Tomographic imaging using the nonlinear respon of magnetic particlesBernhard Gleich 1*&Ju¨rgen Weizenecker 1*The u of contrast agents and tracers in medical imaging has along history 1–7.They
VBA利⽤字典去重Sub利⽤字典去重()针刺放血Dim aOld, aNew, Dic '声明数组、字典Dim i As Long有一种感觉Dim sOld, sNew As String'声明字符串Set Dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")'创建字典sOld ="a b c 1 2 1 a c d"'旧字符aOld = Split(s
【干货收藏】董针刺血区(腿部)定位图及主治病症1.Heart Area 心区位置:膝正中央至踝上二寸主治:心虚,胸闷,心悸,呼吸困难2.LIVER AREA肝区位置:膝下二寸主治:眼窝神经痛,肝气郁积,肋骨痛3.STOMACH AREA胃区叶公好龙歇后语位置:解谿四周主治:胃痛,十二指肠溃痬,胃胀,反胃,食道癌4.FRONTAL HEAD 前头区位置:脚背区猴王出世主治:前头痛,头晕,晕
World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion (WJAM)V ol. 25, No.3, 30th Sep. 2015・54・The infl uential point of bone should be Dàzhuī (大椎 GV 14) rather than Dàzhù (大杼 BL 11)“骨会大杼”当为“骨会大椎”WANG Qi-cai (王启才),&
Morning Sickness妊娠呕吐Patient: I'm suffering from naua and vomiting. I can't take any food or even water, especially in the morning.我又恶心又吐。我不能吃东西,连水也喝不了,特别早晨更厉害。Doctor: How long has this bothered you?