
更新时间:2023-04-19 15:20:48 阅读: 评论:0


Does a College Education Help All People Equally?
Higher education has been a dream for generations of men and women all over the world.
Many people consider higher education a major step on the path towards success.
Most high-paying jobs require a college or university degree. And parents often begin saving for their
children's college years when they are still young.
But does higher education improve the lives of all people in the same way?
People have long called college the ‘great equalizer,' meaning it gives students from all backgrounds
the same opportunities or similar chances for success.
A study relead in February 2017 supports this idea. The study comes from a rearch program
called the Equality of Opportunity Project. It is operated by Stanford University and other top schools
in the United States.
In the study, r白羊座和天秤座 earchers examined tax records from about 30 m邪恶少漫画 illion U.S. college students and their
families. The tax records were from the years 1999 to 2013. The rearchers then compared the
earnings of families before their children went to college to the income of individual students about
10 years after they completed their studies.
The findings may not come as a surpri to some. For example, it showed a degree from an ‘Ivy
League' or other highly lective school helps students from low income families a great deal.
Ivy League is a term for eight private universities in the northeastern United States. Many people
consider them to be among the best for higher education in the world.
Two of the eight, Columbia University and Cornell University, are in New York State. The others are
Brown University in Rhode Island; Dartmouth Col箭头简笔画 lege in New Hampshire; Harvard University in
Massachutts; the University of Pennsylvania; Princeton University in New Jery; and Yale
University in Connecticut.
The study found that about 60 percent of the lowest income students at Ivy League schools earned as
much as students from the highest income families later in life. But the high cost a经期可以染头发吗 nd inten level of
competition to attend one of the schools can be a barrier for many students.
What may be more interesting is what less widely known colleges can do, says Niklas Flamang. He is a
doctoral degree candidate in economics at Stanford.
Flamang says the study identified 10 less lective universities that also helped large numbers of
students escape poverty. The State University of New York at Stony Brook is one example. Fifty-one
percent of Stony Brook students from the lowest income group entered the highest income group
sometime after graduating.
Flamang says this proves that any given college can be a tool for success.
"From a societal perspective, the universities really contribute to economic mobility in the n
that they both admit a large share of low income students, and also provide excellent outcomes for
the low income students."
However, there are other issues to consider. The study notes that Ivy League and other top schools
are less likely to admit students from low-income families. On average, a young person from the
highest income background is 77 percent more likely to attend one of the schools than someone
from the lowest income background.

Also, while a college education may help almost everyone, higher income students still have an
advantage. That is the opinion of Dirk Witteveen, a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Center of the
City University of New York.
In February, the journal Social Forces published his report on a study of college graduates and their
Whorizons itteveen examined information from the U.S. Department of Education on all students attending an
American college or university北京大学艺术学院 in 1993 and 2008. He did not compare different schools or degree
Instead Witteveen compared the earnings of all students 10 years after they graduated. He found that
the students born into the highest income families still earned at least two percent more after college
than anyone el.
Witteveen says this is becau people from wealthier families have more connections that can help
their children.
"Some families have connections within professional industries that could lead to a good first job or a
great first internship. So, more generally, this means that class is a much wider concept than just the
amount of money that your parents earn or the amount of wealth that your parents have."
Witteveen suggests that almost no amount of education can take the place of the special
relationships. Colleges can help lower income students by doing more to connect them with
successful graduates. Also, programs teaching skills like network-building should become part of how
colleges prepare students for the real world.
But some people would argue that college is not the only path to success.
Nicholas Wyman is head of the Insti吉他和弦练习方法 tute for Workplace Skills and Innovation. His company helps
organizations and educators with job training for employees.
Wyman argues that there are still many well-paying jobs that do not require a college degree. This
includes jobs in manufacturing and other highly technical fields.
“There is no guarantee of a job,” Wyman said. “College is definitely a pathway for some people, and
there is no question that it is very successful for many people. But for some people, there are
Many U.S. high schools 古装三级电视剧 once offered class in how to repair automobi如何演讲 les and other machines. But
programs like the have become less and less common over the years. Wyman says this is becau
many Americans do not want their children working in positions involving physical labor. He suggests
parents should support students' interests in the fields to keep manufacturing jobs from leaving the
And, with the cost of college rising, Wyman says young people may find the success they are looking
for at a much lower price.
I'm Pete Musto.
Pete Musto reported this story for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.
We want to hear from you. How important do you think a college education is to a person's success?
Write to us in the Comments Section or on our Facebook page.
Words in This Story
degree n. an official document and title that is given to someone who has successfully completed a
ries of class at a college or university
background(s) n. the experiences, knowledge and education in a person's past

lective adj. careful to choo only the best people or things
doctoral adj. of or relating to the highest degree that is given by a university
graduating v. earning a degree or diploma from a school, college, or university
societal adj. of or relating to people in living together in organized communities with shared laws,
traditions, and values
perspective n. a way of thinking about and understanding something
contribute v. to help to cau something to happen
mobility n. the ability or tendency to move from one position or situation to another usually better
outcome(s) n. something that happens as a result of an activity or process
advantage n. something, such as a good position or condition, that helps to make someone or
something better or more likely to succeed than others
journal n. a publication that reports on things of special interest to a particular group of people
internship n. a position as a student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in
order to get experience, often without pay
class n. the way people in a society are divided into different social and economic groups
concept n. an idea of what something is or how it works
network n. a group of people or organizations that are cloly connected and that work with each
alternative(s) - n. something that can be chon instead of something el



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