近在咫尺的意思是什么近在咫尺的意思:很近的距离。形容距离很近。兼职日文翻译英文解释单词翻译be clo [near] at hand;a very short distance away;be but a few feet from here;be quite clo to this place;near at hand;【解释】:咫尺:很近的距离。形容距离很近。【出自】:宋·苏轼《杭州谢
近在咫尺的意思是什么近在咫尺的意思:很近的距离。形容距离很近。英文解释be clo [near] at hand;a very short distance away;be but a few feet from here;be quite clo to this place;near at hand;【解释】:咫尺:很近的距离。形容距离很近。【出自】:宋·苏轼《杭州谢上表》:“凛然威光,
近在咫尺的意思是什么近在咫尺的意思:很近的距离。形容距离很近。英文解释be clo [near] at hand;a very short distance away;be but a few feet from here;be quite clo to this place;near at hand;【解释】:咫尺:很近的距离。形容距离很近。【出自】:宋·苏轼《杭州谢上表》:“凛然威光,