practi英 [ˈpræktɪs] 美 [ˈpræktɪs]vt.& vi.练习; 执业; 实习; 积极从事na.“practice”的变体第三人称单数: practis 现在分词: practising 过去式: practid 过去分词: practid 形近词: tractive practice fractile tractile
1Lauren practis the piano every day.劳伦每天练习钢琴。
2Acupuncture was practid in China as long ago as the third millennium BC.中国早在公元前3,000年就已开始采用针灸疗法。
澄清的水read加ing的形式怎么写?加ing的形式是: readingThank you for reading my article .感谢你阅读我的文章。
His views on landscapes developed from travelling and reading .他对园林的见解是源自旅行和读书。
What are you reading right now ?你现在在读什么书?A book about speed reading is the cond possibility .第二个可能的方法是读一本有关快速阅读的书。
But there is little room for nimbyism in reading .然而在雷丁镇几乎没有邻避主义存在的空间。
释义:v. 练习,实践;经常做;从事;实施,实行;信奉;阴谋策划。
例句:Tom practid as lawyer when he joined in the company.汤姆加入公司时从事律师薯誉工作。
变形:过去式practid,过去分词practid,现在分词practising,第三人称单数practis短语:practi widely 大规拍昌模地练习practi as a physician 执业做医生practi strict economy厉行节约practi的用法practi的基本意思是“练习,实习”,即为达到熟练或完美而反复进行某动作,也可表示习惯性或经常性地做或进行某活动。
用户2088708915335708医生用英文怎么读?“医生”的英文为doctor.【短语】1、call a doctor请医生2、call in a doctor请医生来3、fetch the doctor去请医生来4、go for a doctor去请医生来5、go to the doctor去看医生6、have in a doctor请大夫来7、practi as a doctor行医8、run for a doctor急忙去请医生9、e a doctor看医生,就诊【例句】1、He is a Doctor of Philosophy.他是一位哲学博士。
2、His illness was more rious than the doctor first thought.他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
3、How el can the doctor save him?医院还有别的方法可以救他吗?
用户7607326165656read加ing的形式怎么写?read加ing的形式:reading美/ˈriːdɪŋ/英/ˈriːdɪŋ/n.阅读,朗读;读物;读数adj.阅读的v.阅读(read的ing形式)复数readings双语例句:Myreadingof this incident is that the country is eking provocation.我对这次事件的解读是,该国在寻衅滋事。
Readingbefore bed can help me sleep better.睡前看书可以帮助我更好地入睡。
manbu737practi[英][ˈpræktɪs] [美][ˈpræktɪs]生词本简明释义vt.& vi.练习;实习;积极从事;执业na.“practice”的变体第三人称单数:practis过去式:practid过去分词:practid现在分词:practising
以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉孙纳词典 网络释义 短语词组in AM, u 美凯凯禅国盯尘英语用 practice1.VERBSee also:practid;练习;训练If you practi something, you keep doing it regularly in order to be able to do it better.
Lauren practis the piano every day...
telusbdsame as practice. Practice is a noun. practi is a verb. Note, in US, it is common to u practice as a noun or a verb.
释义:v. 练习,实践;经常做;从事;实施,实行;信奉;阴谋策划。
短语:target practi 对准靶射击
practi deception 瞒天过海;进行欺骗practi apparatus 练习器practi singing 练嗓子practi industry 经营工业practi的例句1、To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practi throwing and catching balls.要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。
2、They righteously maintain that they do not practi rationing.
3、In Belgium only qualified doctors may practi alternative medicine.
4、He ought to practi what he preaches.
5、The ways in which solicitors practi are varied.
Record yourlf speaking English.录下自己所说的英语。
2. Read aloud, especially dialogue.大声的读出来,特别是对话。
3. Sing along to English songs while you’re driving or in the shower.开车或洗澡的时候跟唱英文歌。
4. Watch short video clips and pau and repeat what you hear.看短视频,按停顿然后重复你听到的。
5. Learn vowel and consonant sounds in English.学习英语元音和辅音的发音。
6. Learn and identify schwa.学习并学会识别中性元音。
7. Learn about weak and strong forms of common words.学会常用词的弱读形式和重读形式。
8. Learn about word stress.学会单词的重读。
9. Learn about ntence stress.学会句子的重读。
10. Identify fixed and mi-fixed phras and practi them.学会识别固定短语和半固定短语,并不断练习。
11. Learn about collocations.学习固定搭配词组。
12. Replace regular verbs with phrasal verbs.学会用动词短语来代替规则动词。
13. Learn short automatic respons.学会简短而自然地应答。
14. Practi telling stories and using narrative tens.练习讲述故事和讲述的时态。
15. Learn when to pau for effect.学会什么时候该停顿以达到更好的效果。
16. Learn about chunking.学会拆分。
17. Learn about typical pronunciation problems in your first language.学习跟你同个母语的人的典型发音问题。
Find out about the problems people who speak your first language have when speaking English and you will know what you need to focus on.找出那些跟你说一样母语的人在说英语时会出现的发音问题,你就会知道你应该注意什么。
18. Choo an accent you like and imitate it.选一个你喜欢的口音腔调并模范它。
19. Find an actor/actress you like and identify what makes them powerful speakers.找一个你喜欢的男演员或女演员并找出是什么让他们成为强大的演说家。
20. U a mirror and / or a sheet of paper for identifying aspirated and non-aspirated sounds.用一面镜子或一张白纸来辨别送气和不送气的音。
21. Practi tongue twisters.练习绕口令。
Tongue twisters are phras designed to improve your pronunciation of particular sounds.绕口令是专门用来提高你对某些词的发音的句子。
22. Practi spelling names, numbers and dates aloud.练习大声地拼读名字、数字、日期。
23. Learn about common intonation patterns.学会常用的语音语调形式。
24. Learn about places of articulation.学习发音的位置。
The articulators are the parts of the mouth we u to turn sound into speech.发音的位置是我们嘴巴把声音变成语言的一部分。
25. After looking at places of articulation, practi making the movements that native speakers u when they speak.在学会发音的位置后,练习英语母语者说话时是是怎样移动发音位置的。
26. Learn why English is a stress-timed language.了解为什么英语是重音节拍的语音。
The rhythm of the language is bad on stresd syllables so we shorten the unstresd syllables to fit the rhythm.语言的节奏是基于重度音节的,所以我们会缩短非重读的音节发音以便适应语言的节奏。
27. Learn how to interrupt and interject politely and successfully.学会如何礼貌且成功地打断和插入别人的谈话中。
28. Learn about ellipsis, assimilation and linking sounds.学会省略不读、浊化和连读。
29. Speak lower not higher. Studies show that you command attention and demonstrate authority with a deeper vocal tone, especially men.说话要低沉一些,研究表明低沉的声音能使你博得注意力和展示你的权威,特别是对于男士来说。
30. Listen and read along to poetry (or rap songs) to practi the rhythm of English.收听和朗读诗歌或饶舌歌曲来锻炼你的英语发音节奏。
31. Learn exclamation words and fillers.学会用感叹词和填充词。
32. Learn how to paraphra.学会如何做进一步说明。
33. Practice with English native speakers.自信大胆的跟英语母语人士交流
匿名用户/塌敬碧 ˈpræktɪs /,直接听读团举音比较好,这种询问好像学习效果比不上听稿谈。
避免错过少延期 avoid miss postpone;
建议完成多练习 suggest finish practi;
喜欢想象禁不住 enjoy imagine can’t help;
承认否定与嫉妒 admit deny envy;
逃避冒险莫原谅 escape wish excu;
忍受保持不介意 stand keep mind。
原词:read + ing →reading(读)
原词:fix + ing →fixing(修理)
3.以元音字母加e结尾,或以e结尾,且e发音的动词(ee,oe,ye),直接加ing 。
原词:be + ing → being(做)
4.以不发音字母e 结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加ing。
原词:ride → 去e + ing →riding
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