2023年3月12日发(作者:扬长避短的例子)煮 boiled. 如 “煮咸牛肉” (Boiled Corned Beef)
煲/炖 stewed. 如“清炖牛尾” (Stewed Ox Tail in Clear Soup)
烧braid. 如“红烧牛蹄” (Braid Ox Trotters in Brown Sauce)
煎(pan-)fried. 如 “煎明虾” (Fried Prawns)
炒stir-fried 如“炒鸡丁” (Stir-Fried Chicken Dices)
爆 quick-fried. 如“葱爆羊肉” (Quick-fried lamb with Scallion in Ginger Sauce)
炸 deep-fried. 如 “炸大虾” (Deep-fried prawns)
扒fried and simmered. 如“虾子扒海参” (Fried and Simmered Sea Cucumber with Shrimps Roe)
煸sauted . 如 “干煸鳝鱼” (Sauted Eel Slices)
煨simmered. 如“煨牛肉” (Simmered Beef)
焖 braid 如 “黄酒焖猪排” (Braid pork chops in rice wine)
烩 braid 如 “烩鸡丝” (Braid chicken shreds with peas)
熏 smoked 如 “熏鱼” (Smoked Fish)
烘 baked 如 “烘鸽” (Baked Pigeon)
蒸 steamed 如 “蒸鲜鱼” (Steamed Fresh Fish)
酱/醋 marinated 如 “酱鸡” (Marinated Chicken)
卤 spicy; stewed in gravy 如“卤鸭”(Spicy Duck)
涮 instant-boiled 如 “涮羊肉” (Instant-Boiled Mutton Slices)
酿 stuffed 如“酿青椒” (Stuffed Green Pepper)
烤 roast; barbecued 如“烤鹅” (Roast Goo)
清蒸 steamed (in clear soup) 如 “清蒸桂鱼” (Steamed Mandarin Fish)
清炖 stewed in clear soup 如 “清炖甲鱼” (Stewed Turtle in Clear Soup)
白灼/微煮 scalded 如“白灼海虾”(Scalded Prawns)
红烧 braid in brown sauce 如 “红烧蹄筋” (Braid Pork Tendon in Brown Sauce)
干烧 in pepper sauce 如“干烧干贝” (Scallop in Pepper Sauce)
麻辣 with hot pepper 如 “麻辣豆腐”(Bean Curd with Hot Pepper / Spice Bean Curd)
酱爆 in bean sauce 如“酱爆肉丁” (Diced Pork in Bean Sauce)
鱼香 in (spicy) garlic sauce 如“鱼香肉丝” (Shredded Pork in Garlic Sauce)
糖醋 with sweet and sour sauce 如“糖醋排骨” (Spareribs with Sweet and Sour Sauce)
宫保 with chili and peanuts 如 “宫保鸡丁” (Diced Chicken with Chili and Peanuts)
脆皮 crisp (in spicy sauce) 如 “脆皮鱼” (Crisp Fish)
香酥 crisp fried 如“香酥鸡” (Crisp Fried Chicken)
焦熘fried in sauce 如“焦熘鱼片” (Fried Fish Slices in Sauce) ue020ue4c6
甜酸 sweet and sour 如“甜酸肉”(Sweet & Sour Pork)
胡辣 with pepper and chili 如“胡辣海参” (Sea Slug with Pepper and Chili)
油淋 drip-fried with oil 如 “油淋兔” (Drip-Fried Rabbit with oil)
干煸 dry-sauteed 如“干煸季豆” (Dry-sauteed String Beans)
盐水 boiled in salt water 如“盐水虾” (Boiled Shrimps in Salt Water)
家常 home style 如“家常豆腐” (Bean Curd Home Style)
陈皮 with spicy orange peel 如 “陈皮鸡” (Chicken in S
picy Orange Peel)
回锅 double-sauteed 如“回锅肉” (Double-sauteed Pork Slices)
五香 spiced 如“五香牛肉” (Spiced Beef)
干炸 dry deep-fried 如“干炸羊肉”(Dry Deep-fried Lamb Breast)
软炸 soft deep-fried 如 “软炸里脊” (Soft-fried Pork Fillet)
酥炸 crisp deep-fried 如“酥炸羊脯” (Crisp Fried Lamb Breast) ue11b
串烤 skewered 如“串烤羊肉青椒” (Skewered Mutton with Green Pepper)
铁扒 grilled 如“铁扒乳鸽” (Grilled Baby Pigeon)
烧烤 roast 如“烤乳猪”(Roast Suckling Pig) ue128
砂锅 in casrole 如“砂锅鱼翅” (Shark’s Fin in Casrole)
锅巴 with sizzling /crispy rice crust 如“锅巴海参” (Sea Slug with Sizzling / Crispy Rice Crust)
芙蓉 with eggwhite 如“芙蓉海参” (Sea Cucumbers with Eggwhite)
麻酱 with same paste 如“麻酱海参”(Beche-de-mer with Sesame Paste)
三鲜 with two other delicacies 如“三鲜海参” (Sea Cuucumbers with Other Two Delicacies) ue0c3
醋溜 in distilled grains sauce 如“醋溜鸡片” (Sliced Chicken in Didtilled Grains Sauce)
凉拌 in soy sauce 如“凉拌海蛰” (Jellyfish in Soy Sauce)
酸辣 hot and sour 如“酸辣黄瓜” (Hot and Sour Cucumber)
姜汁 in ginger sauce 如“姜汁扁豆” (Snap Beans in Ginger Sauce)
蚝油 in oyster sauce 如“蚝油香菇” ( Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce)
蒜泥 with mashed garlic 如“蒜泥胡豆” (Broad Beans with Mashed Garlic)
什锦 mixed; assorted 如“什锦丝冬粉” (Assorted Shreds with Vermicelli)
茄汁 in tomato sauce 如“茄汁鸡脯” (Chicken Breast in Tomato Sauce)
咖喱 with curry 如“咖喱牛肉” (Fried Beef withy Curry)
八宝 (stuffed) with eight delicacies 如 “八宝鸡” (Chicken Stuffed with Eight Delicacies)
葱爆 quick-fried with scallion in ginger sauce 如 “葱爆羊肉” (Quick-fried Lamb with Scallion in Ginger Sauce)
粉蒸 steamed in rice flour 如“粉蒸牛肉” (Steamed Beef in Rice Flour)
奶油 in cream sauce 如 “奶油鱼肚” (Fried Fish Maw in Cream Sauce)
木犀 with scrambled eggs and fungus 如“木犀肉” (Fried Pork with Scrambled Eggs and Fungus)
醉 liquor-prerved 如 “醉蟹” (Liquor-prerved Crabs)
辣味 in chili sauce 如“辣味烩虾” (Braid Prawns in Rice Wine)
豆豉 in black bean sauce 如“豆豉桂鱼” (Mandarin Fish in Black Bean Sauce)
黄焖 braid in rice wine 如“黄焖大虾” (Braid Prawns in Rice Wine)
椒盐 with pepper and salt 如“椒盐排骨” (Spare Ribs with Pepper and Salt)
怪味 multi-flavored 如“怪味鸡” (Multi-flavored Chicken)
英语101胡芳梅 - 2012/11/13 13:27:05
生煸青椒 sauteed green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 steamed pork/braid meat
sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced dice pork
糖醋里脊 fried tenderloin with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried cyprinoid with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
英语101胡颖颖 - 2012/11/13 13:55:34
生煸青椒 sauteed green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 braid meat/steamed pork
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced dice pork
糖醋里脊 fried tenderloin with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried cyprinoid with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.
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煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
嫩煎虾虎鱼 Sauteed Goby
郭嫱 - 2012/11/13 14:00:00
.生煸青椒 stir-fry green peppers
.红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
.扣肉 braid pork
.肉片 sliced meat
.肉丝 shredded meat
.辣子肉 stir-fry pork with hot pepper sauce
糖醋里脊 fried pork fillet slices with sweet and sour sauce
.牛排 beefsteak
.炸鱼 deep fried fish
.红烧鱼 braid fish with soy saauce
.清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
.糖醋鲤鱼 fried catrp with sweet and sour sauce
.西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with egg
.煎鸡蛋 shallow-fry egg
.嫩煎虾虎鱼 shallow-fry goby
蚂蚁上树 vermicelli with spicy minced pork
英语102褚梦君 - 2012/11/13 14:18:14
生煸青椒 stir-fry green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 braid meat 肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 Spiced diced pork
糖醋里脊 pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beef steak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with soy sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 carp with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 Scrambled tomato with egg
煎鸡蛋 fried eggs
辣椒炒肉Capsicum Fried meat
英语101赵艳萍 - 2012/11/13 14:52:03
生煸青椒 stir-fried green pepper红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 braid pork(braid meat)
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced diced pork
糖醋里脊 fried pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beef steak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with soy sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried carp with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
拍黄瓜 shredded cucumber
林华 - 2012/11/13 15:29:47
生煸青椒stir-fried green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce; red cooked pork
扣肉 braid pork
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 sauteed pork in hot pepper sauce
糖醋里脊 fried pork fillet slices with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with soy sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried carp with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled eggs with tomatoes; stir-fried tomatos with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
夫妻肺片 pork lungs in chili sauce; husband and wife lung slice
英语102吕晨梦 - 2012/11/13 16:51:57
生煸青椒 sauteed green peppers
红烧肉 braid pork with soy
扣肉 braid pork
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 Spiced diced pork
糖醋里脊 sweet and sour fillet of pork
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish in brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 Steamed Mandarin Fish
糖醋鲤鱼 Fried carp with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 stir-fried eggs with tomato
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried egg
回锅肉 Double Cooked Pork
潘思成 - 2012/11/13 17:28:10
生煸青椒 sti
r-fried green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 braid pork(braid meat)
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced diced pork
糖醋里脊 fried pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beef steak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with soy sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried carp with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
酱爆牛柳 sauce fried beef
Viki - 2012/11/13 18:58:43
生煸青椒 sauteed green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 steamed pork/braid meat
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced dice pork
糖醋里脊 fried tenderloin with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried cyprinoid with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
蒜苗炒肉 Saute meat shreds with garlic stems
英语101 孙瑶
英语101罗晨 - 2012/11/13 19:42:33
生煸青椒 sauteed green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 steamed pork/braid meat
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced dice pork
糖醋里脊 fried tenderloin with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried cyprinoid with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
龙井虾仁:Fried shrimps with longjing tea
胡嘉丽 - 2012/11/13 20:37:05
生煸青椒 sauteed green pepper
红烧肉 braid pork with soy sauce
扣肉 steamed pork
肉片 sliced meat
肉丝 shredded meat
辣子肉 spiced dice pork
糖醋里脊 fried tenderloin with sweet and sour sauce
牛排 beefsteak
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
红烧鱼 braid fish with brown sauce
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
糖醋鲤鱼 fried cyprinoid with sweet and sour sauce
西红柿炒鸡蛋 scrambled tomato with eggs
煎鸡蛋 shallow-fried eggs
拍黄瓜 shredded cucumber
夫妻肺片husband and wife lung
回锅肉 double cooked pork slices
酱爆牛柳 braid beef with sauce
蒜苗炒肉 stir-fry garlic strout with pork