GFRP工字梁腹板剪应力分布规律研究张帅;金慧颖;许元兵;刘宗民;毛继泽【摘 要】At prent, for the purpo of simplifying calculation, glass fiber reinforced plastic ( GFRP ) protruded profiles are usually considered as isotropic material
2022年考研英语词汇复习测试题(三)2. The wealth of a country should be measured the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.(A) in line with (B) in terms of (C)in
My Hometown - DeqingGood morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name] and I come from Guangdong Province in China. Specifically, I come from a town called Deqing. 闲庭信步的意思Deqing County is located in the c
点:口语七分词汇表E mo t i o n R e l e a s e my p r e s s u r e/l e t o f f s t e a m减压;r e f r e s h/e a s e my mi n d舒缓心情;l o o s e n u p/k i c k b a c k/s i t b a c k/l a y b a c k/u n w i n d/w i n d d o w