中国海峡西岸的诏安湾,一个国家级海洋战略性新兴产业基地正在迅速崛起,它依海而生,依海而立,依海而兴。海的波浪澎湃着它的波澜与气势,海的浩瀚赐予了它博大与包容,海的气息渲染着它的刚毅与柔情。On the Zhao’an Bay, which is on the west coast of Taiwan Straits, a national ba for ocean-strategic emer
试题四I. True or fal (10 marks, 2marks/each)1. The transfer price is a price lower than the market price.( )2. Generally, many countries u the domicile criterion to identify the residence of legal en