标准号中文名称英文名称A1-00碳素钢丁字轨Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee RailsA2-02普通型,带槽和防护型碳素工字钢轨Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Girder Rails of Plain, Grooved, and Guard TypesA3-01低、中、高碳素钢鱼尾(连接)板S
标准号 英文名称 中文名称A1-00(2005) Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee Rails 碳素钢丁字轨A2-02 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Girder Rails of Plain, Grooved, and GuardTypes 普通型,带槽和防护型碳素工字钢轨A3-01(2006
第一课Text:It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering[7endVi5niEriN] constructions have metal[5metl] part
高考填志愿标准号中文名称英文名称B1-01冷拉铜线Standard Specification for Hard—Drawn Copper Wire林孟平B2—00中等硬度冷拉铜丝Standard Specification for Medium-Hard—Drawn Copper WireB3-01软的或退火的铜线Standard Specification for Soft or Anneal
I C S17.040.10全国英语六级准考证打印入口J31中华人民共和国国家标准G B/T6414 2017代替G B/T6414 1999铸件尺寸公差㊁几何公差与机械加工余量听的英文C a s t i n g sD i m e n s i o n a l t o l e r a n c e s a n d g e o m e t r i c a l t o l e r a n c e sa n
美标目录大全ASTM A B C D E F GP美标目录大全ASTM A-B-C-D-E-F-G-P(下)专四作文模板及句型2010-12-09 A736/A736M-03低碳时效硬化的镍铜铬钼铌和镍铜锰钼铌合金钢压力容器板Standard Specification for Pressure Vesl Plates,Low-Carbon Age-Hardening Nickel-Coppe