Key to chapter 1(本章答案由彭欢、姜冉冉、曹汉丽整理,在此致谢!).A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.2. Vocabulary refers to the sum total of all the words in a
国外棒针编织的文字、符号详解及符号对照表展开全文 SEMELE所用针法符号的注释 欧美式棒针符号 棒针英文符号对照表 (ZT) A Abbreviations 缩写表 alt = alternate 每隔一段 applied I-cord 直接与织片连接的包边编织 Approx = approximate(ly) 大约 B before 之前 beg = begin 开始 block 整烫 BO