<?phprequire_once './myredis.php';require_once './function.php';class ndaward{ public $conf = []; const v1 = 'way1';//版本一 const v2 = 'way2';//版本二 const amountlimit = 5;//抢购数量限制 const incramount = 1;//redis递增数量值 //初始化调用对应方法执行商品发放 public function __construct($conf,$type){ $this->conf = $conf; if(empty($type)) return ''; if($ty英语翻译专业pe==lf::v1){ $this->way1(lf::v1); }elif($type==lf::v2){ $this->way2(lf::v2); }el{ return ''; } } //抢购商品方式一 protected function way1($v){ $redis = new myredis($this->conf); $keynmae = getkeyname($v); if(!$redis->exists($keynmae)){ $redis->t($keynmae,0); } $curramount = $redis->get($keynmae); if(($curramount+lf::incramount)>lf::amountlimit){ writelog("没有抢到商品",$v); return; } $redis->incrby($keynmae,lf::incramount); writelog("抢到商品",$v); } //抢购商品方式二 protected function way2($v){ $redis = new myredis($this->conf); $keynmae = getkeyname($v); if(!$redis->exists($keynmae)){ $redis->tnx($keynmae,0); } if($redis->incrby($keynmae,lf::incramount) > lf::amountlimit){ writelog("没有抢到商品",$v); return; } writelog("抢到商品",$v); }}//实例化调用对应执行方法$type = ist($_get['v'])?$_get['v']:'way1';$conf = [ 'host'=>'','port'=>'6379', 'auth'=>'test','db'=>2,];new ndaward($conf,$type);
<?php/** * @desc 自定义redis操作类 * **/class myredis{ public $handler = null; public function __construct($conf){ $this->handler = new redis(); $this->handler->connect($conf['host'], $conf['port']); //连接redis //设置密码 if(ist($conf['auth'])){ $this->handler->auth($conf['auth']); //密码验证 } //选择数据库 if(ist($conf['db'])){ $this->handler->lect($conf['db']);//选择数据库2 }el{ $this->handler->lect(0);//默认选择0库 } } //获取key的值 public function get(篮球教练员培训$name){ return $this->handler->get($name); } //设置key的值 public function t($name,$value){ return $this->handler->t($name,$value); } //判断key是否存在 public function exists($key){ if($this->handler->exists($key)){ return true; } return fal; } //当key不存在的设置key的值,存在则不设置 public function tnx($key,$value){ return $this->handler->tnx($key,$value); } //将key的数值增加指定数值 public function incrby($key,$value){ return $this->handler->incrby($key,$value); }}
<?php//获取商品key名称function getkeyname($v){ return "nd_goods_".$v;}//日志写入方法function writelog($msg,$v){ $log = $msg.php_eol; file_put_contents("log/$v.log",$log,file_append);}
[root@localhost overnd]# ab -c 100 -n 200 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/licend to the apache software foundation, http://www.apache.org/benchmarking (be patient)completed 100 requestscompleted 200 requestsfinished 200 requestsrver software: nginxrver hostname: port: 8083document path: /index.php?v=way1document length: 0 bytesconcurrency level: 100time taken for tests: 0.089 condscomplete requests: 200failed requests: 0write errors: 0total transferred: 30600 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per cond: 2243.13 [#/c] (mean)time per request: 44.581 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.446 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 335.16 [kbytes/c] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect: 0 6 2.2 5 17processing: 2 28 16.3 25 55waiting: 1 26 15.2 24 50total: 5 34 16.3 30 60percentage of the requests rved within a certain time (ms) 50% 30 66% 35 75% 54 80% 56 90% 57 95% 60 98% 60 99% 60 100% 60 (longest request)
[root@localhost log]# less -n way1.log 1 抢到商品 2 抢到商品 3 抢到商品 4 抢到商品 5 抢到商品 6 抢到商品 7 没有抢到商品 8 没有抢到商品 9 没有抢到商品 10 没有抢到商品 11 没有抢到商品 12 没有抢到商品
观察日志发现 抢到商品的记录有6条超过正常的5条,说明超发了
[root@localhost overnd]# ab -c 100 -n 200 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/licend to the apache software foundation, http://www.apache.org/benchmarking (be patient)completed 100 requestscompleted 200 requestsfinished 200 requestsrver software: nginxrver hostname: port: 8083document path: /index.php?v=way2document length: 0 bytesconcurrency level: 100time taken for tests: 0.087 condscomplete requests: 200failed requests: 0write errors: 0total transferred: 31059 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per cond: 2311.68 [#/c] (mean)time per req高考分数查询uest: 43.259 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.433 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 350.58 [kbytes/c] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect: 0 6 5.4 5 13processing: 3 31 16.6 30 70waiting: 1 30 16.6 30 70total: 5 37 18.5 32 82percentage of the requests rved within a certain time (ms) 50% 32 66% 41 75% 45 80% 50 90% 68 95% 80 98% 81 99% 82 100% 82 (longest request)
[root@localhost log]# less -n v2.log [root@localhost log]# less -n way2.log 1 抢到商品 2 抢到商品 3 抢到商品 4 抢到商品 5 没有抢到商品 6 抢到商品 7 没有抢到商品 8 没有抢到商品 9 没有抢到商品 10 没有抢到商品
本文发布于:2023-04-08 07:30:48,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文 PDF 下载地址:PHP+redis实现的限制抢购防止商品超发功能详解.pdf
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