Ur Equipment (UE) categories3GPP Relea 8 defines five LTE ur equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support. With 3GPP Relea 10, which is referred to as
蓝⽛技术中BLE、BR、EDR术语的意思蓝⽛技术中BLE、BR、EDR术语的意思蓝⽛发展⾄今,已经从1.0到现在5.0版本了,前⾯3个版本蓝⽛主要是以BR/EDR/HS发展,也就是我们常说的经典蓝⽛,4.0版本后引⼊LE,蓝⽛技术联盟(Bluetooth Special Interest Group,简称SIG)维护着蓝⽛核⼼规范。我们不难看出,从⾼速AMP直接使⽤802.11PHY,还是低功耗参
Ur Equipment (UE) categories3GPP Relea 8 defines five LTE ur equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support.With 3GPP Relea 10, which is referred to as