一丝丝、一丛丛的的小草从地里钻了出来,多可爱的小草啊!细细嫩嫩的,嫩得似乎轻轻一碰就会变成碎末儿,黄绿黄绿的颜色有些淡,刚刚长出来的小草毛茸茸的,抚摸上去十分舒服,感觉像在摸小鸡的容绒毛,又像在摸一床舒适的鸭绒被,还好像在小女孩长长的滑顺的长发。4, at the foot of the land with the spring. The slightest, clumps of grass drill out from the ground, how lovely grass! Thin tender, tender emed gently touched will become dust, yellow green and yellow color of some light, just a long out of the grass hairy, touch up very comfortable, feel like in villus like touch chicken, at the touch of a comfortable bed duvet, also like the little girl in the long slide along the long hair. 5、田野中的油菜花,大约有两尺多高了,那金黄色的油菜花又像是描绘在绿色新装上的装饰图案。
“嗡嗡嗡……”小蜜蜂飞来了,采走了香的粉,酿出了甜的蜜。5, in the field of rape, there are about two feet high, the golden yellow flowers of rape and the like is depicted in green clothes on the decorative pattern. In the sun, the sun shines, a large piece of rape with golden light, especially bright. At this time, if you go into the fields, bursts of fragrance will wind, the fields are immerd in the incen. “Buzz。
” Bees flying, picked up the fragrance of the powder, and make sweet honey. 6、当别的树木还伸着光秃秃的枝桠时,柳树却悄悄地冒出了新芽。
6, when the other trees also stretched bare branches, willow quietly out of bud. Just start revealing a pale yellow, and then slowly into the small protrusi资本主义制度ons, yellow green in the blink of an eye, it turned into a green shoots, even with willow to show the color of light greenish blue. Bud launched charming and green leaves, and green willows. 7、来到池塘边。池塘边上站着一棵萌发的柳树,枝条披着风吹入池塘里,仿佛一个婀娜多姿的少女,甩着细长的头发。
小鸟在天空中自由飞翔,嘴里唧唧地叫着,仿佛欢快地说:“春天到了,春天到了!……”一路上都是一片春天的绿色,使人向往。7, came to the pond. The pond stood a tree sprouting willow, branches in the wind in the pond, like a very pretty and charming girl, swinging her long hair. The birds fly freely in the sky, mouth cheeping, emed happy to say: “spring is coming, spring is coming!。
” All along the way is a spring green, people yearn for. 8、春天,春风习习,老柳树刚抽出嫩嫩的新芽。
柳树的枝头还会露出一些淡淡如烟的青色。8, spring, spring breeze, the old willow just pulled out the tender shoots. Willow branches will show some light blue smoke.。
1.No sweet without sweat. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。
2.Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风。
3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。
4.One swallow does not make a summer.一花独放不是春。
5.Confidence is a plant of slow growth. 信任是一种生长缓慢的植物。
6.Great oaks from little acorns grow.再大的橡树也是从小小的种子。
7.Gather ye robuds while ye may.有花堪折直须折.
8.As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
9.Great trees are good for nothing but shade.大树底下好乘凉。
10.It takes three generations to make a gentleman.十年树木,百年树人。
11.A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。
植物睡眠在植物生理学中被称为睡眠运动,它不仅是一种有趣的自然现象,而且是个科学之谜。 每逢晴朗的夜晚,我们只要细心观察,就会发现一些植物已发生了奇妙的变化。比如常见的合欢树,它的叶子由许多小羽片组合而成,在白天舒展而又平坦,一到夜幕降临,那无数小羽片就成双成对地折合关闭,好像被手碰过的含羞草。 有二年级找春天仿写句子时,我们在野外还可以看到一种开紫色小花、长着3片小叶的红三叶草,白天有阳光时,每个叶柄上的叶子都舒展在空中,但到了傍晚,3片小叶就闭合起来,垂着头准备睡觉。花生也是一种爱睡觉的植物,它的叶子从傍晚开始,便慢慢地向上关闭,表示要睡觉了。以上所举实例仅是一些常见的例子,事实上,会睡觉的植物还有很多很多,
Plants in plant physiology called sleep sleep movement, it is not only a natural phenomenon, a kind of fun and a scientific mystery. Every clear night, as long as careful obrvation, we will find some plants have wonderful changes have taken place. Such as common tree, its leaves made up by many small pinnae, stretch and even during the day, once in darkness, the many small pinnae into pairs or clod, as if by hand touch nsitive plant. Sometimes, we can also e a purple blossoms in the field, with 3 slices of lobular red clover, the sunshine during the day, when every leaf petioles stretch in the air, but by the end of the evening, the three clo up lobule, hanging his head ready to go to sleep. Peanut plant of sleep is also a kind of love, it leaves start in the evening, then slowly shut up, said to go to bed. The above example is only some of the common examples, in fact, plants, and many, many will sleep
英文:In all the plants, I only like the ordinary grass。
It is a symbol of vitality。 On the roof, cracks, the soil can be en everywhere。
Decorated with our home silently。 To make our earth more beautiful! The grass! You while ordinary, ordinary, but I like your spirit! 中文: 在所有植物里,我只喜欢那平凡的小草。
默默地装点着我们的家园。才使我们的地球更加美丽!小草!你虽然平凡,不起眼,但是我喜欢你的精神! ? ? ? ? ? ?望采纳~祝你学习进步!(づ??????)づ~ 你可以去掉部分内容哦~ The grass! You while ordinary, ordinary, but I like your spirit!这个就不要了 就正好5句哦~ 满意的话请采纳 。
apricot 杏子杏子原产于中国,约公元前1世纪传入地中海地区。
英文原先的形式为apri平太阳cock,到了18世纪,因受法语形式abricot的同化作用演变为apricot。artichoke 洋蓟artichoke 洋蓟据传,由于某位艺术家(artist)食此美味菜肴时被不可食的针状部分噎着(choke),故而得名。
artichoke一般指“洋蓟”,有时也指“菊芋”。但菊芋另有名称:Jerusalem artichoke,该植物原产于北美,并不源于Jerusalem(耶路撒冷)。
1617年当意大利人在欧洲首次种植时,将它取名girasole articiocco(相当于sunflower artichoke),是因为它形似向日葵(sunflower),而味似洋蓟(artichoke)。17世纪英国人吸收了该词,在他们听来girasole颇有点像Jerusalem,于是把它叫做Jerusalem artichoke,有意让它带点幽默意味,这也可以说是民俗语源的产物avocado 鳄梨 avocado 鳄梨avocado是一种果形似梨的水果。
阿兹特克皇帝蒙提祖马二世(Montezuma II,1466?-1520)以鳄梨招待西班牙殖民者科尔特斯(Hernando Cortes,1485-1547)等人时,阿兹特克人对客人解释说,此果在那华特尔语(Nuhuatl)中称ahuacatl,意为“睾丸”,因其果形似睾丸,而且据认为能激发性欲,故名。阿兹特克人还边讲解边画图给客人看,ahuacatl在西班牙人听起来像西班牙语aguacate,于是他们便以此为名,将它带回国。
英文吸收了它的西班牙语名称,但选择了俗词源变体avocado。17世纪该词进入英文后,人们觉得很陌生,不可理解,便又将它和它的原产地,短吻鳄(alligator)之乡美洲相联系,还给它取了个俗名alligator pear,使它变得有意义。
汉语名称“鳄梨”似乎即由此移译而来。anemone 银莲花人们往往将此花与一则古希腊神话故事相联系。
aster 紫菀属植物aster 紫菀属植物aster是拉丁语借用词,在拉丁语中意为“星”。作为一个单词,aster指“紫菀属植物”,因其花形成星状,故名。
英文中有不少词含有这一拉丁语词根,如asterisk(星标,星号),asteroid(小行星),disaster(灾难)等。cazalea 杜鹃花azalea是汉语称之为“杜鹃花”或“映山红”的观赏植物。
该词直接借自希腊语,在希腊语中意为“干的”,古希腊人认为这种植物生长于干土,因此取了此名。banana 香蕉banana 香蕉多数辞书认为,banana一词来源于某一非洲语言,西班牙语和葡萄牙语首先使用,而后被吸收到英文中来。
但有的辞书,如The Fact on Files Encyclopedia of Word and Phra Origins却认为,它出自意为“手指”的阿拉伯语单词banana,而一串香蕉(a hand of bananas)也确实有点像一排张开的手指。begonia 秋海棠 begonia 秋海棠17世纪有位名叫Michel Bego效果营销n(1638-1710)的法国人。
Begonia原为拉丁语名,英文直接借用了这一名称。belladonna 颠茄belladonna 颠茄它是一种有毒植物,根和叶含阿托品(atropine),用它制成的药剂也叫belladonna。
该词源自意大利语bella donna’fair lady’(美人)。这种植物的花瓣滑如美女肌肤,意大利妇女一度用其红色液汁作为化妆品,故名cabbage 卷心菜cabbage 卷心菜当人们说a head of cabbage(一颗卷心菜)时,恐怕很少人会想到cabbage的原义是head(头),源于中世纪法语caboche(头),很可能同拉丁语caput(头)有亲缘关系。
Some of the common plants
英 [‘kɒmən]
美 [‘kɑmən]
n. 普通;平民;公有地
adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的
n. (Common)人名;(法)科蒙;(英)康芒
Common 共同,普通,常见
Common Lisp Common Lisp,Common Lisp,通用串行处理程序语言
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