SECTION3ction ⅲ
time-35 minutes
26 questions
directions: the questions in this ction are bad on the
reasoning contained in brief statements or passages for some
questions more than one of the choices could conceivably
answer the question. however you are to choo the best
answer that is the respon that most accurately and
completely answers the question. you should not make
assumptions that are answer blacken the corresponding space
on your answer sheet
painted spiders spins webs that are much stickier
than the webs spun by the other species of spiders that share
the same habitat. stickler webs are more efficient at trapping
incts that fly into them. spiders prey on incts by trapping
them in their webs therefore. if can be concluded that the
painted spider is a more successful predator than its
which one of the following if true most riously weakens
the argument?
(a) not all of the species of incts living in the painted
spider's habitat are flying incts
(b) butterflies and moths which can shed scales are
especially unlikely to be trapped by spider webs that are not
very sticky
(c) although the painted spider's venom does not kill
incts quickly. it paralyzes them almost instantaneously
(d) stickier webs reflect more light and so are more
visible to incts than are less-sticky webs.
(e) the webs spun by the painted spider are no larger
than the webs spun by the other species of spiders in the same
e the best efforts of astronomers, no one has yet
succeeded in exchanging messages with intelligent life on
other planets or in other solar systems. in fact, no one has
even managed to prove that any kind of extraterrestrial life
exists. thus, there is clearly no intelligent life anywhere but on
the argument's reasoning is flawed becau the
(a) fails to consider that there might be extraterrestrial
forms of intelligence that are not living beings
(b) confus an abnce of evidence for a nypothesis
with the existence of evidence against the hypothesis
(c) interprets a disagreement over a scientitic theory as a
disproof of that theory
(d) makes an inference that relies on the vagueness of the
term "life"
(e) relies on a weak analogy rather than on evidence to
draw a conclusion
questions 3-4
bart: a mathematical problem that defied solution for
hundreds of years has finally yielded to a supercomputer. the
process by which the supercomputer derived the result is so
complex. however, that no one can fully comprehend it.
conquently, the result is unacceptable.
anne: in scientific rearch if the results of a test can be
replicated in other tests, the results are acceptable even
though the way they were derived might not be fully
understood. therefore, if a mathematical result derived by a
supercomputer can be reproduced by other supercomputers
following the same procedure it is acceptable
3. bart's argument requires which one of the following
(a) the mathematical result in question is unacceptable
becau it was derived with the u of a supercomputer
(b) for the mathematical result in question to be
someone who can fully comprehend the process by which it
was derived.
(c) to be acceptable the mathematical result in question
must be reproduced on another supercomputer.
(d) making the mathematical result in question less
complex would guarantee its acceptablility.
(e) the supercomputer cannot derive an acceptable
solution to the mathematical problem in question.
exchange between bart and anne most strongly
supports the view that they disagree as to
(a) whether a scientific result that has not been replicated
can properly be accepted
(b) whether the result that a supercomputer derives for a
mathematical problem must be replicated on another
supercomputer before it can be accepted
(c) the criterion to be ud for accepting a mathematical
result derived by a supercomputer
(d) the level of complexity of the process to which bart
refers in his statements
(e) the relative complexity of mathematical preblems as
compared to scientific problems
is commonly held among marketing experts that in a
nonexpanding market a company's best strategy is to go after
a bigger share of the market and that the best way to do this is
to run comparative advertiments that emphasize
weakness in the products of rivals. in the stagnant market
for food oil, soybean-oil and palm-oil producers did wage a
two-year battle with comparative advertiments about the
deleterious effect on health of each other's products. the
campaigns, however had little effiect on respective market
shares; rather they stopped many people from buying any
edible oils at all.
the statements above most strongly support the
conclusion that comparative advertiments
(a) increa a company's market share in all cas in
which that company's products are clearly superior to the
products of rivals
(b) should not be ud in a market that is expanding or
likely to expand
(c) should under no circumstances be ud as a
retaliatory measure
(d) carry the risk of causing a contraction of the market at
which they are aimed
(e) yield no long-term gains unless consumers can easily
verify the claims made
unexpectedly heavy rainfalls in the metropolitan
area have filled the rervoirs and streams; water rationing,
therefore, will not be necessary this summer.
which one of the following, if true most undermines the
author's prediction?
(a) water rationing was fmpod in the city in three of the
last five years.
(b) a small part of the city's water supply is obtained from
deep underground water systems that are not reached by
(c) the water company's capacity to pump water to
customers has not kept up with the incread demand created
by population growth in the metropolitan area.
(d) the long-range weather forecast predicts
lower-than-average temperatures for this summer.
(e) in most years the city receives less total precipitation
in the summer than if receives in any other ason.
: in 80 percent of car accidents the driver at fault
was within five miles of home, so people evidently drive less
safely near home than they do on long trips.
judy: but people do 80 percent of their driving within five
miles of is judy's respon related to john's
(a) it shows that the evidence that john prents by itlf
is not enough to prove his claim.
(b) it restates the evidence that john prents in different
(c) it gives additional evidence that is needed by john to
support his conclusion.
(d) it calls into question john's assumption that whenever
people drive more than five miles from home they are going
on a long trip.
(e) it suggests that john's conclusion is merely a
restatement of his argument's premi.
able people adapt themlves to the world:
unreasonable people persist in trying to adapt the world to
themlves. therefore, all progress depends on unreasonable
if all of the statements in the passage above are true
which one of the following statements must also be true?
(a) reasonable people and unreasonable people are
(b) if there are only reasonable people there cannot be
(c) if there are unreasonable people there will be
(d) some unreasonable people are unable to bring about
(e) unreasonable people are more persistent than
reasonable people.
r critic: the theater is in a dismal state.
audiences are and revenue is down. without the audience
and the revenue the talented and creative people who are the
lifeblood of the theater are abandoning it. no wonder
standards are deteriorating.
producer: it's not true that the theater is in decline.
don't you realize that your comments constitute a
lf-fulfilling prophecy? by publishing the opinions, you
yourlf are discouraging new audiences from emerging and
new talent from joining the theater.
which one of the following is a questionable technique
employed by the produce in responding to the critic?
(a) focusing on the effects of the critie's evaluation rather
than on its content
(b) accusing the critic of relying solely on opinion
unsupported by factual evidence
(c) challenging the motives behind the critle's remarks
rather than the remarks themlves
(d) relying on emphasis rather than on argument
(e) invoking authority in order to intimidate the critic
10. michelangelo's sixteenth-century sistine chapel
paintings are currently being restored. a goal of the restorers is
to uncover michelangelo's original work, and so additions
made to michelangelo's paintings by later artists are being
removed. however, the restorers have decided to make one
exception: to leave intact additions that were painted by da
which one of the following, if true, most helps to
reconcile the restorers' decision with the goal stated in the
(a) the restorers believe that da volterra stripped away all
previous layers of paint before he painted his own additions to
the sistine chapel.
(b) becau da volterra ud a type of pigment that is
especially nsitive to light, the additions to the sistine chapel
that ad volterra painted have relatively muted colors.
(c) da volterra's additions were painted in a style that was
similar to the style ud by michelangelo.
(d) michelangelo is famous primarily for his sculptures
and only condarily for his paintings, whereas da volterra is
known exclusively for his paintings.
(e) da volterra's work is considered by certain art
historians to be just as valuable as the work of additions to
michelangelo's work.
11. a controversial program rewards prison inmates who
behave particularly well in prison by giving them the chance to
receive free cosmetic plastic surgery performed by medical
students. the program is obviously morally questionable, both
in its assumptions about what inmates might want and in its
u of the prison population to train future surgeons. putting
the moral issues aside however the surgery clearly has a
powerful rehabilitative effect as is shown by the fact that,
among recipients of the surgery the proportion who are
convicted of new crimes committed after relea is only half
that for the prison population as a whole.
a flaw in the reasoning of the passage is that it
(a) allows moral issues to be a consideration in
prenting evidence about matters of fact
(b) dismiss moral considerations on the grounds that
only matters of fact are relevant
(c) labels the program as "controversial" instead of
discussing the issues that give ri to controversy
(d) asrts that the rehabilitation of criminals is not a
moral issue
(e) relles on evidence drawn from a sample that there is
reason to belleve is unreprentative
12. the retina scanner a machine that scans the web of
tiny blood vesls in the retina, stores information about the
pattern formed by the blood vesls. this information allows it
to recognize any pattern it has previously scanned. no two
eyes have identical patterns of blood vesls in the retina. a
retina scanner can therefore be ud successfully to determine
for any person whether it has ever scanned a retina of that
person before.
the reasoning in the argument depends upon assuming
(a) dias of the human eye do not alter the pattern of
blood vesls in the retina in ways that would make the
pattern unrecognizable to the retina scanner
(b) no person has a different pattern of blood vesls in
the retina of the left eye than in the retina of the right eye
(c) there are enough retina scanners to store information
about every peroson's reuns
(d) the number of blood vesls in the human retrna is
invariant although the patterns they form differ from person
to person
(e) there is no person who retinas have been anned
by two or more different retina scanners
13. there are just two ways a moon could have been
formed from the planet around which it travels: either part of
the planet's outer shell spun off into orbit around the planet or
el a large object, such as a come or meteoroid struck the
planet so violently that it dislodged a mass of material form
inside the planet earth's moon consists primarily of materlals
different from tho of the earth's outer shell.
if the statements above are true which one of the
following if also true would most help to justify drawing the
conclusion that earth's moon was not formed from a piece of
the earth?
(a) the moons of some planets in earth's solar system
were not formed primarily from the planets' outer shells.
(b) earth's moon consists primarily of elements that differ
from tho inside the earth.
(c) earth's gravity cannot have trapped a meteoroid and
pulled it into orbit as the moon.
(d) the craters on the surface of earth's moon show that it
has been struck by many thousands of large meteoroids.
(e) comets and large meteoroids normally move at very
high speeds.
14. cafieine can kill or inhibit the growth of the larvae of
veral species of incts. one recent experiment showed that
tobacco hornworm larvae die when they ingest a preparation
that consists in part of finely powdered tea leaves which
contain caffeine. this result is evidence for the hypothesis that
the prence of non-negligible quantities of caffeine in various
parts of many diver species of plants is not accidental but
evolved as a defen for tho plants.
the argument assumes that
(a) caffeine-producing plants are an important raw
material in the many facture of commercial incticides
(b) caffeine is stored in leaves and other parts of
cafieine-producing plants in concentrations roughly equal to
the caffeine concentration of the preparation fed to the
tobacco hornworm larvae
(c) caffeine-producing plants grow wherver inct larvae
po a major threat to indigenous plants or once pod a
major threat to the ancestors of tho plants
(d) the tobacco plant is among the plant species that
produce caffeine for their own defen
(e) caffeine-producing plants or their ancestors have at
some time been subject to being ted upon by creatures
nsitive to caffeine
15. the only plants in the garden were tulips but they
were tall tulips so the only plants in the garden were tall plants
which one of the following exhibits faulty reasoning most
similar to the faulty reasoning in the argument above?
(a) the only dogs in the show were poodles and they
were all black poodles. so all the dogs in the show were black.
(b) all the buildings on the block were tall. the only
buildings on the block were office buildings and residential
towers. so all the office buildings on the block were tall
(c) all the primates in the zoo were gorillas. the only
gorillas in the zoo were small gorillas. thus the only primates in
the zoo were small primates
(d) the only fruit in the kitchen was pears but the pears
were not none of the fruit in the kitchen was ripe
(e) all the grand pianos here are large. all the grand
pianos here are heavy thus everything large is heavy
16. scientific rearch will be properly channeled
whenever tho who decide which rearch to fund give due
weight to the scientific merits of all propod resaearch. but
when government agencies control the funding decisions,
political considerations play a major role in determining which
rearch will be funded, and whenever political considerations
play such a role the inevitable result is that scientific rearch
is not properly channeled.
which one of the following can be properly inferred from
the statements above?
(a) there is no proper role for political considerations to
play in determining who will decide which scientifie rearch
to fund.
(b) it is inevitable that considerations of scientific merit
will be neglected in decisions regarding the funding of
scientific rearch.
(c) giving political considerations a major role in
determining which scientific rearch to fund is incompatible
with giving proper weight to the scientific merits of propod
(d) when scientific rearch is not properly channeled
governments tend to step in and take control of the process of
choosing which rearch to fund
(e) if a government does not control investment in basic
scientific rearch political consideration will inevitably be
neglected in deciding which rearch to fund
17. a new sllencing device for domestic appliances
operates by producing sound waves that cancel out the sound
waves produced by the appliance. the device unlike
conventional silencers actively eliminates the noi the
appliance makes and for that reason vacuum cleaners
designed to incorporate the new device will operate with
much lower electricity consumption than conventional
vacuum cleaners
which one of the following if true most helps to explain
why the new silencing device will make lower electricity
consumption possible
(a) designers of vacuum cleaner motors typically nave to
compromi the motors' efficiency in order to reduce noi
(b) the device runson electricity drawn from the
appliance's main power supply
(c) conventional vacuum clcaners often u spinning
brushes to loon dirt in addition to using suction to remove
(d) governmental standards for such domestic appliances
as vacuum cleaners allow higher electricity consumption when
vacuum cleaners are quieter
(e) the need to incorporate silencers in conventional
vacuum cleaners makes them neavier and less mobile than
they might otherwi be
18. becau dinosaurs were reptiles, scientists once
assumed that, like all reptilles alive today, dinosaurs were
cold-blooded. the recent discovery of dinosaur fossils in the
northern arctic however has led a number of rearchers to
conclude that at least some dinosaurs might have been
warm-blooded. the rearchers point out that only
warm-blooded animals could have withstood the frigid
temperatures that are characteristic of arctic winters, whereas
cold-blooded animals would have frozen to death in the
extreme cold
which one of the following if true weakens the
rearchers' argument?
(a) today's reptiles are generally confined to regions of
temperate or even tropical climates
(b) the fossils show the arcuc dinosaurs to have been
substantially smaller than other known species of dinosaurs.
(c) the arctic dinosaur fossils were found alongside fossils
of plants known for their abiliry to witnstand extremely cold
(d) the number of fossils found together inchcates herds
of dinosaurs so large that they would need to migrate to find a
continual food supply
(e) experts on prehistoric climatic conditions believe that
winter temperatures in the prehistoric northern arctic were not
significantly different from what they are today.
question 19-20
maria: calling any state totalitarian is misleading it
implies total state control of all aspects of life. the real world
contains no political entity exercising literally total control
over even one such aspect. this is becau any system of
control is inefficient, and, therefore, its degree of control is
james: a one-party state that has tried to exerci control
over most aspects of a society and that has broadly speaking
managed to do so is totalitarian. such a system's practical
inefficiencies do not limit the aptness of the term, which does
not describe a state's actual degree of control as much as it
describes the nature of a state's ambitions.
19. which one of the following most accurately express
marla's man conclusion?
(a) no state can be called totalitarian without inviting a
mistaken belief
(b) to be totalitarian a state must totally control society
(c) the degree of control exercid by a state is
necessarily partial
(d) no existing state currently has even one aspect of
society under total control
(e) systems of control are inevitably inefficient
20. james responds to maria's argument by
(a) pointing out a logical inconsistency between two
statements she makes in support of her argument
(b) offering an alternative explanation for political
conditions she mentions
(c) rejecting some of the evidence she prents without
challenging what she infers from it
(d) disputing the conditions under which a key term of
her argument can be appropriately applied
(e) demonstrating that her own premis lead to a
conclusion different from hers
21. the similarity between ichthyosaurs and fish is an
example of convergence, a process by which different class
of organisms adapt to the same environment by
independently developing one or more similar external body
features. i chthyosaurs were marine reptiles and thus do not
belong to the same class of organisms as fish. however,
ichthyosaurs adapted to their marine environment by
converging on external body features similar to tho of fish.
most strikingly, ichthydsaurs, like fish, had fins.
if the statements above are true, which one of the
following is an inference that can be properly drawn on the
basis of them?
(a) the members of a single class of organisms that
inhabit the same environment must be identical in all their
external body features
(b) the members of a single class of organisms must
exhibit one or more similar external body features that
differentiate that class from all other class of organisms.
(c) it is only as a result of adaptation to similar
environments that one class of organisms develops external
body features similar to tho of another class of organisms.
(d) an organism does not necessarily belong to a class
simply becau the organism has one or more external body
features similar to tho of members of that class
(e) whenever two class of organisms share the same
environment members of one class will differ from members
of the other class in veral external body features.
22. further evidence bearing on jamison's activities must
have come to light. on the basis of previously available
evidence alone, it would have been impossible to prove that
jamison was a party to the fraud, and jamison's active
involvement in the fraud has now been definitively
the pattern of reasoning exhibited in the argument
above most cloly parallels that exhibited in which one of the
(a) smith must not have purchad his hou within the
last year. he is listed as the owner of that hou on the old list
of property owners and anyone on the old list could not have
purchad his or her property within the last year.
(b) turner must not have taken her usual train to nantes
today. had she done so she could not have been in nates until
this afternoon but she was en having cofiee in nantes at 11
o'clock this morning.
(c) nofris must have lied when she said that she had not a
authorized the investigation. there is no doubt that she did
authorize it and authorizing an investigation is not something
anyone is likely to have forgotten
(d) waugh must have knon that last night's class was
canceled waugh was in she library yesterday and it would have
been impossible for anyone in the library not to have en the
cancellation notices.
(e) laforte must deeply rented being pasd over for
promotion. he maintains otherwi, but only someone who
felt badly treated would have made the kind of remark laforte
made at yesterday's meeting
23. reporting on a civil war a journalist encountered
evidence that refugees were starving becau the govern,ent
would not permit food shipments to a rebel-held area.
government censors deleted all mention of the government's
role in the starvation from the journalist's report which had
not implicated either nature or the rebels in the starvation. the
journalist concluded that it was ethically permissible to file the
censored report becau the journalist's news agency would
precede it with the notice "cleared by government censors"
which one of the following ethical criteria if valid would
rve to support the yournalist's conclusion whilc placing the
least constraint on the flow of reported information?
(a) it is ethical in general to report known facts but
unethical to do so while omitting other known facts if the
omitted facts would substanually alter an impression of a
person or instiution that would be congruent with the
reported facts.
(b) in a situation of conflict, it is ethical to report known
facts and unethical to fail to report known facts that would
tend to exonerate party to the conflict
(c) in a situation of censorship, it is unethical make any
report if the government reprented by the censor deletes
from the report material unfavorable to that government
(d) it is ethical in general to report known facts but
unethical to make a report in a situation of censorship if
relevant facts have been deleted by the censor unless the
recipient of the report is warned that censorship existed
(e) although it is ethical in general to report known facts
it is unethical to make a report from which a censor has
deleted relevant facts unless the recipient of the report is
warned that there was censorship and the reported facts do
not by themlves give a misleading impression.
24. a birth is more like to be difficult when the mother is
over the age of 40 than when she is younger. regardless of the
mother's age, a person who birth was difficult is more likely
to be ambidextrous than is a person who birth was not
difficult. since other caus of ambidexterity are not related to
the mother's age, there must be more ambidextrous people
who were born to women over 40 than there are ambidextrous
people who were born to younger women.
the argument is most vulnerable to which one of the
following criticisms?
(a) it assumes what it ts out to establish
(b) it overlooks the possibility that fewer children are
born to women over 40 than to women under 40
(c) it fails to specify what percentage of people in the
population as a whole are ambldextrous.
(d) it does not state how old a child must be before its
handedness can be determined
(e) it neglects to explain how difficulties during birth can
result in a child's ambioexterity
questions 25-26
the government has no right to tax earnings from labor.
taxation of this kind requires the laborer to devote a certain
percentage of hours worked to earning money for the
government. thus, such taxation forces the laborer to work, in
part, for another's purpo. since involuntary rvitude can be
defined as forced work for another's purpo, just
as-involuntary rvitude is pernicious, so is taxing earnings
from labor.
25. the argument us which one of the following
argumentative techniques?
(a) deriving a general principle about the rights of
individuals from a judgment concerning the obligations of
(b) inferring what will be time ca merely from a
description of what once was the ca
(c) inferring that since two institutions are similar in one
respect they are similar in another respect
(d) siting the authority of an economic theory in order to
justify a moral principle
(e) presupposing the inevitability of a hierarchical class
system in order to oppo a given economic practice
26. which one of the following is a error of reasoning
committed by the argument?
(a) it ignores a difference in how the idea of forced work
for another's purpo applies to the two cas.
(b) it does not take into account the fact that labor is
taxed at different rates depending on income.
(c) it mistakenly assumes that all work is taxed
(d) it ignores the fact that the government also taxes
income from investment
(e) it treats definitions as if they were matters of
subjective opinion rather than objective facts about language.
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