bool CPaintManagerUI::AttachDialog(CControlUI* pControl) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint)); // 创建阴影窗口 m_shadow.Create(this); // Ret any previous attachment SetFocus(NULL); m_pEventKey = NULL; m_pEventHover = NULL; m_pEventClick = NUL文化传承的意义L; // Remove the existing control-tree. We might have gotten inside this function as // a result of an event fired or similar, so we cannot just delete the objects and // pull the internal memory of 雅思课程培训班哪个好the calling code. We'll delay the cleanup. if( m_pRoot != NULL ) { m_aPostPaintControls.Empty(); AddDelayedCleanup(m_pRoot); } // Set the dialog root element m_pRoot = pControl; // Go ahead... m_bUpdateNeeded = true; m_bFirstLayout = true; m_bFocusNeeded = true; // Initiate all control return InitControls(pControl);//其中将根控件按名字注册到m_mNameHash内,下小节 } bool CPaintManagerUI::InitControls(CControlUI* pControl, CControlUI* pParent /*= NU关于新年的祝福语LL*/) { ASSERT(pControl); if( pControl == NULL ) return fal; pControl->SetManager(终于的拼音this, pParent != NULL ? pParent : pControl->GetParent(), true); pControl->FindControl(__FindControlFromNameHash, this, UIFIND_ALL);//注册控件 return true; } CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindCon政治会考trolFromNameHash(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData) { CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast<CPaintManagerUI*>(pData); const CDuiString& sName = pThis->GetName(); if( sName.IsEmpty() ) return NULL; // Add this control to the hash list pManager->m_mNameHash.Set(sName, pThis);//注册控件到m_mNameHash内 return NULL; // Attempt to add all controls }
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本文发布于:2023-04-08 19:58:10,感谢您对本站的认可!
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