dispo 英 [dɪˈspəʊz] 美 [dɪˈspoʊz] vt. 处理;处置;安排;使倾向于 vi. 处理;安排;(能够)决定;击败;杀死 n. 处置;性情
考点1: vt.使倾向: to give a tendency to: incline
■e.g. faulty diet dispos one to sickness 营养不全面导致疾病
■派: dispod adj喜欢的: willing or likely,inclined
■e.g. not feel dispod to argue with her 不喜欢与她争执
■同: willing, inclined, predispod, prone
■反: disinclined, indispod 不喜欢的
考点2: vi.处理掉(与 of 连用,dispo of): to get rid of; throw out
■派: disposal n处理,不再利用: the act of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed
■e.g. the permanent disposal of radioactive wastes对放射性废物的永久处理
考点3: v.布置有序: to place, distribute, or arrange especially in an orderly way
■e.g. Dispo the surgical instruments in the exact order in which they would be needed 把手术仪器按他们被需要的顺序放置。
■同: array, arrange
■反: disarrange, disarray, disorder, upt, mess up, muss up 使混舌
stringent 英 [ˈstrɪndʒənt] 美 [ˈstrɪndʒənt] adj. 严格的;严厉的;紧缩的;短缺的
考点1: adj.紧绷的: tight, constricted
■同: inflexible, rigid, taut
■反: lax, loo, slack 松弛的
考点2: adj.严格的: marked by rigor, strictness, or verity especially with regard to rule or standard
■e.g. Its drug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world.它的药检程序是世界上最严格的
■同: draconian, exacting, ironhanded, rigorous, vere, strict, uncompromising
■反: lenient 宽大的,仁慈的
entreat 英 [ɪnˈtriːt] 美 [ɪnˈtriːt] vt. 恳求;请求 vi. 恳求;乞求
考点1: vt.恳求: to plead with especially in order to persuade, ask urgently
■e.g. entreated his boss for another chance 恳求老板再给一次机会
■同: beech, besiege, conjure, implore, importune, solicit, supplicate, plead to, appeal to
burgeon 英 [ˈbɜːdʒən] 美 [ˈbɜːrdʒən] vi. 萌芽, 发芽;迅速增长 n. 芽, 嫩枝
考点1: v.迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展: to grow and expand rapidly; flourish
■e.g. My confidence began to burgeon 我的信心开始迅速增强。
■同: accelerate, accumulate, balloon, boom, build up, escalate, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate,, roll up, snowball, wax, flourish, prosper
■反: wane, wither, waste away, subside, subdue 衰退
date 英 [sɪˈdeɪt] 美 [sɪˈdeɪt] adj. 安静的;沉着的 vt. 给…服镇静剂
考点1: adj.淡定的,安静的: free from emotional or mental agitation
■e.g. She remained date under pressure. 她在压力下仍保持镇静。
■同: collected, compod, lf-possd, rene, tranquil, undisturbed, unperturbed, unruffled
■反: agitated, discompod, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, upt 不淡定的,狂乱的
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