CATTI 笔译常用词汇(城市化)安居工程 Affordable Housing Project 按揭购房 buy a hou on mortgage; to mortgage a hou 斑马线 zebra crossing 搬/动迁户 houhold to be relocated 半拉子工程 uncompleted project 步行街 pedestrian street 步行
十二月的玫瑰Ros in DecemberCoaches more times than not u their hearts instead of their heads to make tough decisions. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the ca when I realized we had a baball conference gam
ECONOMIC RESEARCH GUIDEconfirm2021年第12期No.12袁2021经济研究导刊当前大多数准市政债融资公司受到地方政府的管制,地方政府通过发行准市政债来开展一系列的资金融措活动,利用资金开展基础设施建设。因此,地方政府作为准市政债的隐性担保人,在准市政债债务违约中需要承担大多数债务责任。一、文献综述当前国内金融行业缺少债务违约对准市政债利率影响的分析资料,政府的债务研