$str_md5=md5(uniqid()); $rand = mt_rand(1, 28); $str1=substr($str_md5,$rand,6); $rand = mt_rand(1, 28); $str2=substr($str_md5,$rand,6); $rand = mt_rand(1, 28); $str3=substr($str_md5,$rand,6); $code=substr($str1.$str2.$str3,0,8);
php_function(get_random__num_str){ int length=8; if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) == failure) { length=8; } length++; int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime(); __uint64_t retval; int len; char buf[128]; if (timestamp == 0ull) { return_fal; } spin_lock(lock, pid); if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) { context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask; if (context->quence == 0) { timestamp = skip_next_millis(); } } el { context->quence = 0; /* back to zero */ } context->last_timestamp = timestamp; retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift) | (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift) | (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift) | context->quence; spin_unlock(lock, pid); //printf('%ld',retval); srand((unsigned)retval); //srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = '1' + rand() % 5; break; ca 1: string[i] = '2' + rand() % 7; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = '9'; break; } } string[len基业长青gth 十等人- 1] = 'php_function(get_random__num_str){int length=8;if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) ==我的新年愿望400字 failure) {length=8;}length++;int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime();__uint64_t retval;int len;char buf[128];if (timestamp == 0ull) {return_fal;}spin_lock(lock, pid);if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) {context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask;if (context->quence == 0) {timestamp = skip_next_millis();}} el {context->quence = 0; /* back to zero */}context->last_timestamp = timestamp;retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift)| (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift)| (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift)| context->quence;spin_unlock(lock, pid);//printf('%ld',retval);srand((unsigned)retval);//srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = '1' + rand() % 5; break; ca 1: string[i] = '2' + rand() % 7; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = '9'; break; } } string[length - 1] = '\0'; return_stringl(string,length,0);}php_function(get_random_str){int length=8;if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) == failure) {length=8;}length++;int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime();__uint64_t retval;int len;char buf[128];if (timestamp == 0ull) {return_fal;}spin_lock(lock, pid);if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) {context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask;if (context->quence == 0) {timestamp = skip_next_millis();}} el {context->quence = 0; /* back to zero */}context->last_timestamp = timestamp;retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift)| (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift)| (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift)| context->quence;spin_unlock(lock, pid);//printf('%ld',retval);srand((unsigned)retval);//srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 1: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = 'x'; break; } } string[length - 1] = '\0'; return_stringl(string,length,0);}'; return_stringl(string,length,0);} php_function(get_random_str){ int length=8; if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) == failure) { length=8; } length++; int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime(); __uint64_t retval; int len; char buf[128]; if (timestamp == 0ull) { return_fal; } spin_lock(lock, pid); if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) { context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask; if (context->quence == 0) { timestamp = skip_next_millis(); } } el { context->quence = 0; /* back to zero */ } context->last_timestamp = timestamp; retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift) | (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift) | (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift) | context->quence; spin_unlock(lock, pid); //printf('%ld',retval); srand((unsigned)retval); //srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 1: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = 'x'; break; } } string[length - 1] = 'php_function(get_random__num_str){int length=8;if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) == failure) {length=8;}length++;int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime();__uint64_t retval;int len;char buf[128];if (timestamp == 0ull) {return_fal;}spin_lock(lock, pid);if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) {context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask;if (context->quence == 0) {timestamp = skip_next_millis();}} el {context->quence = 0; /* back to zero */}context->last_timestamp = timestamp;retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift)| (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift)| (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift)| context->quence;spin_unlock(lock, pid);//printf('%ld',retval);srand((unsigned)retval);//srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = '1' + rand() % 5; break; ca 1: string[i] = '2' + rand() % 7; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = '9'; break; } } string[length - 1] = '\0'; return_stringl(string,length,0);}php_function(get_random_str){int length=8;if (zend_par_parameters(zend_num_args() tsrmls_cc, "l", &length) == failure) {length=8;}length++;int flag, i; char* string; __uint64_t timestamp = realtime();__uint64_t retval;int len;char buf[128];if (timestamp == 0ull) {return_fal;}spin_lock(lock, pid);if (context->last_timestamp == timestamp) {context->quence = (context->quence + 1) & context->quence_mask;if (context->quence == 0) {timestamp = skip_next_millis();}} el {context->quence = 0; /* back to 先进基层党组织事迹材料zero */}context->last_timestamp = timestamp;retval = ((timestamp - context->twepoch) << context->timestamp_left_shift)| (context->datacenter_id << context->datacenter_id_shift)| (worker_id << context->worker_id_shift)|花开花落 作文 context->quence;spin_unlock(lock, pid);//printf('%ld',retval);srand((unsigned)retval);//srand((unsigned) time(null )); if ((string = (char*) emalloc(length)) == null ) { //mylog("malloc failed!flag:14\n"); return_null() ; } for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { flag = rand() % 3; switch (flag) { ca 0: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 1: string[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26; break; ca 2: string[i] = '0' + rand() % 10; break; default: string[i] = 'x'; break; } } string[length - 1] = '\0'; return_stringl(string,length,0);}'; return_stringl(string,length,0);}
所用的服务器都是1g内存 双核的阿里云服务器。
[ukey]ukey.datacenter = integerukey.worker = integerukey.twepoch = uint64
datacenter配置项是一个整数, 用于设置数据中心;
worker配置项是一个整数, 用于设置数据中心的机器序号;
twepoch配置项是一个64位的整数, 用于设置时间戳基数, 此值越大, 生成的id越小;
$ cd ./ukey$ phpize$ ./configure$ make$ sudo make install
ukey_next_id() — 用于生成唯一id
ukey_to_timestamp(id) — 用于将id转换成时间戳
ukey_to_machine(id) — 用于将id转换成机器信息
<?php$id = ukey_next_id();echo $id; $timestamp = ukey_to_timestamp($id);echo date('y-m-d h:i:s', $timestamp); $info = ukey_to_machine($id)var_dump($info);?>
本文发布于:2023-04-06 18:06:33,感谢您对本站的认可!
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