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更新时间:2023-04-08 19:15:19 阅读: 评论:0










<?php/** * 饮料机 * @author ben * */class juicemachine{ /** * 糖果机一共存在四种状态:没钱,有钱,成功售出以及销售一空 *  * 没钱的状态 * @var int */ const nomoney = 0;  /** * 有钱的状态 * @var int */ const hasmoney = 1;  /** * 成功售出的状态 * @var int */ const sold = 2;  /** * 销售一空的状态 * @var int */ const soldout = 3;  /** * 记录糖果机当前的状态,初始化状态为售空 * @var int */ private $_state = juicemachine::soldout;  /** * 该变量用于记录饮料机中饮料的数量 */ private $_count;   /** * 构造方法,最主要是用来初始化count和state属性的 */ public function __construct($count){   $this->_count = $count;   //当饮料机中的饮料数量大于零时,将饮料机的状态重贺新春短信置为没有钱的状态。   if($this->_count > 0){     $this->_state = juicemachine::nomoney;   } }  /** * 投入硬币 */ public function inrtcoin(){   if($this->_state == juicemachine::hasmoney ){     echo "you can't inrt another coin!<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::nomoney){     echo "you just inrt a coin<br />";     $this->_state = juicemachine::hasmoney;   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::sold){     echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::soldout){     echo "you can't inrt coin, the machine is already soldout<br />";   } }  /** * 退回硬币 */ public function retreatcoin(){   if($this->_state == juicemachine::hasmoney ){     echo "coin return!<br />";     $this->_state = juicemachine::nomoney;   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::nomoney){     echo "you have'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::sold){     echo "sorry, you already clicked the botton<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::soldout){     echo "you have'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";   } }  /** * 点击饮料对应的按钮 */ public function clickbutton(){   if($this->_state == juicemachine::hasmoney ){     echo "you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice...<br />";     $this->_state = juicemachine::sold;  //改变饮料机的状态为售出模式     $this->dispend();   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::nomoney){     echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::sold){     echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::soldout){     echo "you clicked, but the machine is alrea学员兵dy soldout<br />";   } }  /** * 发放饮料 */ public function dispend(){   if($this->_state == juicemachine::hasmoney ){     echo "plea click the button first<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::nomoney){     echo "you need to pay first<br />";   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::sold){     echo "now you get you juice<br />";     //饮料机中的饮料数量减一     $this->_count--;     if($this->_count <= 0){       echo "opps, runing out of juice<br />";       //如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空       $this->_state = juicemachine::soldout;     }el{       //将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱       $this->_state = juicemachine::nomoney;     }   }elif($this->_state == juicemachine::soldout){     //其实这种情况不应该出现     echo "opps, it appears that we don't have any juice left<br />";   } }}


<?phprequire_once 'juicemachine.php'; $juicemachine = new juicemachine(1); $juicemachine->inrtcoin();$juicemachine->clickbutton();


you just inrt a coin
you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice…
now you get you juice
opps, runing out of juice







<?phpinterface state{    /**   * 插入硬币   */  public function inrtcoin();    /**   * 回退硬币   */  public function retreatcoin();    /**   * 点击按钮   */  public function clickbutton();    /**   * 发放饮料   */  public function dispend();}


<?phprequire_once 'state.php';class nomoneystate implements state{    /**   * 饮料机的实例   *    * @var object   */  private $_juicemachine;    /**   * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例   *    */  public function __construct($juicemachine){    $this->_juicemachine = $juicemachine;  }   /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you just inrt a coin<br />";    //将饮料机的状态切换成有钱的状态    $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->gethasmoneystate());  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you have'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::dispend()   */  public function dispend()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you need to pay first<br />";  }}


<?phprequire_once 'state.php'; class hasmoneystate implements state{   /**   * 饮料机的实例   *   * @var object   */  private $_juicemachine;   /**   * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例   */  public function __construct($juicemachine)  {    $this->_juicemachine = $juicemachine;  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you can't inrt another coin!<br />";  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "coin return!<br />";    $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getnomoneystate());  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice...<br />";    // 改变饮料机的状态为售出模式    $rand = mt_rand(0, 0);    // 当随机数为0(即1/10的概率)并且饮料机中还有1瓶以上的饮料时    if ($rand == 0 && $this->_juicemachine->getcount() > 1) {      $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getwinnerstate());    } el {      $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getsoldstate());    }  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::dispend()   */  public function dispend()  {    // todo auto-generated met学富五车的反义词hod stub    echo "plea click the button first<br />";  }}


<?phprequire_once 'state.php';class soldoutstate implements state{    /**   * 饮料机的实例   *   * @var object   */  private $_juicemachine;    /**   * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例   *   */  public function __construct($juicemachine){    $this->_juicemachine = $juicemachine;  }   /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you can't inrt coin, the machine is already soldout<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you have'nt inrted a coin yet<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "you clicked, but the machine is already soldout<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::dispend()   */  public function dispend()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "opps, it appears that we don't have any juice left<br />";  }}


<?phprequire_once 'state.php';class soldstate implements state{    /**   * 饮料机的实例   *   * @var object   */  private $_juicemachine;    /**   * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例   *   */  public function __construct($juicemachine){    $this->_juicemachine = $juicemachine;  }   /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "sorry, you already clicked the botton<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";  }  /* (non-phpdoc)   * @e state::dispend()   */  public function dispend()  {    $this->_juicemachine->decjuice();    if($this->_juicemachine->getcount() <= 0){      echo "opps, runing out of juice<br />";      //如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空       $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getsoldoutstate());    }el{      //将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱       $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getnomoneystate());    }  }  }


<?phprequire_once 'state.php'; class winnerstate implements state{   /**   * 饮料机的实例   *   * @var object   */  private $_juicemachine;   /**   * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例   */  public function __construct($juicemachine)  {    $this->_juicemachine = $juicemachine;  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "sorry, you already clicked the botton<br />";  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e要你对我xxx  state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::dispend()   */  public function dispend()  {    echo "you are a winner! you get two bottle of juice!<br />";    $this->_juicemachine->decjuice();    if ($this->_juicemachine->getcount() > 0) {      $this->_juicemachine->decjuice();      if ($this->_juicemachine->getcount() <= 0) {        echo "opps, runing out of juice<br />";        // 如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空        $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getsoldoutstate());      } el {        // 将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱        $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getsoldoutstate());      }    } el {      echo "opps, runing out of juice<br />";      // 如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空      $this->_juicemachine->tstate($this->_juicemachine->getsoldoutstate());    }  }}


<?phprequire_once './state/nomoneystate.php';require_once './state/hasmoneystate.php';require_once './state/soldstate.php';require_once './state/soldoutstate.php';require_once './state/winnerstate.php'; class juicemachine{   /**   * 记录糖果机当前的状态,初始化状态为售空   *    * @var object   */  private $_state;   /**   * 该变量用于记录饮料机中饮料的数量   */  private $_count;   /**   * 构造方法,最主要是用来初始化count和state属性的   */  public function __construct($count)  {    $this->_state = new soldoutstate($this);    $this->_count = $count;    // 当饮料机中的饮料数量大于零时,将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱的状态。    if ($this->_count > 0) {      $this->_state = new nomoneystate($this);    }  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::inrtcoin()   */  public function inrtcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    $this->_state->inrtcoin();  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::retreatcoin()   */  public function retreatcoin()  {    // todo auto-generated method stub    $this->_state->retreatcoin();  }    /*   * (non-phpdoc) @e state::clickbutton()   */  public function clickbutton()  {    $this->_state->clickbutton();    //其实发放糖果是在用户点击完按钮后机器内部进行的所有没有必要再写一个dispend方法    $this->_state->dispend();  }    /**   * 设置糖果机的状态   *    * @param state $state   */  public function tstate(state $state)  {    $this->_state = $state;  }    /**   * 获取没有钱的状态   */  public function getnomoneystate(){    return new nomoneystate($this);  }    /**   * 获取有钱的状态   */  public function gethasmoneystate(){    return new hasmoneystate($this);  }    /**   * 获取售出的状态   */  public function getsoldstate(){    return new soldstate($this);  }    /**   * 获取销售一空的状态   */  public function getsoldoutstate(){    return new soldoutstate($this);  }    /**   * 获取幸运者的状态   */  p上网的好处ublic function getwinnerstate(){    return new winnerstate($this);  }    /**   * 获取饮料机中饮料的数量   */  public function getcount(){    return $this->_count;  }    /**   * 将饮料数量减一   */  public function decjuice(){    echo "now you get you juice<br />";    //饮料机中的饮料数量减一    $this->_count--;  }  }


<?phprequire_once 'juicemachine.php'; $juicemachine = new juicemachine(2); $juicemachine->inrtcoin();$juicemachine->clickbutton();

本文发布于:2023-04-08 19:15:17,感谢您对本站的认可!




本文 PDF 下载地址:PHP设计模式入门之状态模式原理与实现方法分析.pdf

标签:状态   饮料   饮料机   机中
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