高级英语第一册第十课震撼世界的审判Tenth lessonsThe Trial That Rocked the WorldJohn战争英语In the hot days of 1925 and July, when I was ated in the packed courtroom, a buzz ran in the crowd. My defence is a famous crimin
Passage8电影《辛德勒的名单》When the memories are dreadful—when they hold images of the pain we have suffered from or,perhaps even wor,inflicted—they are what we try to escape. The Nazi scheme to exterminate
都说听过很多哲理,却依然过不好这一生。那是因为我们会经常忘了,那些曾经震撼心灵的话语。disturbia“鸡汤”多饮则腻,无益;少而精,则进补。下文的一些电影经典台词句句扎心。让我们抖抖行囊,再次出发。四六级多少分过不知道的英文I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. Then I'll hit back. It's a class rope-a-d
We will Rock Youby Glee CastBuddy, you're a boy老兄,你是个小孩Make a big noi playing in the street大声嚷嚷的在街头Gonna be a big man someday[2]如果有一天将能成为大人You got mud on your facekudou你脸上沾着泥土油断一秒 怪我一生You big disgra
高级英语第一册第十课震撼世界的审判Tenth lessonsThe Trial That Rocked the World烩麻食的家常做法JohnIn the hot days of 1925 and July, when I was ated in the packed courtroom, a buzz ran in the crowd. My defence is a famous cr