Ordinarypassports, travel certificates
MacauSAR Documents
Ordinary passports, travel certificates
FromJanuary 29, 2022, the "Online Appointment System for OverasPassport Applications" will be discontinued and all ordinarypassports and travel certificates will be applied for through the"China Consular" App.
Fortho who have special difficulties and cannot apply through APP orhave urgent needs, plea contact the relevant embassy or consulatefor offline application through the "green channel".
Downloadand register the "China Consulate" App
The"China Consular" App can be downloaded from Apple AppStore, Tencent App Store, Xiaomi App Store, Huawei App Store or byscanning the QR code in the picture below. After successful download,u your email address or Chine cell phone number to register youraccount and fill in your Chine ID card number or ordinary passportnumber according to the instructions (if you do not have the abovedocuments, you can u someone el's account with real nameauthentication or contact the embassy or consulate for offlineapplication) to complete your real name authentication.
Loginto the APP, click on the "Passport Travel Certificate" or"Emergency Travel Certificate" business module ("EmergencyTravel Certificate" business is only applicable to short-termtravel abroad, business trips and other people who have lost theirpassports and urgently need to return to their home countries, in thelocal residence, study, staff should choo the "Passport TravelCertificate" business), lect the propod embassy orconsulate.
Fillin basic personal information step by step, completely and accuratelyaccording to the prompts.
Signingonline to confirm the relevant statement.
Uploadthe required documentary photo (click for photo specificationrequirements), the information page of your current passport, andother documents to apply for the certificate.
Ifthe applicant is under 16 years of age, one of the parents or legalguardian should assist in the operation. Plea upload the writtenconnt of one of the parents or legal guardian to apply for thepassport, the passport or other identity documents of one of theparents or legal guardian, and documents proving the legalguardianship relationship (such as birth certificate, familyregister, etc.) according to the notice of the relevant embassy orconsulate or the prompt in the APP.
Inorder to ensure that the application is made in person, the APP willconduct face recognition of the applicant. If you are unable to passthe identity verification, you can click "Skip" to godirectly to the next step, but then you need to make an appointmentonline for a video interview or come to the embassy or consulate foran interview upon request.
Inprinciple, the relevant licensing materials can be submitted onlinethrough the APP.
Ifyou choo to submit by mail, you will need to nd the printed orhandwritten applicant's name and order number, the old passport ortravel document to the relevant embassy or consulate after theembassy or consulate has reviewed the documents. Plea track theprogress of the application in "My Order" or "NewsCenter" according to the requirements of the embassy orconsulate, and mail the documents in due time.
TheAPP supports online payment by WeChat (applicable to some pavilions),and applicants can choo to pay the fee by mail check or on site atthe pavilion. If the document does not meet the acceptance criteriaor the difference needs to be refunded, the fee refund will be madethrough the original payment channel. Once the emergency travelpermit application is submitted, it cannot be withdrawn and the feepaid online is non-refundable.
Submitan application
Aftercompleting the above steps and successfully submitting the order, therelevant application will be submitted to the Embassy and ConsulateGeneral for review. Applicants can track the progress of theapplication in "My Order" or "Message Center",the embassy and consulate staff will provide feedback on the progressof the review through the APP in a timely manner, and leave a messagein the APP requesting additional uploaded documents as appropriate.
Ifthe applicant is a minor or the face recognition is not pasd, theembassy or consulate may request a video interview with the applicantthrough the app or an interview at the embassy. Applicants should payattention to the status of their orders and lect an appointmenttime in a timely manner. The embassy or consulate staff will initiatethe video interview according to the appointment time. During thevideo interview, plea prepare the original documents, cooperatewith the staff to take screenshots and answer relevant questions.
Ifyou choo to pick up the certificate at the embassy or consulate,you can pick up the certificate at the embassy or consulate when theprogress of the certificate is updated to "New certificate hasbeen made" in the APP after the certificate is approved by theembassy or consulate and the certificate is made.
Ifapplicants encounter any problems or have any suggestions in theprocess of using the APP, they can give feedback through the embassyor consulate document consultation mailbox or the relevant mailbox ofthe consular rvice website.
OfficialPassport Exchange
Forthe renewal of official passports for international staff anddomestic permanent staff on official assignment, the applicant shouldcontact the domestic dispatching unit, which will submit anapplication for renewal to the original issuing authority. Afterreceiving the notification from the original issuing authority, theembassy or consulate will accept the application. The applicant shallsubmit the following documents to the embassy or consulate.
1copy of "Application for Passport/Travel Permit of the People'sRepublic of China" filled out truthfully and completely.
Threerecent (within 6 months) frontal, bareheaded color half-body IDphotos (glossy photo paper), 48mmx33mm, head width 15mm-22mm, height28mm-33mm, white background, no light-colored clothes. Naturalexpression, eyes open, lips naturally clod, all facial featuresclearly visible. (Click for photo specification requirements).
Originalpassport and a copy of the passport information page; after the newlicen is issued, the original licen will be cancelled andreturned to the applicant.
OfficialPassport Replacement
Internationalstaff and domestic permanent staff on official business passportslost, stolen or destroyed, can apply for the replacement of officialpassports. The applicant should contact the domestic dispatchingunit, and the domestic dispatching unit will submit an application tothe original issuing authority. After receiving the notification fromthe original issuing authority, the embassy or consulate will acceptthe application. The applicant submits the following documents to theembassy or consulate.
1copy of "Application for Passport/Travel Permit of the People'sRepublic of China" filled out truthfully and completely.
Threerecent (within 6 months) frontal, bareheaded color half-body IDphotos (glossy photo paper), 48mmx33mm, head width 15mm-22mm, height28mm-33mm, white background, no light-colored clothes. Naturalexpression, eyes open, lips naturally clod, all facial featuresclearly visible. (Click for photo specification requirements).
Acopy of the original passport information page (if available).
Ifthe passport is lost or stolen, you need to fill out the statement:"I have been informed and confirmed that even if the lostpassport is recovered, it cannot be ud again and the applicationfor a replacement cannot be revoked, and I will assume the legalresponsibility arising from it". If the passport is damaged, youneed to submit the damaged passport.
Temporarystaff abroad on official business if the official passport isdestroyed, lost or stolen abroad, the head of the group should issuethe relevant certificate, the relevant personnel to the embassy orconsulate to apply for a travel permit to return home.
HKSARPassport and Permanent Resident Identity Card
HKSARresidents living abroad can submit their applications directly to theImmigration Department of the HKSAR or in person at the Embassy orConsulate General. The Embassy or Consulate General will nd therelevant information to the Immigration Department of the HKSAR forapproval after the application has been accepted by the Embassy orConsulate General, and will notify the applicant by telephone orother means to collect the document upon receipt from the ImmigrationDepartment.
HKSARStatement of Immigration Status
HongKong residents who have expired, lost or destroyed their passports orother travel documents abroad should apply in person at the Embassyor Consulate General. Upon receipt of the application, the Embassy orConsulate General will verify the applicant's documents and identitywith the SAR Government and, if true, issue the applicant with aStatement of Identity and an Entry Permit to the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region of the People's Republic of China (to beaffixed to the Statement). The required documents are as follows.
Fillout the "Statement of Entry Status" truthfully andcompletely. Plea fill in your Chine name in block letters andyour foreign name in all capital letters.
2、彩色近照一张(正面、免冠,55 mm×45mm)。
Onerecent color photo (frontal, bareheaded, 55 mm x 45 mm).
Originalexpired or damaged documents or copies of lost documents (if any)
Originaland photocopy of foreign residence permit (if any)
FormID1003A (Application Form for Travelling to Hong Kong/Transit in HongKong, to be ud for "Entry Permit to the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region of the People's Republic of China").
Descriptionof the situation. Such as the loss of documents, etc.
MacauSAR Documents
TheEmbassy and Consulates do not accept or forward applications for MSARtravel documents directly.
(二)海外澳门特区旅行证件申请人可直接向特区身份证明局索取“澳门特区旅行证件申请书”以及“海外邮寄申请须知”,按要求填写表格,并备齐有关材料后,直接将材料寄送至:澳门南湾大马路804号中华广场20楼 澳门邮箱1089号 身份证明局局长。
OverasMSAR travel document applicants can obtain the "MSAR TravelDocument Application Form" and "Instructions for OverasMailing Application" directly from the Identification Bureau,fill in the required forms and nd the documents directly to:Director of Identification Bureau, Macau P.O. Box 1089, 20/F, ChinaPlaza, 804 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau.
Lossof MSAR travel documents abroad
Macauresidents aged 18 or above who have lost their SAR travel documentsabroad can u the "Overas Help Service - Lost TravelDocuments" rvice through the "Macau Public ServiceOne-Home" mobile application, and if necessary, they can also Ifnecessary, you can also apply for help for your family members(including your spou, children who have reached the age of 5 on thedate of issuance of your ID card, parents or spou's parents) at thesame time. After the applicant enters the required data according tothe system instructions, a 24-hour valid application number will beissued in real time and a verification code will be nt to theapplicant's cell phone.
Inthe first pha, the Bureau of Identification has implemented thervices at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Embassy ofthe People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea, the Embassyof the People's Republic of China in Malaysia, and the ConsulateGeneral of the People's Republic of China in Barcelona.
(d)The contact number of the Identification Bureau of the Macao SAR is:(0853) 28370777, (0853) 28370888, fax is: (0853) 28374300, email is:info@dsi.gov.mo.
(E)Macao residents can call the 24-hour hotline (0853) 28573333 in caof extraordinary emergency outside the office hours (9:00 a.m. - 6:00p.m.) of the Identification Bureau.
(6)Holders of valid "Macao Permanent Identity Card" or "MacaoTravel Permit for Macao Residents to and from the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region" and Macao Permanent Identity Card areallowed to enter Hong Kong as visitors and stay for not more than 180days if they meet the general entry requirements.
(7)Macao non-permanent residents holding "Macao ResidentsTravelling to and from the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionTravel Permit" to Hong Kong, if they meet the general entryrequirements, they may be allowed to enter as visitors and stay fornot more than 30 days.
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