把liu改成自己用的游戏名1、钻石:/give liu diamond 643:绿宝石:/give liu emerald 645:金苹果:/give liu golden_apple 646:胡萝卜:/give liu carrot 647:金萝卜:/give liu golden_carrot 648:生鱼:/give liu fish 649、鸡蛋:/give liu egg 64猫怎么读投
方块ID图标DecHex名称方块0囫囵睡是什么意思00minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S B202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505minecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecraft:
方块ID图标DecHex名称方块000minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S B202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505minecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecraft:bedrock基
一颗小星星闲逛的英文短语英文自我介绍面试与其在外面闲逛,不如把握时间好好记忆一些英语短语下面就由店铺为大家带来闲逛的英语短语短句,希望大家能有所收获。闲逛的英语(短语篇)闲逛 idle about闲逛 go about闲逛 hang out到处闲逛 wander about walk here and there饭后闲逛 stroll after dinner一路闲逛 saunter on the
闲逛的英文短语闲逛 idle about闲逛 go about闲逛 hang out到处闲逛 wander about walk here and there饭后闲逛 stroll after dinner一路闲逛 saunter on the way四处闲逛 beat about ; go about整天闲逛 idle around all day1. Sailors hung about wh
方块ID曙色图标DecHex名称方块000minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S Btohigh202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505mibminecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecra
方块ID图标DecHex名称方块000minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S B202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505minecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecraft:bedrock基
pharost fire to you hair 放火烧你的头发 poke a stick at a grizzly bear 拿根棍子戳灰熊 eat medicine is out of date 吃上一堆过期的药 u your private parts as Piranha bait 用私处去钓食人鱼 dumb ways to
第一册单词UNIT1A1 reward n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金; v. 奖赏,酬谢 2 frustrate v. 挫败,击败,破坏; a. 无益的,挫败的,挫折的 3 junior n. 年少者,地位较低者,大学三年级学生; a. 年少的,下级的,后进的 4 positive a. 肯定的,积极的,绝对的; a. 正面的,正数的,阳性的 5
近藤勇t fire to you hair 放火烧你的头发 poke a stick at a grizzly bear 拿根棍子戳灰熊 eat medicine is out of date 吃上一堆过期的药 u your private parts as Piranha bait 用私处去钓食人鱼 dumb ways to die