RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as otherwi noted. The total number of packages or units stuffed in the container, the description of the goods and the weights shown in
货代英语缩写大全所有航线共有的运输费用英语(共32个)代码英文解释中文解释OCB OCEAN FRT. BOX海运费CYC CY HANDLIN G CHARGE日本港口操作附加费IAC Intermo del Administ rativ e Charge多式联运附加费SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费Y AS Y en Applic
I C S55.180.10A85中华人民共和国国家标准G B/T26936 2011母亲节祝福语英文集装箱自粘标贴M a r k i n g d e c a l s f o r f r e i g h t c o n t a i n e r s会计的职能不具有2011-09-29发布2012-05-01实施中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局9月英文缩写前言本标准按照G B/T1.1 2009
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