American Romanticism (美国浪漫主义)panel: it stretch from the end of the 18th century to outbreak of the Civil War. Its chief emphasis freedom, individualism and imagination. an innate, subjective, and int
walk in the park>tyrant雷电形成与防雷机理(1)摘要 本文对雷电的形成及防雷机理进行论述,分析富兰克林避雷针存在的问题,并对防雷技术和“消雷”技术的探讨中,提出从古人的自然消雷系统及地磁场、空间电场及大气空间场去研究和完善防雷技术。关键词 雷云、引雷、消雷、探讨contactphoto1.概述hrb雷电这一自然现象,瞬变万千。古人以阴阳平衡之理论来认识这一自然现象,其理论与之
Building anti-radar designThe widespread usage of electricity promoted to defend the development of thunder product and be a high pressure power grid to provide motive and illuminate for the thousand