常用俚语及谚语[A]Any luck? 有发现没?cepaAct normal 不要表现出任何异样;正常生活Are you done? 你说完了没有,你做完了没有?Are you decent? (俚语)你穿衣服了没有?soonA fair shake 公平的待遇;公平的机会Anyone’s guess(俚语)说也说不准的事,八字没一撇的事A rainy day (俚语)不如意的日子A matte
Anderson Power Products®HEADQUARTERS: 13 Pratts Junction Road, Sterling, MA 01564-2305 USA T:978-422-3600 F:978-422-3700EUROPE: Rathealy Road, Fermoy Co. Cork, Ireland T:353-(0)25-3
遮天盖地间接言语的类型、策略及理据钟晓涛;余泽超我们生活的世界【摘 要】通过分析几大语用原则对间接言语使用的影响,归纳了间接言语的语用类型与语用策略,探讨了人们使用间接言语的动机与理据。研究发现:间接语言的使用与各种语用原则,特别是合作原则与礼貌原则,有着千丝万缕的联系。%In this paper, the authors try to connect classic pragmatic pri
Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s)(每小题:1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s). 1. After two months of the ______ language cours, he cou
1 说来话长 It’s a long story.2 他的名字我一时说不上来。I can’t recall his name at the prent.3 你连续三天没交作业,这可说不过去。You have failed to hand in your exercis three days in a row. This is really inexcusable.4 他两岁就学