i'm jim.i'm 13 years old and i study in no.1 middle school.my school is very beautiful.every morning i get up at ven and have breakfast.and then i go to school at half past ven.lessons begin at eight o' clock. we have four lessons in the morning and chine is my favourite lesson.we usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'ciock we finish our morning lessons.i have lunch at school at twelve thirty.i like schooi lunch and i always have rice with meat and vegetables.after lunch i often talk with my friends or play basketball with them.in the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o'ciock.i play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past four.in the evening i do my homework and then watch tv.at ten o'
When you look the lovable animated cartoon,plays is in a stew humans puter games,rides the fast train,is answering transoceanic telephone time,......Not only your might once realize the science the strength,the science changed this world,also changed our life,the science side for the 20th century the grand chapters,not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in the hundred years,has created the innumerable scientific century france famous science fiction writer of fiction verne fictionalizing,at that time let the human be inconceivable,he fantasized moon landing travel,the airplane,the long-range gun and so on,all 11 became the reality in the 20th the 21st century today,the high tech is ubiquitous.
As cross-century one generation,how posture should we adapt the new century by,the load get up the new century heavy burden? Not only science and technology changing with each new day,caus the science to rve for the most advanced technique,also more and more many eps to during ours daily life,this needs us who is in the young people time to deeply love the science,the study science and technology “five small” petition,reading science and technology books,caud me to understand many preci robot,does not u the fuel the automobile,the hypothesized soccer game,high tech information transmission and so on,each one vivid interesting phenomena,aroud me to explore the science the desire.
Good afternoon everyone.
when my older son was diagnod with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, my first reaction was relief - i finally knew the reason for his behavior. however, i was also overwhelmed with sadness, fear and anger. i felt sorry for my son and for mylf. like many others in similar circumstances, my question to god was
through the grace of god, i am now able to focus on my gratitude. i believe god cho me to rai my son becau he knew that i would
give him the best i have. he will teach me to love and understand him for who he is. i am grateful that i have my son, and grateful that god cho me to be his mother.
there is power and healing in gratitude.
how can gratitude help us in our everyday lives as moms? think about the difference you can make in your family’s life just by noticing and being thankful for all the great things they do. when you express gratitude, you show your love and appreciation. everyone needs to feel the things every day. sometimes as moms we feel that no one appreciates us - and it is true that moms are usually last on the
list to be thanked. one way you can teach gratitude is by example. even on the days when it ems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. take the time and energy to look for the good. think about the things that your family does that derve a “thank you.” you might say to your husband, “thank you for working so hard for our family,
“i really appreciate your n of humor - it feels good to laugh.” expressing your gratitude helps family members to understand how it feels to be appreciated. and if they still don’t catch on, let them know when you feel unappreciated. you can also tell them how great it makes you feel when they do express gratitude.
gratitude is a wonderful motivator when you need cooperation. when enlisting the help of my two year old, i prai him often and with enthusiasm. i let him know that he is a great helper. i know i am teaching him appreciation becau he express it to me. the other day i brought a bunch of multi-colored ros home. for five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers.
sometimes we get so busy and caught up in daily life that we forget to be grateful. we expect everyone to do their share without being asked. the only time anyone hears anything is when a chore has not
been completed. this attitude, over the long haul, will develop very rentful and uncooperative family members.
when life is good, gratitude is easy. it becomes more challenging to be grateful when we are experiencing hard times. financial hardship, long-term illness, the death of a loved one and marital strife can all be trying and difficult. it is hard to find anything to be
grateful for. but while pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. we have a choice in how we view our circumstances. we can turn our
hearts to god and trust that he has a plan for us. we can be thankful for the lessons we learn and the opportunities for personal growth and transformation. look at all the people in this world who share the gifts they received during especially difficult times of their life. it is the painful times of my life that have made me stronger, wir, and more loving today.
i recently attended a powerful minar on the various levels of energy that a human being emanates. the prenter identified ven different levels of energy. the first level of energy is defined by feelings of apathy and thoughts of victimization. a person at a level two energy has feelings of anger and thoughts of conflict. as a person moves up the energy scale, their feelings and thoughts are
more positive. at level ven, one would experience unconditional love and no judgmental thoughts. only god radiates at level ven. the average person emits energy at a level of 2.5. to experience
peace and joy, an in- dividual must rai his energy level to 5 or 6.
so how can we rai our energy level and open our heart to joy? one powerful way is to develop an attitude of gratitude. look at every- one with grateful eyes. listen to your heart and the heart of your loved ones. speak words of affirmation every day of your life. be grateful for your life with all its lessons and blessings. the more grateful thoughts and feelings you experience and express the more instrumental you will be in healing the world. and your outlook on life will improve in the process.
Mistakes and errors are the disciplined true which we advance in akes are great ess comes to tho who are willing to riskmaking mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are ableto learn from tho in order to learn from mistakes you must bewilling to pay for them.
Mistakes can be enormously valuable, but when you try to get others to payfor your mistakes, then you deprive yourlf of the opportunity to learn something goes wrong, it's usually very easy to find someone el toblame, but what does that really accomplish?
Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact that they demand a costthat must be person who learns the most from a mistake is the personwho pays the price for that mistake.
When you make a mistake, the lastthing you want to do is run away from need to accept it becau you can learn a lot from mistake has beenmade, so make the most of the price, learn the lesson, and grow thatmuch stronger.
When you make a mistake, don't look back at it mber the reasonfor it, and then look akes are lessons of past cannotbe prent is still in your full advantage of yourmistakes to achieve your goals and aspirations.
Good morning India!
Today on 15th August 20xx India is celebrating its 67th Independence Day, and we Indians are proud to say we have owned our freedom 67 years old back. As we gather here today I take the opportunity to congratulate every student and teacher of this School/college a Happy Independence Day! I also take the opportunity of welcoming you our chief guest for today!
We have asmbled here to celebrate our 67th Independence Day. As a citizen of India, I am so proud to talk to you about my mother India. On the night of August 14, 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ro to make a maiden speech in New Delhi, “When the world sleeps, India will wake to life and freedom.” Yes, India became free from the bondage of British rule. Now, India is the largest democratic country in the world. The country’s strength is to find, “Unity in diversity”.
But, there are stray incidents that test her cularism but the people of India are ready to sacrifice anything for the cau of unity. Today we remember the great leaders who gave their lives for the nation’s freedom and prosperity. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar gave the longest written constitution to us. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru worked for an industrialized India. Gandhi Ji taught us Ahimsa and Non-violence. Subash Chandra Bo inducted courage in us. Swami Vivekanand gave us spiritual power. Yes, with the contributions; India will be the super power in the coming years.
Our former President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam called the children of India to dream to build a strong Nation with aim and perverance. Indeed! This is not a word of a single man. It is word of one billionsouls.
Sports are more than competitions. To me, they mean growth under the care of others. I learned this the hard way.
I ud to be very shy and often felt lonely. Although I did well in all the academic subjects, I was afraid of physical education. My classmates often laughed at me.
“Look at that girl,” they said. “Her feet don’t leave the ground when she runs!”
Their words embarrasd me. Moreover, whenever the teacher organized some competitive games, no one in the class liked to have me as their partner or team member. As a result, I often ended up looking at others enjoy their games.
Things would go on like that if not for a sports meet in my high school. By mistake, my name was put on the list of tho who would compete in the women’s 1500 meters race. By the time people found the mistake, it was too late to change.
My desk-mate was a natural athlete. She said to me, “I couldn’t run that race in your place, becau I’ve signed up for three items already.” Other athletic girls of the class said the same.
I was utterly dumbfounded. 1500 meters! Running against the best runners from other class! And in front of students of the entire school! It would be the worst nightmare I’d ever have!
“You still have time to catch up becau there is still one month before the sports meet,” they all said this to me, including my teacher.
My desk-mate patted me on the shoulder, “Cool! You will run for our class! And we will do training together.” Yes, this is not just for mylf, but for my class too, I said to mylf. But still, 1500 meters to me was like Mount Everest to a beginning climber. I had no idea even how to start my preparation.
Fortunately, my desk-mate gave me a hand. Every afternoon after class, veral of us ran together. When the fear of being laughed at struck me, I saw others running right beside me. They gave me strengths. While we were running, some others would stand by the tracks cheering for us.
One month certainly couldn’t make me a good runner. But when I was standing behind the start line, I no longer felt lonely or afraid. I saw my classmates standing by the tracks waving at me as if about to run beside me.
With the shot of the starting gun, I dashed out and ran as fast as I could, as if it were a 200-meter race. Soon I was out of breath and slowed down. Other runners pasd me one by one, and gradually I had no idea how many of them were still behind me. My legs were getting heavier and heavier, and I might fall down at any moment. However, I suddenly heard my classmates chanting my name. My desk-mate even ran along the tracks beside me and cheered for me at the same time, just like the month-long training we did together.
As expected, I was almost the last to cross the finish line. Immediately, my classmates held my arms and urged me to walk on my feet and not to sit down. I was surrounded, with all kinds of drinks handed to me. I felt a kind of warmth I had never felt before. Even though I was almost the last to finish the race, I was full of confidence that I would improve in the future.
That sports meet was an unforgettable experience. The memory of my classmates cheering for me, holding my arms and handing me drinks stays fresh on my mind. Sports are no longer about winning or losing. They give me a lot of confidence, both confidence in my fellow students and confidence in my own potential. I am no longer lonely, no longer afraid. Sports have brought me clo to my classmates and helped us grow together.
Now, I participate in the sports meet every year. Even if I am not competing, I would help my classmates with their practice, just like the way my desk-mate and others ran with me.
I have a question for you. ‘Do you know how to breathe?’ Okay, I know what you are thinking now, “Girl, are you kidding me? Everybody knows how to breathe.” Actually, if I were you sitting down in there one year ago, I would think, “How did she make it to the final?”
Alright, riously speaking, what I am talking about is “the art of breathing”, and it’s about breathing in a Yoga way: peacefully and always under control. What it reveals is the real esnce of perverance, “In order to achieve, sometimes, you need to wait.” And when it comes to things you really want in life, it is as hard as it could possibly be.
For me, singing is a life thing. When I am singing on the stage, I feel whole-heartedly involved, and the lf-fulfillment it renders is inexplicably thrilling. But with all the realistic problems I need to face in life, all tho I want em too far to be true– so far that I am terrified that I will never ever be able to get there and that gradually I will be carried away by the currents and torrents of life. I’ve been drowned into this ambivalence for so long. Now, with a refined perspective towards lf-realization, I am waiting, in a graceful posture, and knowing that I am going to get there. And on this, I should say, I owe Yoga a thank-you.
I still remember, about one year ago, I attended a Yoga cour for the very first time. And to tell you the truth, I went there for a nice figure. However, after practicing for some time, I discovered that there was an ineffable inner-strength burgeoning sneakily in me while I totally focud. In order not to let go this significant power, I started to picture all I wanted in my mind while I was fully concentrating, for I believe the wings of imagination could make things possible. I learned to breathe with my dreams, shaping the eagerness into this elegant gesture of persisting.
And now, if you ask me what exactly is “the art of breathing”, I would say it is indeed “the art of living”. It combines the arch of balance, the grace of patience, and the awareness of appreciation.
So even though feelings are tied up with life routines, I could still hold onto that free EGO which I have always adored: the girl who is singing under the spotlight, with all her heart and soul; the girl who is pervering with all she believes in and always feels grateful for what has been bestowed on her.
That girl is now standing right here in front of you, hoping that you are all as lucky as she is, living with dreams and love. No matter how tough things get, I tell mylf, I tell mylf that, every single thing I am doing now is every step clor to that very moment of my trajectory, just like every Yoga breath to every blossom moment of my life.
I gave this talk at Facebook not so long ago to about 100 employees, and a couple hours later, there was a young woman who works there sitting outside my little desk, and she wanted to talk to me. I said, okay, and she sat down, and we talked. And she said, "I learned something today. I learned that I need to keep my hand up." "What do you mean?"She said, "You're giving this talk, and you said you would take two more questions. I had my hand up with many other people, and you took two more questions. I put my hand down, and I noticed all the women did the same, and then you took more questions, only from the men." And I thought to mylf,"Wow, if it's me — who cares about this, obviously — giving this talk — and during this talk.
she kindled a third match. again shot up the flame; and now she was sitting under a most beautiful christmas tree ,far larger, and far more prettily decked out, than the one she had en last christmas eve through the glass doors of the rich merchant's hou. hundreds of wax-tapers lighted up the green branches, and tiny painted figures, such as she had en in the shop-windows, looked down from the tree upon her. the child stretched out her hands towards them in delight, and in that moment the lights of the match warm quenched; still, however, the christmas candles burned higher and higher, she beheld them beaming like stars in heaven; one of them fell, the lights streaming behind it like a long, fiery tail.
not long after an old chine woman came back to china from her visit to her daughter in the states, she went to a city bank to deposit the us dollars her daughter gave her. at the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to e if the money was real. it made the old lady out of patience.
at last she could not hold any more, uttering. "trust me, sir, and trust the money. they are real us dollars. they are directly from america."
a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "an excellent choice, madam. you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "i don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off. show me some more hats!"
so if we want to learn English well ,we must practice reading Englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed。whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to speak……
hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you !i am gladthat you can spend this precious time having this class in thisafternoon。
now plea allow me to introduce mylf to you 。my name is
wangjia and imajored in traffic engineering 。baoji is my hometown it is verybeautiful。 and the people are very friendly。
as we all knowen thingking is easy acting is difficult and to putone's thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world。
so if we want to learn English well ,we must practice reading Englisheveryday ,acturally practicing repeatly is the best way to succeed。whenyou speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care aboutcatching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your facebecau the more you speak the better your English will become,neverafraid ofmaking mistakes becau the more mistakes you make the more progress you will make。as a man living in the world ,we must try our best to makeeach day our masterpiece and don't let our parents down ,don't ever letour country down ,most importantly don't let ourlf down。
yesterday is a memory tommorrow is a dream so live for todayjust do it right now。i believe if you can dream it you can make it ,ifyou
do you will win if you don't you won't。believe in youlftrustyoulf try your best。 don't give up ,never give in, never lo hope ,never say impossible 。the success is coming ! thank you !
As we all know, the environment around us is getting wor and wor more and more riously today. Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink.Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less. Somefactories are pouring dirty air into the sky. The population is increasingfaster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc.
Not only does itaffect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future.People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noi and water pollution.Many people died of dias. In order to live a better life, something must bedone to stop the pollution.
It’s our duty to protect our environment. Weshouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Trees are very helpful and importantfor us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and morehealthy in the future.
China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.
With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chine.
Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be en by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.
I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time.
Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.
Thank you. Thank you all.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
My topic is honesty Is Gold.Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Tho who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it ems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think the people areto be pitied.
In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excu as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the ed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.
Thank you.
Chine New Year
Chine New Year is the most important festivity for the Chine people. It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year.
Every year has an animals name. The animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, hor, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. A Chine legend says that the twelve animals had a race. The first year was named after the rat, the winner. The other eleven years were named after the order in which the animals arrived in the race. The clever rat jumped onto the oxs back then at the end jumped over the oxs head to arrive first!
The Chine believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of animal.
On Chine New Years Eve all family members enjoy a big, delicious meal. It is very important for the Chine to be with their families on this occasion. Fish is always part of the dinner becau it reprents abundance.
On New Years Day all Chine children wear new clothes with bright colors. Red is considered a lucky color. Parents and relatives give children the traditional New Years gift called lucky money. This money is put into bright red and gold envelopes. Fill under the pillow. in the morning of new year , the kid wakes up to e the lucky money, exprethat onelf become one year older. Red is a traditional color for festivals, celebrations, weddings and birthdays.
The lion dancers are always part of the festivities. The lion has a big head and long body made of cloth. The lion dance is accompanied by drums, cymbals and noisy firecrackers. According to ancient traditions the great noi frightens away evil spirits.
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes,while others hold the opposite.
It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants,and live a life of fort and curity. However,it is equally true that lack of money caus great distress. It is a mon view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money,resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is mirable.
So,money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is ud. If we make honest and nsible u of money,it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness,it can make happiness possible if it is employed nsibly.
In this competitive society it is esntial to know how to ll yourlf in order to get the job you want. That means you must be able to market your best features and prent yourlf in the best light. After all,you never get a cond chance to make a first impression.
There are veral things you can do to project a good image in an interview. First of all,look like a winner. Dress conrvatively and well,and you'll look like you're going to the top. Second,communicate clearly. Consider each question carefully and respond with total honesty. Remember to make eye contact and maintain good posture. You need to look attentive but also at ea. Third,have a positive and asrtive attitude. It's important to appear confident of your ability and optimistic about your future. Finally,be prepared. Prent a professional resume and be ready to explain everything in detail.
After the arduous military training,I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The class given by the teachers are excellent. They provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arou my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.
Frankly speaking,at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However,through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance,I made remarkable progress. Now I've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports.
By following the advice above,you are bound to make a good impression on potential employers. Then you will be able to choo the best opportunity for you and take that first step towards success.
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