2023年3月24日发(作者:牧守)菜、玉米粒、葱丝等tbarbecued pork,Rape, corn grains, shredded green onion, etc.
4tt高菜叉烧骨汤面tradish greens with barbecued pork soup Ramen t¥28.00 t叉烧肉、高菜、玉米笋、卤鸡蛋、油菜等tbarbecued pork,radish greens,baby corn,spiced egg, rape, etc.
5tt嫩香猪颈骨汤面ttender fragrant Pork Neck soup Ramen t¥26.00 t猪颈肉、鸣门卷、油菜、玉米粒等tpig neck meat, Narato maki roll, rape, corn grains, etc.
6tt辣油叉烧骨汤面tchilli barbecued pork soup Ramen t¥26.00 t叉烧肉、卤鸡蛋、贡菜、木耳、葱丝等tbarbecued pork, spiced egg, Prerved vegetables, fungus, shre在意英文
dded green onion, etc.
7tt唐风辣肉骨汤面tTang dynasty style spicy Minced Pork soup Ramen t¥24.00 t辣肉馅、卤鸡蛋、木耳、油菜等tspicy minced meat pie,spiced egg, fungus, rape, etc.
8tt福冈鱼饼骨汤面tFukuoka style Fried Fish Patty soup Ramen t¥28.00 t鱼饼、卤鸡人际交流
蛋、裙带菜、玉米笋、油菜等tfish Patty, spiced egg,wakame, baby corn, rape, etc.
9tt昆布鱼丸骨汤面tFish Ball & Kelp soup Ramen t¥29.00 t带馅海带卷、鱼丸、鸣门卷、玉米粒、麻笋等tstuffed kelp roll, fish ball, Narato maki roll, corn grains, bamboo shoots, etc.
10tt魔芋瘦身骨汤面tKonjak Tofu & barbecued pork soup Ramen t¥26.00 t叉烧肉、魔芋块、魔芋丝、卤鸡蛋、玉米粒、西兰花等tbarbecued pork, konjac cube, shredded konjac, spiced egg, corn grains, broccoli, etc.
11tt三味菌菇养生面tThree flavour Mushroom health Rament¥21.00 t双孢菇、香菇、蟹味菇beech mushroom、卤鸡蛋、彩椒、西兰花等tbutton mushroom, mushroom,一年级数学下册教学计划人教版
beech mushroom, spiced egg, colored bell pepper, broccoli, etc.
12tt茉莉七彩时蔬面tJasmine ven colour Assorted asonal Vegetable Rament¥18.00 t茉莉花、玉米粒、木耳、贡菜、绿豆芽、圆白菜等tjasmine, corn grains, fungus, Prerved vegetables, green bean sprouts, round cabbage, etc.
13tt浅草田园鸡汤面tAsakusa Assorted Vegetable Chicken Soup Ramen t¥22.00 t卤鸡蛋、香菇、绿豆芽、圆白菜、麻笋等tspiced egg, mushroom, green bean sprouts, round cabbage, bamboo shoots, etc.
14tt唐风经典牛肉面tTang dynasty style classic Beef Rament¥26.00 t肥牛、洋葱、油菜、圆白菜、葱丝等tbeef, onion,rape,round cabbage, shredded green onion, etc.
15tt北海道味噌拉面tHokkaido Style Miso Rament¥26.00 t卤鸡蛋、玉米粒、鸣门卷、绿豆芽、圆白菜等tspiced egg, corn grains,Narato maki roll, green bean sprout, round cabbage, etc.
16tt韩式辣味味噌面tkorean style Spicy Miso Rament¥28.00 t辣肉馅、麻笋、绿豆芽、鸣门卷、圆白菜等tspic会议通讯稿
y minced meat pie ,bamboo shoots, green bean sprout, Narato maki roll, round cabbage, etc.
17tt火山辣肉咖喱面tCurry Spicy Minced Pork Rament¥26.00 t辣肉馅、咖喱汁、西兰花、葱丝等tspicy minced meat pie, curry sauce, broccoli, shredded
green onion, etc.
18tt至尊海鲜咖喱面timperial Seafood Curry Rament¥29.00 t大虾、扇贝、鱿鱼圈、咖喱汁、西兰花等tprawn, scallops, squid roll, curry sauce, broccoli, etc.
目标 65-70%tgoal 65-70%
饭类Ricet1tt九洲酱烧鳗鱼饭tKyushu style Grilled Eel Rice with soy pastet¥28.00 t鳗鱼、烤鳗酱、西兰花、圆白菜等teel, roast eel paste, broccoli,round cabbage, etc.
2tt欧式咖喱鸡肉饭tEuropean style Curry Chicken Ricet¥18.00 t鸡肉、咖喱汁、西兰花、圆白菜等tchicken meat, curry sauce, broccoli,round cabbage, etc.
3tt高菜培根炒饭tFried Rice With Bacon and radish greenst¥24.00 t高菜、培根、鸡蛋、青豆等tradish greens, bacon, egg, green pea, etc.
4tt九洲鳗鱼炒饭ttKyushu style Fried Rice With Grilled Eelt¥28.00 t鳗鱼、鸡蛋、青豆、特殊酱料等teel, egg, green pea, special paste, etc.
5tt至尊海鲜炒饭tImperial Fried Rice With Seafoodt¥28.00 t虾仁、鱿鱼圈、蟹柳、鸡蛋、青豆等tshelled shrimp, squid ring, crab stick, egg, green pea, etc.
6tt三味菌菇炒饭tFried Rice With three flavour Mushroomst¥18.00 t香菇、蟹味菇、双孢菇、鸡蛋、玉米粒等tmushroom, beech mushroom, button mushroom, egg, corn grains, etc.
目标 65%tgoal 65%
开胃菜Appetizert1tt地中海吞拿鱼沙拉t MediterraneeTuna Saladt¥16.00 t金枪鱼、红蟹籽、圆生菜、苦菊、芦笋、玉米笋、沙拉汁等ttuna, red crab roe, round lettuce, Chrysanthemum , asparagus, baby corn, salad sauce, etc.
2tt海鲜荟沙拉tSeafood Saladt¥18.00 t带头大虾、红蟹籽、圆生菜、苦菊、芦笋、玉米笋、沙拉汁等tprawn with head, red crab roe, round lettuce, Chrysanthemum , asparagus, baby corn, salad sauce, etc.
3tt菠菜培根沙拉tspinach with Bacon Saladt¥16.00 t菠菜、鸡蛋、培根、沙拉汁等tspinach, egg, bacon, salad sauce, etc.
浅草田园沙拉tAsakusa Rural Saladt¥10.00 t圆生菜、苦菊、芦笋、玉米粒、焙煎芝麻沙拉汁等tround lettuce, Chrysanthemum, asparagus, corn grains, fried same salad sauce, etc.
5tt浅草田园沙拉(小份)AsakusatRural Salad (mini size)t¥6.00 t圆生菜、苦菊、芦笋、玉米粒、焙煎芝麻沙拉汁等tround le牡蛎肉
ttuce, Chrysanthemum, asparagus, corn grains, fried same salad sauce, etc.
6tt熟昆布卷tcooked Kelp rollt¥6.00 t海带、鱼籽、特殊调味料ta weed, fish roe,special asoning, etc.
7tt芝麻裙带菜tWakame with same t¥6.00 t芝七字对联带横批
麻、裙带菜、海藻、特殊调味料tsame, wakame, alga, special asoning.
8tt蟹籽西兰花tCrab roe With Broccolit¥12.00 t西兰花、红蟹籽、沙拉酱等tbroccoli, red crab roe, salad paste, etc.
9tt蟹籽黄瓜芥章鱼tcucumber Mustard and Octopusc with crab roe Saladt¥19.00 t芥末章鱼、荷兰黄瓜、红蟹籽等tmustard octopus, Holland cucumber, red crab eds, etc.
豆腐t Cantone style kale borecole with bean curb t¥8.00 t橄榄菜、豆腐等tKale borecole , beancurd, etc.
目标70%tgoal 70%
炸品Fried Foodt1tt广岛金丝飞虾卷tHiroshima style Deep Fried Prawns rollt¥16.00 t土豆、虾仁、千岛酱等tpotato, shelled shrimp, Qiandao island paste, etc.营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.
英文食谱英文 英文食谱的英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜谱及做法 菜谱英文怎么说 英文菜谱的英文 中餐菜谱英文 中餐西餐菜谱英文 中国菜名翻译 中文菜名翻译 英文菜名英文翻译 英文菜单英文 英文菜单的英文 英文菜单翻译 菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜名翻译 菜谱翻译哪里好 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 求翻译菜谱 求助英文菜谱翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英文翻译食谱 英语菜单翻译 英语菜品翻译 英语菜谱翻译 中国菜谱翻译 中文菜单英文译法
菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.
2tt热带风情章鱼丸t tropic flavor Fried Octopus Ball with fruitt¥16.00 t章鱼丸子、哈密瓜、火龙果、沙拉酱等toctopus ball, honey-dew melon, Pitaya , salad paste, etc.
3tt长野黄花飞鱼排t Nagano style Fried Yellow Croaker steakt¥18.00 t黄花鱼排、面包粉、番茄辣椒酱等tyellow croaker steak steak, bread flour, tomato and chili paste, etc.
4tt法香茄辣鳕鱼排tfrench flavour Fried Codfish steak with tomato and chili pastet¥20.00 t鳕鱼排、面包粉、番茄辣椒酱等tcodfish steak, bread flour, tomato 蟹脚兰
and chili paste, etc.
5tt地中海黄金蟹爪tMediterranee gold Crab Claw t¥20.00 t蟹钳、虾肉、面包粉、千岛酱等tcrab claw, prawn meat, bread flour, Qiandao island paste, etc.
6tt香甜玉米薯饼tsweet Mashed Potato Cake with Cornt¥12.00 t甜玉米、马铃薯等tsweet corn, potato, etc.
7tt唐风紫薯山药卷tTang dynasty style taro with Yam Roll t¥12.00 t山药、芋头、绿豆沙等tya
m, taro, green bean paste, etc.
8tt唐风复古黄金糕tTang dynasty style Gold Cake t¥12.00 t米粉、-胡萝卜素等trice flour, -carotene, etc.
目标65%tgoal 65%
烤品Roasted Foodt1tt三色时蔬培根卷tthree coloured asonal vegetables 职位说明书模板
Asparagus & Bacon佛山旅游攻略
Rollt¥22.00 t芦笋、彩椒、培根、黑胡椒等tasparagus, color bell pepper, bacon, black pepper, etc.
2tt欧式起司焗香菇tEuropean styleChee minced Garlic baked Mushroomst¥16.00 t香菇、奶酪、奶蒜、法香等tmushroom, chee, minced garlic, Thyme, etc.
3tt九洲蜜酱烤鳗鱼tKyushu styletGrilled Eel with honey saucet¥24.00 t鳗鱼、特殊酱料等teel, special paste, etc.
4tt北海道烤青花鱼 Hokkaido StyletGrilled mackerel t¥22.00 t青花鱼、柠檬等tmackerel, lemon, etc.
5tt西西里辣味鸡翅t Sicily style Spicy Chicken Wingt¥18.00 t鸡翅中、番茄辣椒酱、法香等tchicken wing,tomato chilli paste, Thyme, etc.
6tt意式香肠培根卷t Italian style Bacon & Sausage Rollt¥19.00 t培根香肠串、黑胡椒等tbacon sausage shashlik, black pepper, etc.
7tt港式黑椒猪颈肉thongkong style B.B.Q. Pork Neck with black peppert¥16.00 t猪颈肉、黑胡椒、柠檬等tpig neck meat, black pepper, lemon, etc.
8tt胶原软骨鸡肉串n Cartilage shashlikt¥10.00 t鸡腿肉、软骨、腌料等tchicken leg meat, soft bone,Marinade , etc.
目标65%tgoal 65%
热菜 Hot Disht1tt佛罗伦萨照烧鸡排t Florence style Roasted Chicken steak With BBQ Saut¥19.00 t鸡排、芦笋、烧肉汁等tchicken steak, asparagus, cooked meat sauce, etc.
2tt培根西兰花炒什蔬tFried Bacon With asonal Vegetable and broccolit¥18.00 t培根、西兰花、圆白菜、蟹味菇、橄榄油等tbacon, broccoli, round cabbage, beech mushroom, olive oil, etc.
3tt黑椒肥牛豆腐tBlack Pepper with Beef and Toufut¥19.00 t肥牛、豆腐、洋葱、烧肉汁等tfat beef, beancurd, onion, cooked meat sauce, etc.
4tt笑薯牛肉饼tpotato with Beef Pastryt¥22.00 t牛肉饼