Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Hester Prynne Nathaniel Hawthorne was an excellent romantic American writer in 19th century. Hawthorne was born on the fourth of July, 1804 in Salem, Massachutts. He is c
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Without capital punishment 李峤的诗>流水行船(the death penalty) our lives are less cure and crimes of violence increa. Capital punishment is esntial to control violence in society. To what extent do you
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歌曲成都第13卷第3期沙洲职业工学院学报V ol. 13, No.3 2010年9月Journal of Shazhou Professional Institute of Technology Sept. , 2010 论儒道美学思想的差异性与交融互补性刘泽江(沙洲职业工学院,江苏张家港 215600)摘要:儒家美学与道家美学作为构建中国古典美学框架的两大重要派别,从不同角度共同强调了人与自然、