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Phaserjs3 对象池随机产生炸弹并销毁

更新时间:2023-04-03 02:09:10 阅读: 评论:0


对象池 object pool


/// <reference path="../../libs/phar/phar.min.js"/> 'u strict';var bootscene = new phar.class({    extends: phar.scene,    initialize: function bootscene() {        phar.scene.call(this, {            key: 'boot',            active: true // listening resize event;        });       },    init: function () {        console.log('init bootscene');        this.particles = {};    },    preload: function () {        this.load.image('sky', 'asts/space.jpg');        this.load.spritesheet('explode','asts/explode.png',{framewidth:128,framehe伤感短文ight:128})  },    create: function () {        // this.sound.play('hitbomb');        this.background = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'sky').torigin(0, 0);        this.createexplode();     },    update:function(){        // console.log('bootscene update');    },        createexplode:function(){        //* single image;        // this.add.sprite(200,200,'explode',10);        this.anims.create({            key: 'explodeanimation',            frames: this.anims.generateframenumbers('explode', { start: 0, end: 16, first: 0 }),            framerate: 25,            repeat: 0        });        //* pool group        this.exploadgroup = this.add.group();                this.time.addevent({            delay: 2500, //              repeat: -1,            callbackscope: this,            callback: this.spawnrandomexplode        });    },    spawnrandomexplode:function(){        let x = phar.math.between(10, this.sys.game.config.width);        let y = phar.math.between(10,this.sys.game.config.height);       // this.add.sprite(x,y,'explode').tscale(0.7).play('explodeanimation');        let singleex限定语plode = this.exploadgroup.get(x,y,'explode'); //* get to pool instead of create        singleexplode.tscale(0.7).play('explodeanimation'); //* play animation;        singleexplode.tactive(true);        singleexplode.tvisible(true);        // explosion lifespan        this.explosiontimeevent = this.time.addevent({            delay: 600, // delay 5s 删除 this.bo仙剑诗词mb;            re免费网课平台peat: 0,            callbackscope: this,            callback:function(){                this.exploadgroup.killandhide(singleexplode);              //*  this.explosiontimeevent.remove(fal)感人爱情故事;            }        });                        }, });


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本文发布于:2023-04-03 02:09:01,感谢您对本站的认可!



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