黑手党2名言1. 黑手党2罪犯的名言是哪些Omerta is the code of silence that members of the mafia swear to uphold when joining the organization. Tho who break Omerta by giving information to the authorities are given a
黑手党2名言1. 黑手党2罪犯的名言是哪些Omerta is the code of silence that members of the mafia swear to uphold when joining the organization. Tho who break Omerta by giving information to the authorities are given a
spic后缀的单词20个spic后缀的单词不多:煎豆腐的做法aspic n. 肉冻;类似的有:antithetic adj. 对立的;黑手党是什么意思向师性anaesthetic n. 麻醉剂;陈圆圆画像altruistic a. 利他的;angelic a. 天使的;antiptic n. 杀菌剂;apocalyptic adj. 启示的扩展资料apathetic adj. 冷漠的,无动于衷