arou strong feelings in someone; to anger(provocative,


tous (45)eager to help; asking if one can help; sympathetic(solicit,



ng (45)discouraging; intimidating; scary (undaunted)

cism (44)doubt (skeptical, skeptic)

nt (44)sticking together in a unified whole; orderly;logically

understandable; lucid (incoherent)

my (44)independence; lf-government (autonomous)

hensive (44)all-inclusive; thorough; complete; encompassing a great


ous (44)unclear; capable of being interpreted in more than one way;

uncertain; doubtful; dubious; notdefinitive (ambiguity, unambiguous)

tious (43)believing onelf to better than others; boastful; affected;

not modest or rerved (preten, pretension)

ic (43)impressive sounding, though sometimes empty, words; a formal

speech (rhetorical)

ral (43)short-lived; prent so fleetingly as barely to exist;transient;


us (43)not genuine; fake; fal; inauthentic

(43)well-grounded; sound; logical; effective; legal;legitimate

(validity, invalid)

pt (43)looking down on others or feeling superior to them;to feel that

someone or something derves great disrespect; condescension (contemptuous)

ined (43)calm and collected; controlled; not impulsive;rerved




e (43)relating to everyday life; uninspired; banal; prosaic

ous (43)rash; impulsive; capricious; not retrained(impetuosity)

ate (42)to reject a person or an idea completely; to have nothing to

do with any longer (repudiation)

tive (42)ttling a disputed matter finally; no longer tentative;

conclusive; authoritative; decisive(defining, indefinite)

(42)to prove wrong or fal; to invalidate

ent (41)to parate; to split away from; to move apart; to travel in

different directions (diverge, converge)

s (41)to wander away from a topic; to change the subjectof a discussion

momentarily (digression, digressive)

n (41)to hold up; to support; to keep something going(sustenance)

ruous (41)not fitting or matching; eming out of place(incongruity,


ent (40)lacking confidence; shy; rerved; apprehensive;wary


(40)so slight as to be hard to notice; hard to distinguish or discern


ent (40)passing through a place quickly; not lasting; short- lived;

transitory; ephemeral; evanescent(transience)

(40)not disturbed; peaceful; quiet; tranquil (renity)


equential (40) not worth noticing; unimportant; so insignificantas to

have no conquences; negligible; trivial; trite(conquence)

nize (40)to examine something cloly and completely, especially with

an aim to finding faults (scrutiny, inscrutable)

(40)to state a belief positively; to claim, often without proof

(asrtion, asrtive)

(40)to promote; to encourage; to contribute to something’s growth

x (40)to confu; to mystify (perplexing, perplexity)

ive (40)an account, story, or history about something(narrate, narrator,


c (39)ordinary; matter-of-fact; lacking imagination;uninspired;

hackneyed; mundane; banal (pro)

ntiate (39)to offer supporting evidence; to help prove; to corroborate

(unsubstantiated, substantive, substantial; insubstantial)

stic (39)hopeful; looking on the bright side; expecting the best;

sanguine (optimism, optimist)

il (39)calm; peaceful; quiet; relaxing; rene (tranquility)

ce (39)to put someone down, often publicly; to blame someone; to accu


cend (38)to talk down to; to act superior to; to dismiss; to treat with

contempt (condescending, condescension)

100. partisan (38)supporting one side in a dispute, especially over political


matters; biad; not detached or objective(bipartisan, nonpartisan)

101. prosperity (38)success, especially financial (prosper, prosperous)

102. lucid (38)clear; easily understood; transparent; coherent(elucidate,


103. advocate (38)someone who supports a cau; a supporter; a champion; a

proponent (advocacy)

104. distinguish (38)to notice; to pick something out, as a person in a crowd;

to e something as different; to discriminate; to discern (distinguished,


105. superficial (37)only on the surface; shallow; unimportant

106. illusory (37)emingly real but not; deceptive; fal;

inauthentic(disillusion, illusive)

107. apprehensive (36)having great doubts; nervous; fearful;

diffident(apprehension, apprehend)

108. nostalgia (36)fondness for and missing the past, especially one’s own;

missing the good old days (nostalgic)

109. benevolent (36)kind; generous; tending to help others;


110. sympathy (36)sharing feelings; showing concern for another; harmonious;

solicitude (sympathetic, sympathies, unsympathetic)

111. corrupt (36)to ruin something, especially a person’s morals; to make impure;


to decay (corruption, incorruptible)

112. polemical (35)arguing a position, especially a radical one(polemics,


113. belie (35)to contradict; to fail to confirm (belied, belying)

114. mock (35)to ridicule; to make fun of, often as something fake;to satirize


115. compromid (35)to make incure or to place in danger; to come to an

agreement by ttling differences; agreeing to something partially


116. disdain (34)considering someone or something beneath onelf;to have

contempt for; to despi; condescension

117. presumption (34)a bold assumption; being overly bold with someoneto the point

of disrespect (presume, presuming, presumptuous)

118. caustic (34)burning; sarcastic

119. deferential (34)respectful; reverent; venerating (defer, deferred, deferral)

120. subjective (34)open to interpretation; reflecting someone’s perspective;

biad; not objective

121. capricious (34)unpredictable; whimsical; to act with complete spontaneity;

impulsive; impetuous; acting without restraint (caprice)

122. animated (34)lively; vigorous (animation)

123. endor (34)to support; to approve; to champion; to authorize;to advocate;


to commend (endorment)

124. auspicious (34)promising; favorable (inauspicious)

125. exacerbate (33)to make a bad situation wor; to worn

126. obscure (33)not easily noticed; dark or shadowy; unclear; vague(obscurity)

127. dogmatic (33)stubbornly opinionated; arrogantly inflexible; clo- minded;

intractable (dogma, dogmatism)

128. extravagant (33)fancy; luxurious; immoderate (extravagance)

129. venerate (33)to honor above others; to revere (venerable)

130. gregarious (33)friendly; outgoing; genial

131. attain (33)to achieve, especially a goal; to get

132. elude (33)to avoid being found or caught, usually by being clever (elusive)

133. tenacious (33)persistent, especially in the face of continuing challenges;

stubborn; resolute; rarely if ever resigned (tenacity, pertinacious)

134. mediate (33)to try to help two arguing sides reach an agreement; to reconcile

to parties (mediator, mediation)

135. meticulous (32)careful; thorough; painstaking; scrupulous;exacting

136. negligible (32)extremely small; so unimportant that it can be ignored;

inconquential; trivial

137. equanimity (32)calm; composure, especially under difficult circumstances

138. mitigate (32)to lesn the verity or force of something, especially of

something bad or harmful; to moderate; to alleviate (mitigating, unmitigated)


139. transitory (32)of short duration; brief; ephemeral; transient;mutable

140. immutable (32)unchanging; not able to change; everlasting(mutable)

141. evoke (32)to inspire; to arou; to bring forth (evocative)

142. cursory (32)hurried and superficial; quick; perfunctory; not meticulous

143. rancor (32)extremely bad feelings about something; bitterness(rancorous)

144. authentic (32)genuine; true; real; valid (authenticity, inauthentic)

145. rerved (32)generally quiet and rerved in behavior; modest(rervation,


146. intuitive (31)knowing by instinct as oppod to rational thought; what you

would expect without having to give much thought to the matter (intuit, intuition,



147. satirize (31)to imitate so as to make fun of; to mock, especiallyin writing

(satire, satiric)

148. devoid (31)lacking; free from; empty (void)

149. conci (31)expressing a lot using few words; short and clear;to the point;

ter (concision, conciness)

150. erroneous (31)wrong; mistaken; incorrect (err)

151. collaborate (31)to work together with someone as equals on a project, as

with a colleague (collaboration, collaborator)

152. thwart (31)to block or impede, often for a long time or permanently


153. spontaneous (30)happening without being planned; making decisions suddenly

and without thought; happening naturally, or without human effort; impulsive


154. implement (30)to put into practice; to begin to u something(implements,


155. underscore (30)to emphasize, as if by drawing a line under; to highlight

156. explicate (30)to explain or analyze logically; to clear up any

misunderstanding; to make explicit; to elucidate(explication, inexplicable)

157. exasperate (30)to annoy someone to the point of frustration(exasperation)

158. momentous (30)extremely important; major; unprecedented

159. pertinent (30)important; relevant (impertinent)

160. conspicuous (29)obvious; easily en; in plain sight; extremely noticeable;

easily distinguished or discerned; prominent (inconspicuous)

161. amiable (29)friendly; nice; genial; gregarious; amicable(amiable)


162. widespread (29)widely spread out or shared; commonly held;pervasive;


163. pervasive (29)appearing or being everywhere; widespread;abundant; prevalent


164. prophetic (29)foretelling events; predicting or anticipating the future

(prophet, prophesy)

165. cynical (29)looking at the bad side of people’s actions; lacking faith in


humanity; lacking any optimism (cynic, cynicism)

166. tenuous (29)thin; insubstantial; unable to support anything el(attenuate)

167. innate (29)inborn; inherited; naturally belonging; inherent

168. explicit (29)clearly stated; in plain view; clear; lucid;unambiguous;

conspicuous (implicit)

169. distort (29)to twist something out of shape; to misreprent; to give a fal

or misleading impression

170. challenge (29)to question or dispute the truth or validity of something

171. acclaim (28)high prai; fame; renown (acclamation)

172. moderate (28)not extreme; reasonable; tempered

173. legitimate (28)justified by some rule or law; legal; real; true(illegitimate,


174. patronize (28)to be a customer; to treat rudely, condescendingly,or

contemptuously (patron, patronage)

175. exacting (28)demanding; insisting on; meticulous

176. contentious (28)to fight; to deal with difficulty; to argue a

point(contention, contend, contender)

177. conscientious (28)careful; diligent; prudent; scrupulous; meticulous

178. diligent (28)always careful and hardworking; thorough;persistent; assiduous


179. deter (28)to prevent; to discourage; to impede; to daunt(deterrent,





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